功能范畴,functional category
1)functional category功能范畴
1.Based on MP,it is argued that the former is introduced by light verbs,and the latter by the functional category Top(ic).根据最简方案,提出前者由轻动词引进,后者由话题功能范畴引进,为Chomsky近年来关于论元结构由外部合并决定的假设提供佐证。
2.The resultative construction is a compound derived syntactically,so its head is the functional category which selects arguments for the verb.动结式是句法派生的复合词,其句法核心是为动词选择论元的功能范畴
3.Anterior is carried by the functional category TS and TS is realized by-en phonologically.其先时意义由功能范畴TS体现,在英语中语音实现为-en,其它意义由其它功能范畴所负载或由语境推导。

1.Aspect acquisition of children develops from category of cognition, then to category of semantics, and eventually to category of function.儿童时体习得经历了一个从认知范畴向语义范畴,再向功能范畴扩展的过程。
2.Phonological structures and the syntactic positions of functional categories in the nominal phrases;语音结构与名词短语内部功能范畴的句法位置
3.The FCH can not only predict argument realization in Resultative Constructions, but also explain their syntactic behaviors and ambiguities.功能范畴假设能预测动结式的论元实现,并能方便地解释其句法行为和歧义现象。
4.The resultative construction is a compound derived syntactically, so its head is the functional category which selects arguments for the verb.动结式是句法派生的复合词,其句法核心是为动词选择论元的功能范畴
5.On Semantic Grammatical Categories;也说语义语法范畴——兼议语义功能语法
6.Categories of Ideological Political Education: Meanings, Characteristics and Functions;思想政治教育学范畴:涵义、特征及功能
7.Discussion on Definition,Domain and Functions of Modern Personnel Measurement and Evaluation;论现代人才测评的范畴、功能及其作用
8.On the Tense and Aspect Categories of Verb in Modern Uygur Language and Their Time Reference Functions;现代维吾尔语动词时体范畴及其时间指向功能
9.Status of Discourse, Story and Plot in Narrative Text--From the Systemic-Functional Perspective;话语、故事和情节——从系统功能语言学看叙事学的相关基本范畴
10.Study of Functions,Categories and Principles of Applications of Verbal Language in Teaching in the Framework of Register Category语域范畴内教师教学有声语言的功能类别及其运用原则
11.From the functions and classification, demonstrative pronouns have the characteristics of prototype category.从指示代词的立类和功能来看,指示代词是一个原型范畴,具有典型性。
12.A pair of new aesthetic category:Real image is imagined imagining with the virtual image --being the manifestation and aesthetics function imagining in terms of the virtual image;一对新的美学范畴:实像想象与虚像想象——兼论虚像想象的表现形式及美学功能
13.The Conversion of "Fictionality and Trueness" and Its Effectiveness on Contemporary Culture“虚实”范畴的转换及对当代文化的救弊功效
14.Recollement of Triangulated Categories;三角范畴的recollement
15.The Foundation of Philosophy of Justice of Law:Observing the Dynamic Role of the Judiciary in the Perspective of Legal Philosophy;司法哲学基石范畴:司法能动性之法哲理追问
16.Discussion on the Lodging Cause and the Basic Category of the Reigning Ability Construction of the Chinese Communist Party;党的执政能力建设的提出缘由和基本范畴
17.Kant’s Priori Deduction and the Human’s Subjective Activity;康德哲学范畴的先验演绎与人的主体能动性
18.The Interpretations of Oral Narrative from Multiple-views to the Possibility of a Holistic Perspective口头文学的多元范畴及其整体性视角的可能

categorical function范畴功能
3)Functional Category Hypothesis功能范畴假设
1.The Functional Category Hypothesis assumes that the functional categories determine the movement and the merger, including argument selection and thematic assignment.为了解决论元的句法实现问题,“功能范畴假设”可能是一种思路。
4)functional category node功能范畴交节
5)category-specific disorder范畴化脑功能损伤
6)features of semantic subcategory语义次范畴性能

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]