语用技巧,pragmatic skills
1)pragmatic skills语用技巧
2)language skills语言技巧
1.Based on the special features of tourism interpretation,this paper discussed the language skills for Japanese interpretation of tourism from the perspectives of Japanese languages and culture which involve self-introduction as attention grabber,explanation with variety and communication in line with Japanese values.结合导游口译的特点,从日本语言文化关系的角度探讨了日语导游口译的语言技巧:吸引游客的自我介绍技巧;形象、多样、类比的景点解说技巧;符合日本文化价值观的交谈技巧。
2.This paper discusses the eight ways in which artistic invention is made in biography,concerning the subject matter,the biographee s personality,the textual structure,the reasonable imagination and fiction,the description of details,the mental activities,the design of dialogues,and the use of language skills.本文从主题的确立、人物特点的把握、传记的布局谋篇、合理的想象和虚构、细节描写、心理活动描写、对话语言的设计、语言技巧的运用等八个方面全面论述了传记文学进行艺术加工的方法,认为传记文学在坚持真实性的前提下,是可以进行艺术加工的。
3.Therefore,judge s hearing language calls for some language skills and has to conform to certain language standards.因此,法官的庭审语言要求具有一定的语言技巧,合乎一定的语言规范,准确运用法言法语,适度运用态势语言,只有符合这些要求,才能保证其所从事的审判工作的质量和效果,保证人民法院审判任务的顺利完成。

1.untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient;语言技巧极度匮乏的没上过学的人们;
2.Linguistic Skills in Outlaws of the Marsh Commented by Jin Shengtan;论金批《水浒传》对小说语言技巧的探索
3.Analyzing reader service s language skill in college library;浅析高校图书馆读者服务的语言技巧
4.A Comment on the Dynamic Language Skills of the Novel “The Countryside Stories”;试论《乡间故事》的物态化语言技巧
5.Eloquence or skill in making speeches to the public.雄辩向公众发言时的雄辩口才或语言技巧
6.The language characteristics & reading skill of English news;英语新闻的语言特点及阅读技巧分析
7.Language features and English translation skills to NIBE;英语招标通告的语言特点及翻译技巧
8.On the Language Games and the Narrative Techniques in Lolita;论小说《洛丽塔》的语言游戏和叙事技巧
9.On the Economy of Business English Letters and Their Translation;论商务信函语言经济性及其翻译技巧
10.Strategies of Language Ability Testing on GCT;浅谈GCT语言表达能力测试的应试技巧
11.The skills and effects of humorous language in teaching practice;教师教学幽默语言运用的技巧与作用
12.Discussion on Stylistic Features of Food Terms and Methods of Translation;中式菜肴语言风格特征及其英译技巧
14.Application of Non-Linguistic Communication Skills in Physical Education Teaching;非言语沟通技巧在体育教学中的应用
15.Conditional concept in legislative language and the translation thereof立法语言中的条件概念及其翻译技巧
16.Rhetorical Skills Analysis of the Nonsense Films' Comic Language无厘头电影喜剧语言的修辞技巧分析
17.English Humor:Its Characteristics and Rhetorical Techniques;论英语幽默语言的语用特征与修辞技巧
18.Linguistic Features of Electronic Commerce English and the Translation;电子商务专门用途英语的语言特点及汉译技巧

language skills语言技巧
1.Based on the special features of tourism interpretation,this paper discussed the language skills for Japanese interpretation of tourism from the perspectives of Japanese languages and culture which involve self-introduction as attention grabber,explanation with variety and communication in line with Japanese values.结合导游口译的特点,从日本语言文化关系的角度探讨了日语导游口译的语言技巧:吸引游客的自我介绍技巧;形象、多样、类比的景点解说技巧;符合日本文化价值观的交谈技巧。
2.This paper discusses the eight ways in which artistic invention is made in biography,concerning the subject matter,the biographee s personality,the textual structure,the reasonable imagination and fiction,the description of details,the mental activities,the design of dialogues,and the use of language skills.本文从主题的确立、人物特点的把握、传记的布局谋篇、合理的想象和虚构、细节描写、心理活动描写、对话语言的设计、语言技巧的运用等八个方面全面论述了传记文学进行艺术加工的方法,认为传记文学在坚持真实性的前提下,是可以进行艺术加工的。
3.Therefore,judge s hearing language calls for some language skills and has to conform to certain language standards.因此,法官的庭审语言要求具有一定的语言技巧,合乎一定的语言规范,准确运用法言法语,适度运用态势语言,只有符合这些要求,才能保证其所从事的审判工作的质量和效果,保证人民法院审判任务的顺利完成。
3)language skill语言技巧
1.The style is concerned with knowledge structure,language skill,social capacity,service consciousness as well as ceremony rules.在日常教学中,我们应有意识地从知识结构、语言技巧、应变能力、服务意识及礼宾礼仪等方面养成导游的个性风格。
4)language technique语言技巧
1.Meanwhile,his poetic language technique has undergone a transformation from symbolism to metaphor;he has formed two patterns of poetic creation: "retrospection" and "others".同时,吴晨骏在诗歌语言技巧方面,经历由象征向隐喻的嬗变和由写实向对写实的反讽,并且在诗歌创作过程中形成"回忆"和"他者"两种结构范式。
5)phonological skill语音技巧
1.Aerial Data Acquisition Will be Converted to the Format SCS G2005 Data Format Used Skills;将航测采集数据格式转换为SCS G2005数据格式使用技巧
2.This article is about how to fully make use of the command of cutter length compensation and the using skills in numerical control programming.介绍了在数控机床编程中,如何能更好地使用刀具长度补偿指令及其使用技巧。

语用语用pragmatics  yUyong语用(pr耀”atics)程序与使用者的关系。语用学是以语用为研究对象的学科。Ada语言中的编用,即其语用。它用于向编译程序传递信息。编用以保留字pragl飞a开头,后跟一标识符,这是该编用的名字。在语言文本的附件中描述语言定义的编用,Ada语言的每个实现都必须支持这些编用。