分析性语言哲学,analytical philosophy of language
1)analytical philosophy of language分析性语言哲学
2)post-analytic philosophy后分析性语言哲学
3)linguestic philosophy语言分析哲学
1.ract:The rise of the linguestic philosophy and postmodernism has a stronge effect on the social sioence.20世纪语言分析哲学和以此为基础的五、六十年代后现代主义思潮的兴起 ,对人文学科形成强烈的冲击。

1.On Frege s Relation to the Four Cardinal Theories of Pragmatics:A probe into the derivation of Pragmatics from analytic linguistic philosophy;Frege与语用学四大奠基理论——语用学的语言分析哲学渊源探究
2.Language Ontology:the Precursor and Feature of Modern Linguistics;语言本体论简析——从哲学到现代语言学
3.The Meaning of the Term of Civilization:An Preliminary Linguistic Philosophy Analysis;“文明”话语的意蕴——一个语言哲学分析的初步尝试
4.Theoretical Problems of Analytical Philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics;分析哲学与认知语言学研究的理论问题
5.The Linguistic Turn of Ontological Investigation:A Comment on the Approaches of Analytical Philosophy;本体论研究的语言转向——以分析哲学为进路
6.Classroom Discourse Analysis from the Perspective of Zhuangzi's Philosophy of Language大学英语课堂教学中的“大言”与“小言”——庄子语言哲学视角下的课堂话语分析
7.The Turn to Philosophy of Language & Universal Pragmatics;语言哲学的转向和普遍语用学——试析哈贝马斯的语言哲学
8.The Comparison and Analysis on Marxist Language Philosophy and Modern Western Language Philosophy--on Bakhtin and Saussure马克思主义语言哲学与西方现代语言哲学比较分析——以巴赫金与索绪尔为例
9.On the Trichotomy in Semiotics and its Influence on Linguistic Logic and Philosophy;论符号学三分法对语言哲学和语言逻辑的影响
10.On English Empty Word and Chinese Content Word in Translation from the View of Linguistic Philosophy语言哲学视域中的“英虚汉实”解析
11.An Analysis of Social Cultural Factors about the Loss of Hezhe Nationality s Language;赫哲族语言丢失的社会文化因素分析
12.Spreading and Difference-- Language philosophy of Zhuang Zi and Derrida;蔓衍与分延:庄子与德里达的语言哲学
13.From Language to Thought;从语言到思想:基于指称问题考察分析哲学的范式转移
14.Understanding and Language:the Meaning and Difficulty of Existential Analysis;理解与语言:存在论生存论分析的意义与困难——哲学解释学语言观反思
15.On Teaching Chinese as the Second Language in Philosophical Point of View--Taking the example of "Linguistic-Game"Theory;从哲学视角试析汉语作为第二语言的教学——以语言游戏说为例
16.The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy and the Philosophical Origin of Pragmatics;哲学的语言转向和语用学的哲学渊源
17.Language Engagement of Pre-Qin Chinese Philosophy and Ideological Orientation of School of Names;纯语言性反思与分析理性思想的端倪——先秦哲学的语言关涉与名家思想取向
18.The Cognitive -World Analysis of Dis course Coherence--The Embodied Philosophy and CL Explanation of Discourse Coherence;语篇连贯的认知世界分析方法——体验哲学和认知语言学对语篇连贯性的解释

post-analytic philosophy后分析性语言哲学
3)linguestic philosophy语言分析哲学
1.ract:The rise of the linguestic philosophy and postmodernism has a stronge effect on the social sioence.20世纪语言分析哲学和以此为基础的五、六十年代后现代主义思潮的兴起 ,对人文学科形成强烈的冲击。
4)Later language-analyzing philosophy后期语言分析哲学
5)philosophy of language语言哲学
1.Zhuangzi s thought about difficult problems of the human language is also views of the modern west philosophy of language.庄子对人类语言困境的思考也是现代西方语言哲学思考的问题,庄子对这一困境根源的认识与现代西方语言哲学的认识具有同一性,而对解决这一困境,庄子与现代西方哲学的观点在本质上也是相通的。
2.Confucian s philosophy of language of Pre-Qing dynasty began from Confucius,who explored philosophy of language on the base of "relationship between name and actuality "and "relationship between language and meaning".先秦儒家语言哲学肇始于孔子,他开创性地围绕"名实"、"言意"关系两大语言哲学重要问题,以正名理论为基础,展开对语言哲学的探索。
3.This paper begins with a critical survey of the two schools of naming theory in philosophy of language: the Description Theory represented by the Frege-Russell-Wittgenstein school on the one hand, and the historic cause-effect reference theory, advoca- ted by Kripke on the other.本文首先简述语言哲学中关于命名理论的两大流派:以弗雷格、罗素、维特根斯坦为代表的摹状词理论和以克里普克为代表的历史因果指称论,然后扼要地探讨两种理论的优缺点。
6)philosophical language哲学语言
1.The scientific language and the philosophical language are both the forms of rational marks and have the rational relativities,however,the scientific language and the philosophical language have the special system of their own.科学语言和哲学语言都是理性符号形式,具有“理性相关性”,但它们又有着各自的语言符号系统,存在着科学语言的特殊性、精确性、普适性与哲学语言的普遍性、思辨性、个性化的差异。
2.The failure of John Wilkins attempt to construct perfect philosophical language is contrasted in this paper with generative annotation of language faculty in terms of design.由维尔金斯所构建的哲学语言的不完美引出生成语法对人类语言完美性、生物性及起源的诠释,旨在解读乔姆斯基最简思路以及生成语言学的理论趋向。
3.Common language is the basis of philosophical language,but they are different from each other.日常语言是哲学语言产生的基础,但哲学语言和日常语言相互区别。

语言分析哲学  见日常语言哲学。