语言遗产,linguistic heritage
1)linguistic heritage语言遗产
2)language forgetting语言遗忘
3)speech production言语产出
1.Objective To observe the abnormalities of speech production when developmental stutterers reading four-character Chinese words aloud and to discuss its etiology mechanisms.目的观察发展性口吃者朗读汉语四字词时的言语产出异常并初步探讨其发生机制。

1.A Study of Speech Errors and Repair Mechanisms in Simultaneous Interpretation Based on Levelt s Model of Speech Production;从莱威尔特的言语产出模型论同声传译中的言语失误及修复方法
2.Original Analysis on the Speech Difficulty of Chinese-Speaking EFL Learners;从言语产出过程看中国英语学习者的口语表达困难
3.Theoretical Accounts of the Monitoring Mechanism in L1 and L2 Production;言语产出过程中监控行为的心理学解释
4.The Explanation and Implication of the Model of Language Production on the Model of Translation Process论言语产出模式对翻译过程模式的解释和启示
5.Pauses in L2 Non-fluent Oral Production第二语言口语非流利产出的停顿研究
6.The Influence of High School Students Language Anxiety on Oral Production in EFL Classroom;高中生英语课堂语言焦虑对其话语产出的影响
7.The Influence of the Linguistic Features of Test-takers Oral Production on Scoring;口语产出的语言特征对英语口试评分的影响
8.Research on the Mechanism of Second Language Learners' Productive Vocabulary第二语言学习者产出性词汇机制研究
9.Transforming College English Teaching Model to Improve Language Productive Skills;采用大学英语教学新模式,提高语言产出技能
10.Phonological Characteristics Occurred in the Development Process of L2 Learners Productive Vocabulary;第二语言学习者产出词汇发展中的语音特征
11.The Role of "Pushed Output" in Facilitating Productive Vocabulary;“互动型语言输出”在“产出性词汇”发展中的作用
12.Effects of language proficiency and task type on structural priming in L2 production of English dative constructions语言水平及任务类型对第二语言产出中结构启动的影响
13.The Effect of Linguistic Anxiety upon the Speech Production of Normal School Students;英语课堂语言焦虑对大学生话语产出水平的影响
14.spoken or written expression of an idea arising from this经沉思而产生的想法(表达出的语言或文字)
15.Language Learning Strategies and Productive Vocabulary;语言学习策略与产出性词汇之关系研究
16.The Adaptive Existence of Design Strategy from Science;战略性产品语言:产品语言的策略还原
17.The Effects of Task Planning and Task Type on Chinese EFL Learners Oral Production;任务构想和任务类型对中国英语学习者语言产出的影响
18.The Interpersonal and Pragmatic Functions of Formulaic Language and Its Productive Strategy in Intercultural communication;跨文化交际中公式化语言的人际语用功能及产出策略

language forgetting语言遗忘
3)speech production言语产出
1.Objective To observe the abnormalities of speech production when developmental stutterers reading four-character Chinese words aloud and to discuss its etiology mechanisms.目的观察发展性口吃者朗读汉语四字词时的言语产出异常并初步探讨其发生机制。
4)language production语言产生
1.The present paper addresses the syllable’s role in language production.综述了音节在语言产生中的作用。
2.The study of this kind of speech errors lies in the domain of psycholinguistics, with the aim of discovering the mechanism of language production, including mental representation and mental process.“口误”研究属于心理语言学的范畴,目的是通过口误揭示语言产生的心理机制,包括语言的心理表征和语言的心理过程。
5)speech production言语产生
1.This paper mainly introduced two theories about the mechanism of lexical access in bilingual speech production: language-unspecific selection theory and language-specific selection theory.文章主要介绍了双语言语产生中词汇提取机制的两种理论:非特定语言提取的理论和特定语言提取的理论。
2.The study of speech production is a challenging question in language research.首先简单介绍了言语产生中词汇产生研究方法,然后重点介绍了言语产生中的2类重要的词汇通达理论:交互激活理论和独立阶段理论,围绕词汇通达中的3个重要问题:词汇通达的阶段、词汇通达的时间进程、词汇通达阶段是分离独立的还是交互作用的展开论述,阐述了2类理论的相同点和相异点。
3.It tended to support the interactive activation theory on speech production, and the results verified the assumption of the research.采用视觉呈现干扰词的图片—词干扰实验范式,探讨产生不同语法结构时言语产生汉语词类信息的加工进程。
6)language production言语产生
1.Then it reviewed the researches related to prosody generation in language production, basing on issues they concerned.然后以研究的问题为着眼点,回顾了言语产生中韵律生成的相关研究。
2.Picture naming was a classical paradigm used in many studies on Chinese language production.言语产生过程可分为概念化、言语组织、发音3个层次。
3.In this paper,the dynamic characteristics of language switching during the process of bilingual language production are introduced,and the mechanism is explained with the theories on bilinguals language production.本文概括介绍了双语者言语产生中语码切换的动态加工特点,并用双语言语产生理论解释说明双语者语码切换的心理机制。

产出产出  【产出】生产单位生产的货物和提供的服务。绝大多数货物和服务的产出通常是在生产完成时记录。然而,生产过程无论长短,只要持续两个或两个以上的核算期,都必须计算出每一个核算期完成的“在制品”,以便能衡量每一核算期所生产的产出。除了某些服务的生产者,如金融中介机构、批发商和零售商,其产出有自身的特点之外,作为产出生产的货物或服务,必定由它们的所有者在生产期内以下列一种或多种方式进行处置:①可以被出售(按有经济意义的价格出售);②可以同其他货物、服务或资产进行易货交易,可以提供给他们的雇员作实物报酬,或用于其他的实物支付;③可以在最终出售、易货交易或其他使用之前,进人生产者的存货;未完成的产出是以新增在制品的形式进人生产者的存货;④可以提供给同一企业内的其他基层单位使用,作为后者的中间消耗;⑤可以被其所有者留作自身的最终消费或固定资本形成;⑥可以被免费提供或以非经济意义的价格出售给其他机构单位。