主持婚礼,officiate at a marriage
1)officiate at a marriage主持婚礼

1.The Reverend Mr Smith will officiate at the wedding, ie perform the marriage ceremony.史密斯牧师将主持婚礼.
2.My father is a pastor and so he performed the wedding ceremony.我父亲是牧师,所以由他主持婚礼
3.“ I will marry you and your David,” said the rabbi."我会为你和你的戴维主持婚礼,"拉比说。
4.We were married by our local vicar.我们是由本地教区牧师主持婚礼的。
5.His ordination gives him the right to conduct a marriage or a funeral.他的晋升圣职使他有权主持婚礼或葬礼。
6.I cannot marry you now我现在不能为你们主持婚礼/我现在不能和你结婚
7.The ruler of Rome discovered and caughthim, killing him on February14.修士瓦伦丁不忍看到爱侣的生离死别,便为他们秘密主持婚礼
8.But they infuriated the priest as they started to kiss and embrace while he was chanting vedic hymns.这对新人在主持婚礼的印度教祭司唱吠陀赞美诗时开始接吻和拥抱,这令祭司非常不满。
9.The priest married them.牧师主持他们的婚礼。
10.They were married by her father, who's a bishop.新娘的父亲是主教, 为他们主持了婚礼.
11.We've come to ask if you would marry them.我们来问问您是否能主持他们的婚礼。
12.They were married by a priest.他们的婚礼是由牧师主持的。
13.Which priest is going to marry them?哪一位牧师将要主持他们的婚礼?
14.The priest married Derek and Jane last month.上个月牧师主持了德里克和简的婚礼。
15.Claus Mueller, father of the groom, performed the ceremony.新郎的父亲克莱斯·穆勒主持了婚礼。
16.a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman.一种婚礼是由政府人员主持而不是牧师。
17.A Protestant clergyman in the state of Maryland has performed hundreds of wedding ceremonies over the years.一位马里兰州的新教牧师这些年已经主持了上百次婚礼。
18.This is special risk, the stand or fall that chairs because of him affects bridal success directly.这是非常冒险的,因为他主持的好坏直接影响到婚礼成功与否。

administer the Sacrament主持圣礼
1.On Cultural Characteristics of Eerduosi Wedding论鄂尔多斯婚礼的文化特色
2.It introduces the present situation and orientation of flower consumption in wedding in metropolis, analyzed the trend of flower consumption inwedding.介绍了当前大城市婚礼中鲜花消费情况和消费方向,分析了婚礼鲜花的消费潮流和趋势。
4)wedding ceremony婚礼
1.The wedding ceremony of the Tus forms sacred and solemn cultural quality because of rite s seriousness and regulation,procedural overelaboration and formalization.土族婚礼不仅以其礼仪的严肃性与规范性、仪程的繁琐化与模式化 ,形成了神圣庄严的文化品格 ,而且载歌载舞的礼仪演示使土族婚礼具有了深厚的艺术意蕴。
5)To take as a spouse; marry.婚礼;结婚
6)PR etiquette compere公关礼仪主持
