意义与真,meaning and truth
1)meaning and truth意义与真
1.meaning and reference, meaning and truth, language exchange and interpretation, formal language and natural language and so on.戴维森从早期的语言哲学家那里汲取理论养份,他借鉴弗雷格的语言哲学思想,从语句层面上探究语言的意义;他以塔尔斯基的真理语义学为基础,探索自然语言的意义与真的关系;他继承蒯因的整体主义和外延主义的思想,使意义理论的研究与客观实际相联系,从而促成戴维森提出了独具特色的意义理论。

1.Analysis of the Debate between Realism and Anti-Realism on Meaning and Truth;实在论与反实在论关于意义与真之争的评析
2.On the Defense of Significance and True between Davidson and Dummett论戴维森与达米特关于意义与真的辩护
3.Analysis of the Phenomenon of "Loyal Maidservants" in Ming and Qing Dynasties;意象与本真:明清“义婢”现象解析
4.Metabolic hypertension:the real existence and clinical significance代谢性高血压的真实存在与临床意义
5.The Core Nature and Modern Trend of Past-Modern Marxism;“后现代马克思主义”的真实意义与未来走势
6.To Reveal and Revert the Truth of Human Nature --Reinquiry into the Significance of Zhang Ailings Novels;对人性真相的揭示与还原——张爱玲作品意义再探
7.The Truth of Tower and Light:On the Symbolic Meaning of Lighthouse in To the Lighthouse;塔与灯的真实——论《到灯塔去》中灯塔的象征意义
8.On Landscape Painting and "Found a Really Wonderful," and the Contemporary Significance of the Relationship between论山水画写生与“搜妙创真”的关系及当代意义
9.On the Spiritual Essence and True Significance of Dialogue Teaching论对话教学的精神实质与本真意义的回归
10.A Comparison of the Historical Views of Marxism and Hermeneutics;真理的追寻和意义的考古——马克思主义与解释学的历史观比较
11.She felt the undertone-the real significance.她听得出这言外的意义——真正的意义。
12.The Root of Chinese Culture: Fu Xi Culture--The Real Connotations of Signs and Signal Characters伏羲文化是中华文化之根——示意符号与示意文字的真实涵义
13.Strawson on meaning-truth: under the background of the debate on the relationships between meaning and truth;意义和真理之争背景下的斯特劳森意义——真理观
14.A Further Exploration of "Innocence" in the Age of Innocence《天真时代》中“天真”一词的意义探析
15.The true meaning "Fang" is a kind of mixture of inheriting and creation.真正意义上的“仿”作为一种创作方式是继承与创新的有机统一。
16.When combined with the telephone, the changes in banking are really far-reaching.当与电话结合使用时,银行业的变化将真正具有深远意义。
17.The True Significance of Marx s and Engels Views on Nature;马克思恩格斯自然观的真正意义——与黑格尔自然哲学之比较
18.Difficult Seeking for the Feminine Principal Value--Cultural significance Li Qing-zhao and Zhu Shu-zhen s works;女性主体价值的艰难找寻——李清照与朱淑真作品的文化意义

word meaning and tr语词意义与真值
3)On the Debates of Truth and Meaning意义与真之争
4)vacuum of sense意义真空
5)real sense真实意义
1.Only when knowledge in English writing he learns is based on its real sense can it be changed into writing ability,used and used well in practice.只有在这种真实意义基础上接触到的写作知识,才有可能转化为写作能力,才能在写作实践中运用得上,使用得好。
6)sense and artistic conception意义与意境

意义1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。