关系代数,relational algebra
1)relational algebra关系代数
1.How to Express Division Operation in Relational Algebra;关系代数中除法运算的表示
2.Temporal relational algebra based on rough representation;基于Rough表达的时态关系代数
3.Research on XML data query based on relational algebra;基于关系代数的XML数据查询

1.In relational databases, an operator in relational algebra.在关系数据库中,关系代数用的一种运算符。
2.Implementation of the Corresponding of Algebra of Relations in SQL;关系代数的相应运算在SQL中的实现
3.Analysis of Calculus Rules on Fuzzy Temporal Relational Algebra模糊时态数据库关系代数演算规则分析
4.Research on relational-algebra-based schema mapping of data integration基于扩展关系代数的数据集成映射模式的研究
5.Fuzzy Congruence Relations on R_0-algebras;R_0-代数上的Fuzzy同余关系
6.The simplification of BR_0-algebra and relationship between it and FI-algebra;BR_0-代数的简化及FI-代数的关系
7.The Relation between BCH_algebra and Generalized Associative BCI-algebra;BCH-代数与广义结合BCI-代数的关系
8.Study on the Relation between Lattice Implication Algebras and Correlative Logic Algebras;格蕴涵代数与相关逻辑代数关系的研究
9.S-Algebra on Partial Ordered Set and Relations between S-Algebra and Some Logic Algebras;偏序集上的S代数及其与若干代数的关系
10.A chart representing numerical relationships.计算图表代表数字关系的图表
11.A graphic representation of an algebraic or geometric relationship.线图代数或几何关系的图解
12.The Research about Some Logic Algebras and Systems;关于逻辑代数与系统的若干问题研究
13.The study of relationship between the world modern science and mathematics base on scientometrics;近代世界数学与科学关系的计量研究
14.The Relations between Regimes of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and Minority Nationalities in the Southwest;五代十国政权与西南少数民族的关系
15.Implication Filters and Congruence Relations in R 0 Algebras;R_0代数中的蕴涵滤子与同余关系
16.The Prime Ideals and Congruence Relations of Stone Algebra;Stone代数的素理想与同余关系
17.On Ringel duality of dual extension algebras of posets扭双指标代数的零关系Ringel对偶
18.Relation between Three Classes of BCI-algebras and Group and Semigroup三类BCI-代数与群和半群的关系

relation algebra关系代数
1.AA solves the EDN compatibility problem between the new AEDMS and the old one;AAA bases on relation algebra and uses the tuple index ingeniously,its compact,highly reliable,highly maintainable,highly ef.前者解决了新旧系统工程文件编号的兼容问题;后者是一种新的基于关系代数的自动编号算法,其利用元组序号,具有紧凑简单、可靠性好、可维护性好、执行效率高、适用面广的特点。
2.The search spa ce, individuals, genetic operators and the process of searching optima in geneti c algorithm are formally described by relation algebra operators such as selecti on, projection, and generalized Cartesian product.运用选择、投影、广义笛卡尔积等关系代数运算 ,给出了遗传算法的搜索空间及个体、遗传算子和搜索最优解过程等关系代数形式的描述 ,建立了遗传算法的关系代数模型 ,给出了遗传算法的数学解释 。
3.0 as a flat-top building, expands on the Structured Query Language how to explain the three layer structure of relation DB through the select example and how to reflect the thought of relation algebra and relation mathematical calculation.0数据库管理系统为软件平台,通过查询实例阐述结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language,简称SQL)如何反映关系数据库三级模式结构,如何体现关系代数和关系演算思想。
3)algebraic relation代数关系
4)Vague relational algebraVague关系代数
5)relation algebra operation关系代数运算
1.This paper puts forward a new temporal relation data model, expounds concept of time filtration and relation algebra operation of temporal data based on the model, and provides illustrations.提出一种新的时态关系数据模型C TRDM和基于该模型的时间过滤操作,并结合时态数据关系代数运算实例,说明它是完备的。
6)medium relational algebra中介关系代数
1.Based on this model, this paper constructs two different kinds of medium relational database query languages: medium relational calculus and medium relational algebra.给出了中介关系数据模型,在此基础上构造了两类不同的中介关系数据库查询语言:中介关系演算和中介关系代数

代数的代数代数的代数algebraic algebra 代数的代数【aigeb面c aigeb口;缸代6脚盼贬军粗,即;浦钾! 域F上幂结合代数洲特别地结合代数飞.其所有兀素都是代数的几素a任月称为代数的(al罗bral口,如果由“生成的子代数F!a]是有限维的或等价地、兀素a有系数在基域F中的零化多项式).代数A称为有界次代数的代数(al罗braie al罗bra of bounded de-gee)如果它是代数的月其元素的极小零化多项式的次数的集合是有界的.有界次代数的代数的子代数与同态象仍是有界次代数的代数 例:局部有限代数(特别地有限维代数)、诣零代数及不可数域仁有。J数雌一成兀集的结合除环.下面假定所涉及的代数均为结合的,代数的代数的J匆以由son根(J aoobson radl以l)是诣零理想本原代数的代数A同构于除环上向匿空间的线性变换的稠密代数,如果A还是有界次的,则A同构于除环1的矩阵环.有限域上没有非零幂零元的代数的代数(特别地,除环)是交换的.因此,有限除环是交换的.有界次代数的代数满足一个多项式恒等式、见Pl代数(P卜algebra).代数的Pl代数是局部有限的.如果基域是不可数的,则由代数的代数通过基域的扩张所得到的代数,及代数的代数的张量积,都是代数的代数.