真值理论,truth value theory
1)truth value theory真值理论
1.This paper,with truth value theory and authenticity as the basic parameters,reviews and criticizes sentence meaning theory and speech act theory,foregrounding the important proposition that "language is human beings\' language".本文以真值理论、真诚性为基本参数,反思和批判句子意义理论和言语行为理论,凸显"语言是人的语言"这一重要命题。
2)truth theories真理理论

1.The Concept of Truth as a Feedback Mechanism: On Davidson s Theory of Truth;作为反馈机制的真理概念——兼论戴维森的真理理论
2.Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth.不论什么东西,党认为是真理就是真理。
3.On Popper s "Verisimilitude" Theory;从“逼真性”理论分析波普尔真理学说
4.Truth of Imagination;想象的真理——论想象与真理的关系
5.Discussion is the anvil upon which the spark of truth is struck.辩论是生出真理火花的铁砧(辩论出真理)。
6.The Truth from "Correspondence" to "Aletheia;从“符合”的真理到“去蔽”的真理——试论海德格尔真理观
7.Truth and Falsehood--Talking from whether truth is falsehood;真理谬误关系简论——从真理是否包含谬误谈起
8.Real Sentiments,Truths and Ideals--On Wang Guo-wei s Values of Literature and Art;真情、真理和理想——王国维文艺价值观论略
9.An Analysis on Karel Kosik s View on Truth: On the Generation of Human and Truth;科西克真理观评析——论人的生成和真理的生成
10.How to Reach Truth--On Gadamer s Viewpoint of Truth;真理怎样得以可能——论伽达默尔的真理观
11.Truth with Humanity;具有人性的真理观——普特南内在实在论真理观
12.Truth and Personality: Dual Impelling Power of DENG Xiao-ping s Theory;真理与人格:邓小平理论的双重感召力
13.Being Faithful and Being True--The Concept of Being Faithful in Confucianism and the Contemporary Theory of Truth;“诚”与“真”——论儒家之“诚”对当代真理论研究的启示
14.The similarity theory lays the theoretic foundation for system simulation.相似论为系统仿真奠定了理论基础。
15.On Truth in the Field of Vision between Scientific Realism and Anti-realism;科学实在论和反实在论视野中的真理
16.commercial loan theory of banking (real-bills doctrine)银行业务的商业放款理论(真实票据理论)
17.The Real Bill Theory is the theoretic basis of the 1913 " Law of Federal Reserve".1913年《联邦储备法》的理论基础是真实票据理论。
18.Integration of Theory into Practice: the True Essence of the Course of Ideological and Political Theories;理论联系实际是思想政治理论课教学的真谛

truth theories真理理论
3)truth value真理价值
4)Truth of Value价值真理
1.All the truthful recognition on a thing can be relatively divided into the truth of fact and the truth of value.对于一事物的全部真理性认识可以相对地区分为事实真理和价值真理。
5)truth degree theory真度理论
6)theory of truth真理论
1.His theory of truth is a retained coherence theory of truth, and it has a convention and pragmatic-sociological vein.亨普尔运用在科学中用来证实一个命题程序的逻辑的和方法论的分析方法来试图建立真的标准,他的真理论是一种限制的融贯论,具有约定主义和社会历史学派或新实用主义倾向,他把真的定义看做是相对于“人类和尤其是由我们的文化圈的科学家所真正接受的系统”,并接受一个经验证实的相对概念,经验的或形式的科学不能引领我们达到绝对的独立于我们思想的真。
2.Popper agreed with Correspondence theory of truth,and put forward that truth is"in line with the facts" from the language of Tarski\'s analysis of philosophy,which is mainly based on from the logic and rationalism.卡尔·莱曼德·波普尔(Karl Raimund Popper,1902-1994),奥裔英国哲学家,是当前西方最著名的科学哲学家和社会哲学家之一,证伪主义的创始人,他的真理论以其新颖独特的观点引起哲学家们的广泛关注。

真值分子式:CAS号:性质:是一个严格定义的[变]量的理论值。一个量的真值只是一个理想概念。在实际测量中,不可能测得真值,但在排除所有测量上缺陷的条件下,通过完善测量所得到的量值充分接近于真值,对于给定的目的来说,可用以替代真值。此种量值称为约定真值(conventional true value)。