张声,fortis voice
1)fortis voice张声

1.The act or practice of bluffing.虚张声势虚张声势的行动或事例
2.A threatened Blow is seldom given虚张声势,吓唬而已
3.unthinking bravado.缺乏考虑的虚张声
4.His threats are merely bluff.他的威胁仅仅是虚张声势。
5.perform idiotic tricks out of sheer bravado搞一套愚蠢的花招纯属虚张声
6.Take no notice of his threats they're sheer bravado.别理会他的威胁--完全是虚张声势.
7.They've got a down on arrogance and swank.他最讨厌自高自大和虚张声势。
8.I'm afraid the enemy maintained a kind of Dutch defence.恐怕敌人的防御是虚张声势的。
9.A disposition toward showy defiance or false expressions of courage.虚张声势或故作勇气的倾向
10.The cocktail was a blend of all that was swank:鸡尾酒是所有这些虚张声势的混和物:
11.They would know we were bluffing without a good hand他们知道我们的牌不好,只是虚张声势。
12.His voice trembled with tension.他紧张得声音发抖。
13.Mum's the word![口]别声张!保守秘密!
14.So keep it under your hat, will you?所以你不要声张,好不好?
15.a voice charged with tensio充满紧张情绪的声音
16.given to colourful romancing爱绘声绘色地夸张事实.
17.Urban Feminine Voice from Different Time: A Comparasion between Zhang Xin and Zhang Ailing;不同时代的都市女性声音——张欣与张爱玲
18.The Application Research of Expanding Room Muffler in Toilet Noise Control;扩张室消声器在座便器噪声控制中的应用研究

sound energy声张
3)acoustic tensor声学张量
1.Uniqueness of governing equations uses constitutive/acoustic tensor to deal with material stable problem caused by stiffness degeneration,which could be equal to displacement jump condition;but it is less straightforward than the displacement jump con.研究结果表明:解的唯一性丧失是应用本构算子和声学张量来讨论材料刚度劣化造成的稳定问题,其条件应该等效于位移间断条件,但它没有用强度条件表示的位移间断直接,尤其是在材料的试验破坏强度明确时。
4)Zhang Shusheng张树声
1.Zhang Shusheng in the Internal Policy and Diplomacy in the Late Qing Dynasty (1860-1884);晚清内政外交中的张树声(1860—1884)
5)acoustic tensor声张量
6)Zhang Bosheng张伯声(1903~  )

张声1.指叱咤之声。 2.大声。 3.作声。