言语认知发展,development of speech cognition
1)development of speech cognition言语认知发展

1.Formation of the Pattern of Expressive Prosody Reading Pattern and Development of Speech Cognition情韵朗读模式的形成和言语认知发展的深化
2.The Development of 3~6-year-old Children s Cognition of Language Abilities;3~6岁儿童对言语行为的元认知发展
3.Advances in Cognitive Development Based on Language Acquisition;儿童语言获得之认知发展机制研究新进展
4.Teacher Cognition of Language Teacher Development in Secondary Schools;农村中学语言教师发展中的教师认知研究
5.Piaget s Theory of Children s Cognitive Development and Children s Language Learning;皮亚杰儿童认知发展理论与儿童语言习得
6.On the Relationship between Children s Cognitive Flexibility and Verbal Ability;幼儿认知灵活性的发展及其与言语能力的关系
7.Preschool Second Language Teaching From Perspective of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience;发展认知神经科学视野中的学前第二语言教学
8.A Review to the Linguistic and Cognitive Development in Infantile Autism;自闭症儿童语言认知发展理论研究综述
9.Development of Category Theory and Its Contributions to Cognitive Linguistics;范畴理论的发展及其对认知语言学的贡献
10.Theoretical Development, Application and Interdisciplinary Research of Cognitive Linguistics: A Review of the Fourth Conference on Cognitive Linguistics in China;认知语言学理论的发展、应用及跨学科研究——第四届全国认知语言学研讨会综述
11.The Preliminary Exploration to The INTERNET CODEWORDS;认知INTERNET“CODEWORD”语言
12.From Language to Mind:the Theoretic Progress of Cognitive Anthropology;从语言到心智:认知人类学的理论进展
13.Current Situation and Forecast of Cognitive Linguistics Research in China;认知语言学在中国的研究现状和展望
14.Abide by the Language Cognition Law Implement the Functional Language Teaching Experiment;遵循语言认知规律 开展功能教学实验
16.The development of cognitive science brought new life into sections and chapters linguistics.认知科学的发展给篇章语言学的研究带来了新的活力。
17.The Development of 3-to-6-year-old Children's Meta-cognition of Influencing Factors of Linguistic Behaviors三至六岁儿童对言语行为影响因素的元认知发展
18.Figuring the Cognitive Orientation From Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics功能语言学和认知语言学的认知取向

language cognition语言认知
1.By using the method of nonlinear time series analysis and taking the Chinese language cognition as an example,the dynamic characteristics of language cognition system are discussed.利用非线性时间序列分析方法,以汉语语言认知为例,探讨语言认知系统的动力学特性。
2.As an important work in early linguistics in China, Xunzi s Zhengming embodies a primitive language cognition awareness.荀子《正名》折射出原初语言认知意识——认知是语言的基础,语言是认知的结果,语言是认知的工具和手段,或者说,语言成为“认知的窗口”。
3.This paper explores the role of input and output in language cognition by employing the socio-cultural theory by Lev S.对于语言输入与输出在语言认知中的作用,Krashen的输入假说与Swain的输出假说则持有各自不同甚至相反的观点。
3)linguistic cognition语言认知
1.Systemic-functional linguistics gives special priority to the realizing approaches to linguistic cognition.系统功能语言学关注语言认知的体现手段,并且对什么是语言认知有着自身的独到解读。
2.But,at the same time,rises an inadequate understanding about the features of linguistic cognition development.基于建构主义发展形成的大学英语网络教学,在使传统意义上的大学英语教学出现质的突破的同时,也存在着对语言认知发展特性认识不足的问题。
4)cognition language认知语言
5)words cognition言语认知
6)cognitive development认知发展
1.Initial study of cognitive development and neuropsychology for low birth weight infants.;低出生体重儿的认知发展神经心理的初步研究
2.On the child s theory of mind in cognitive development;论儿童认知发展的心理理论
3.Correlation of pupils mental health and teachers cognitive development in Guizhou province;贵州省小学生心理健康与教师认知发展的关系

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。