汉语个性研究,study of Chinese individuality
1)study of Chinese individuality汉语个性研究
2)study of Chinese研究汉语
1.So languages might be studied by using trichotomy, which has been shown in the study of Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric, and has solved and will solve many problems that can t be solved by dichotomy .根据一分为三的观点 ,我们不妨用三分法研究汉语。
3)Chinese language studies汉语研究
1.This paper,based on the survey of the doctoral dissertations on Chinese language studies from 1983 to 2008 and in particular the State excellent ones from 1999 to 2008,discusses the current situation and development trend of Chinese language studies.对1983年至今的汉语言文字学的博士论文作了全面的统计,在此基础上对各个领域的研究概况和发展趋势作了分析,并对1999年以来的汉语言文字学的全国优秀博士论文作了简要的述评,探讨了汉语研究的现状和发展趋势。

1.Further Discussion on the Necessity of Combination of Chinese with Non-Chinese;再论汉语非汉语研究相结合的必要性
2.A Comparative Research on the Japanese Phonetic-Reading Chinese and Chinese Characters;日语音读汉字与汉语汉字之对比研究
3.The Study of Modern Chinese Idioms and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language现代汉语惯用语研究及对外汉语教学
4.Cerebral Activation Patterns of English and Chinese in Native Chinese Bilinguists by fMRI;汉英汉语者双语脑激活模式fMRI研究
5.A Comparative Study between "a Course in Chinese" and "Development Chinese" (Primary Chinese);《汉语教程》与《发展汉语》(初)比较研究
6.Research on Normalization of Modern Chinese and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;现代汉语规范化与对外汉语教学研究
7.A Comparative Study between a Course in Chinese and New Practical Chinese Reader;《汉语教程》与《新实用汉语课本》比较研究
8.The Relationship between Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and the Study on Chinese Language;对外汉语教学与汉语本体研究的关系
9.Approach to the Translated Names of “Prototype” in Modern Chinese;汉语译名研究——prototype的汉语译名探析
10.Comparative Study of Contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean Vocabulary汉语词汇与韩国语汉字词的比较研究
11.English features in the spoken Chinese of Chinese speakers of English;汉英双语者汉语口语中的英语化特征研究
12.The Characteristics of Modern Chinese Grammar and the Research Standards;现代汉语语法特点和汉语语法研究的本位观
13.A Comparative Study on Passive Voice of the English, French and Chinese Languages英语、法语、汉语被动语态之比较研究
14.Study on Semantic Function Grammar and Modern Chinese Grammar;语义功能语法与现代汉语语法史研究
15.Chinese ambiguity is one of the important objects in Chinese grammar fields.汉语歧义是汉语语法研究的重要对象之一。
16.On the Vocabulary of Ming Dynasty Based on Corpus According to 基于《汉语大词典》语料库的时代汉语词汇研究
17.Research on the Phonetic Teaching Methods on the Basis of the Contrast between Chinese and German Phonology and Phonetics汉德语音对比基础上的初级汉语语音教学研究
18.A Survery of the Study of Chinese Grammatical Form and Gra mmatical Meaning汉语语法形式和语法意义的研究述评

study of Chinese研究汉语
1.So languages might be studied by using trichotomy, which has been shown in the study of Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric, and has solved and will solve many problems that can t be solved by dichotomy .根据一分为三的观点 ,我们不妨用三分法研究汉语。
3)Chinese language studies汉语研究
1.This paper,based on the survey of the doctoral dissertations on Chinese language studies from 1983 to 2008 and in particular the State excellent ones from 1999 to 2008,discusses the current situation and development trend of Chinese language studies.对1983年至今的汉语言文字学的博士论文作了全面的统计,在此基础上对各个领域的研究概况和发展趋势作了分析,并对1999年以来的汉语言文字学的全国优秀博士论文作了简要的述评,探讨了汉语研究的现状和发展趋势。
4)Research on History of Chinese Language汉语史研究
1.Research on History of Chinese Language and Computer Technology;汉语史研究和计算机技术
5)Ancient Chinese Research《古汉语研究》
1.The Elaboration Approach of"Ancient Chinese Research;《古汉语研究》的精品化之路
6)The Research of Chinese Possible Structure汉语能性结构研究

北平研究院史学研究会  中国现代历史学和考古学研究机构。北平研究院史学研究所的前身。1929年11月该会在北平成立时,即设有考古组,主任是徐炳昶(旭生)。1934年正式设立史学组,顾颉刚为主任。    史学研究会从事田野考古的人员,除徐炳昶外,先后有常惠、何士骥、苏秉琦、白万玉、孙文青等。工作项目主要有:1930年春与北京大学考古学会、古物保管委员会合作,对燕下都遗址的发掘;1933~1935年,对关中地区史前和周秦时期遗址的调查,以及在宝鸡发掘斗鸡台周墓,在西安发掘唐中书省遗址(获宋吕大防刻唐大明、兴庆两宫图残石)。另外,还曾对河北邯郸附近的响堂山石窟作过详细的勘察。这些考古工作的成果,已经出版的有苏秉琦著《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬》和《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬图说》,何士骥著《石刻唐太极宫暨府寺坊市残图大明宫残图兴庆宫图之研究》(1935),何士骥、刘厚滋合编《南北响堂及其附近石刻目录》(1936)。    1936年在研究会的基础上建立史学研究所,由徐炳昶任所长。抗日战争期间,所址迁往昆明,后仍迁回北平。新中国成立后,于1949年11月由中国科学院接收。