生理神经机制,Physiological neural system
1)Physiological neural system生理神经机制
2)Neurophysiological mechanism神经生理机制
3)Neurobiology mechanism神经生物学机制

1.Discussions on The Mechanism and Strategy of Neurobiology of Using and Keeping Healthy of Brain;用脑健脑的神经生物学机制与策略探讨
2.Study on Some Neurobiological Mechanism of XiaoyaoSan' Resistance to the Damage Caused by Psychological Stress to Studying and Remembering Functions;逍遥散抗心理应激损伤学习记忆的有关神经生物学机制研究
3.Effects of Maternal Deprivation on the Locomotion, Learning and Memory in Rats and Its Neuro-biological Mechanisms;母爱剥夺对大鼠自发活动和学习记忆的影响及其神经生物学机制
4.Neurobiological Mechanism of Electro-Acupuncture Combined with Tramadol in Chronic Inflammatory Pain;曲马多与电针合用治疗慢性炎症痛的神经生物学机制研究
5.The Influence of Electro-Acupuncture on Diabetic Cognitive Dysfunction and Its Neurobioloical Mechanism;电针对糖尿病性认知功能障碍的影响及其神经生物学机制
6.Effect of Naloxone on Learning and Memory in Rats with Vascular Dementia and Research of the Neurobiological Mechanisms;纳洛酮对血管性痴呆大鼠学习记忆的影响及其神经生物学机制的研究
7.The Effect of Naloxone on the Aged Rats with Declined-Memory and the Research of Neurobiological Mechanisms;纳洛酮对老年学习记忆减退大鼠的影响及其神经生物学机制的研究
8.Psychosomatic Effects and Neurobiological Mechanisms of Attribution Retraining Group Therapy for Major Depression Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder团体归因训练对抑郁症、焦虑症、强迫症患者的心身作用及神经生物学机制
9.Studies on the Neurotoxicity and Biological Mechanisms of Toluene;甲苯的神经毒性及其生物学机制研究
10.Progress in the Study of Neurobiological Effect on Electromagnetic Field and Its Mechanism电磁场的神经生物学效应及机制研究进展
11.Studies on the Molecular Pathophysiology of Hyper-sensitive Asthma Induced by Indoors Formaldehyde;室内空气甲醛诱发气道高反应的神经分子生物学机制的研究
12.The Neurotoxicity of Endocrine Disrupter Nonylphenol and Its Molecular Mechanism;环境激素壬基酚对小鼠神经毒性作用及其分子生物学机制研究
13.The Regulatory Effects of Sympathetic Neurotransmitter on HSCs Biological Behaviours and Its Mechanism;交感神经递质对肝星状细胞生物学行为的影响及其机制
14.The Study on the Mechanism of Neuron Death and Biomarker for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease阿尔茨海默病神经元死亡机制及早期诊断生物学标志的研究
15.invertebrate neurobiology无脊椎动物神经生物学
16.Preparation of Acellar Peripheral Nerve Graft and Its Biocompatibility异种脱细胞神经移植物制备方法及生物学评价
17.plant neurophysiology植物神经系统生理学
18.Any of the sciences, such as neuroanatomy and neurobiology, that deal with the nervous system.神经科学诸如神经解剖学和神经生物学这类研究神经系统的科学

Neurophysiological mechanism神经生理机制
3)Neurobiology mechanism神经生物学机制
4)neuro-psychological mechanism神经心理机制
6)neural mechanism神经机制
1.Progress in researches on the neural mechanism of human motion imitation;人类动作模仿的神经机制研究进展
2.Scalar timing model (STM) was taken as a framework with analyzing many references about temporal cognition neural mechanism.标量计时模型中各阶段的神经机制有重叠也有分离。
3.How individual plays games and what is the neural mechanism of game theory have been the research focus of game theory.个体是如何进行博弈的,博弈的神经机制是什么已经成为博弈论研究的重点。

生理1.生长繁殖之理。 2.养生之理。 3.为人之道。 4.生存的希望。 5.生物的生命活动和体内各器官的机能。 6.性命。 7.生计。 8.活计;职业。 9.生意;买卖。 10.指做买卖。 11.产业;财富。