语言生物机制,biological mechanism of language
1)biological mechanism of language语言生物机制
1.The biological mechanism of language is the core topic of biolinguistics.语言的生物机制是生物语言学的核心议题,作为该领域的前沿成果之一,结构基因组学有关FOXP2基因与人类语言能力关系的研究有望为解决语言生物机制的争议性理论问题带来曙光。

1.New Horizons in the Study on the Biological Mechanism of Language: FOXP2 and Human Language Faculty语言生物机制研究的新视野:FOXP2与人类语言能力
2.Character and Mechanics of Bilinguals Language Switching During the Process of Language Production;双语言语产生中语码切换的特点及机制
3.The Mechanism of the Generation of Network Language under the Theoretical Framework of Autonomy-Dependence自主—依存框架下网络语言的生成机制
4.The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler.道生机器语言,机器语言生汇编器。
5.B Language-a Visualized Workflow Language of BioinformaticsB语言—生物信息学可视化流程语言
6.On Generating Mechanism of Verbal Humor Based on the Principle of Perverseness;基于“乖张”准则的言语幽默生成机制研究
7.The organic integration of context and variability of semantic factors of bring up the evolvemental mechanism of the speech meaning of word.语境与词义的内在可变性有机结合,则形成了言语义的衍生机制。
8.The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.语法规则隐含在一种语言中的规则体系,被看作在该语言中生成所有可能的语句的机制
9.Linguistic Recursion in the Biological Context: A Review of the Debates on the Evolution of the Faculty of Language;生物进化语境下的语言递归性——评乔姆斯基、杰肯道夫等人的语言机能进化观
10.A Contrastive Study of Hedging in Research Articles on Physics and Linguistics;语言学论文和物理学论文中模糊限制机制的对比研究
11.The Pragmatics Mechanism of the Production of Linguistic Humor in Afant s Drollery Stories;从阿凡提笑话故事看其语言幽默产生的语用学机制
12.Analysis of the Mentality of Dimmesdale through the Cohesion System of His Speech in The Scarlet Letter;从《红字》中丁梅丝代尔言语衔接机制透析人物心理
13.A Cognitive Approach to the Incongruity and Resolution of Verbal Humor;言语幽默乖讹与消解机制的认知语言学研究
14.Interpreting mental mechanism of verbal humor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics;认知语言学视域下的幽默言语心理机制解读
15.Cognitive Mechanism of Formulaic Language:A Construction Grammar Perspective;从构式语法看公式化语言的认知机制
16.Experimental Study of Second Language Semantic Access Mechanism;第二语言的语义通达机制的实验研究
17.A Cognitive Approach to the Generating Mechanism of Verbal Humour: From the 3-Ds of SCF, CI and CB;言语幽默生成机制的认知探究——SCF、CI与CB三维互补视角
18.Research and implementation of the control facility of Gdel languageGdel语言控制机制的研究与实现

language of life生物语言
3)language mechanism语言机制
1.The reasons are complicated,but the essential one is the unbalance between the two sides of the language mechanism.语言濒危的原因很复杂,但最根本的是使用中语言机制内部矛盾双方严重失衡。
4)language faculty语言机制
1.The article is an attempt to explore Chomsky s theoretic grounds and the relation between the language faculty and the universal grammar by challenging the hypothesis of internalistic language.我们不能用人脑存在语言机制的设想来佐证人脑存在普遍语法的假设 ,更不能把假设的普遍语法等同于设想的语言机制 ,UG理论有悖于语言的社会
5)speech mechanism言语机制
1.Adopting the biolinguistic approach,generative grammar develops as a part of biolinguistics.生成语法属于生物语言学。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。