禁忌词的代用,taboo word changes
1)taboo word changes禁忌词的代用
2)taboo term禁忌词

1.Media-based Quantitative Analysis of Taboo Words from Sociolinguistic Perspective;社会语言学角度基于媒体英语的禁忌词语的量化分析
2.a substitute for a taboo word.用来代替禁忌字眼的词。
3.The term taboo derives from various Polynesian languages where it has the sense of 'forbiden'.禁忌这个词来自各种波希米亚语,在波希米亚语中,禁忌这个词有着“禁止”的含义。
4.An Investigation of Changes of Taboo Language in Modern English Throught an Analysis of the Word nigger ;从nigger一词看近年来现代英语禁忌语的变化
5.Problems arise from a perspective that "potential" is a taboo or code word for failure.这种"潜力是一种禁忌或"失败"的代名词"的观点,很容易出现问题。
6.The words legacy and entitlement and dynasty are "almost taboo "in the family, he says.他说,在他家里,遗产、特权和王朝这几个词“差不多是禁忌”。
7.A Memorial Interference Research of Different Emotional Words Suffered from Taboo Items in RSVP;RSVP模式下禁忌项目对不同情绪词汇的记忆干扰研究
8.It's not taboo to talk about fat; it's taboo to be fat.谈论胖并不是禁忌,而发胖才是禁忌。
9.The message is that anything goes.言外之意就是百无禁忌。
10.He cast aside all his inhibitions.他抛弃了一切禁忌.
11.forbidden clone hypothesis禁忌无性繁殖系假设
12.Alcohol is ( a ) taboo in this tribe.在这个部落酒是禁忌品。
13.On the Taboo Language and Taboo Customs in Japanese Daily Lives日本人日常生活中的禁忌语言与禁忌习俗
14.LH: Now when you use this so-called" derogatory" racial slur( WL: Yeah) Did you not think you would offend some people?韩:现在当你使用这所谓在种族上有所「抑」字词,会不会想到可能触犯某些人的禁忌?
15.Language Taboo and Speaking Style of Ethnic Group--An Ethnic Viewpoint of Folklore Study on Language Taboo of the Huis;语言禁忌与族群话语——回族语言禁忌民俗研究的族群视角
16.An empirical investigation of the mobile phone taboos with the undergraduates;手机禁忌语使用研究——大学生手机禁忌语使用态度调查
17.Marriages of Wa People佤族同姓婚禁忌探析——以班奈村佤族同姓婚禁忌为例
18.The paper presents an analysis of the sources of the three Islamic taboos:no display of the portraits of Allah,no alcoholic drinks and no renouncement of one's family to become a monk or a nun.本文分析了伊斯兰教禁肖像、禁酒、禁出家修行这三大禁忌的原因。

taboo term禁忌词
3)forbidden of using together联用禁忌
6)taboos forbidding incest乱伦的禁忌
