情感意义,affective meaning
1)affective meaning情感意义
1.This paper demonstrates non-equivalent words with conceptual meaning,connotative meaning and affective meaning respectively,and analyzes their cultural connotations.本文从词语的概念意义、比喻联想意义及情感意义三方面的不对等,分析其所反映的文化内涵,从而说明深入理解词语的文化内涵对外语教学的重大意义。

1.Discussion on the Emotion Meaning of the Ceramic Shape in the Modern Pottery Art;论陶瓷形态在现代陶艺中的情感意义
2.The Speciality of the Fifth Generation Film;第五代电影的特异性——人文情感意义的执著追求
3.An Exploration of Music Emotional Sense with the Phenomenology and Aesthetics Viewpoint;用现象学美学观点对音乐情感意义的探索
4.The Significance of Emotional Classification and Education in Writing;论写作中的情感分类及情感教育的意义
5.Analysis on Meaning Infection in Lexical Affective Meaning Changes论词义感情色彩变化中的意义感染现象
6.Depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning.深奥知识、感情或意义的深处
7.Interpersonal and Attitudinal Meanings of the Scientific Report Text;科技报告语篇中人际情感与态度意义
8.On Social Significance of Female Emotion Education in Dramas of the Ming and Qing Dynasties;论明清戏曲女性情感教育的社会意义
9.The Emotional World and theSocial Significance of Farewell to Kang Qiao;《再别康桥》的感情世界与社会意义
10.Flexibility and Versatility of Meaning Expression of Aesthetic-emotive Language;审美—情感语言意义表达的多向追求
11.7. Inspirational appeals: using emotionally charged and symbolic language to appeal to another person's sense of loyalty or justice.7. 激发感情:用感情充沛和富有象征意义的语言激发他人的忠诚感或正义感。
12.This thesis has four parts:Part I discusses the concept, development and significance of affective education.第一部分是情感教育的内涵、发展和意义。
13.Emotional Coloring and Meanings Expressed by Some Everyday Modal Particles;“啊”、”吧”等常用语气词所表示的感情色彩及意义
14.The Significance of Confucius Affective Education in Ideological and Political Education of Universities;孔子情感教育思想对高校思想政治教育的意义
15.The Emotion Law and Significance of Speech Denotation in Interview;新闻采访中言语符号的情感定律及意义
16.Why and How to Promote a Positive Attitude to English Learning in Senior High Schools培养高中生英语学习情感的意义和方法
17.The Significance And Goal Of Undergraduate Sensibility Education对大学生进行情感教育的意义及目标实现策略
18.On Significance of Scientific Research from Einstein′s Comic Religious Feelings论宇宙宗教感情对于当代科学研究的意义

emotion meaning感情意义
1.Nevertheless, according to Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), one knows that any language expresses interpersonal meaning and conve.然而,从系统功能语言学的观点出发,人们会说任何语言都表达着人际情感意义(interpersonal),负载着人的态度(attitude-loaded)。
4)Sentimental color righteousness感情色彩意义
1.A Study of Power Asymmetry in Chinese Judgment from the Prospective of Modality;从情态意义角度分析我国法庭判决书中的权力不对等性
2.Taking non-English major students English composition as the data, this paper investigates the linguistic devices the students employ in expressing modality, the differences between the students and native speakers of English in using these devices and the problems the students have in expressing modality.本文以非英语专业大学生英语作文作为语料,对其书面语中情态意义表达的手段与英语本族语使用者在表达手段上存在的差异以及中国学生在表达情态意义时存在的主要问题等进行了研究,分析了其形成原因,并在此基础上就如何帮助学生掌握情态意义的表达提出了若干教学建议。
3.This paper compares the two systems of modals from the aspect of modality, trying to find out similarities and differences between them and thus helping Chinese students to solve their problems in learning English modals.英语情态动词和汉语能愿动词在表达情态意义方面都起到重要作用。
6)modal meaning情态意义
1.Modal meaning,negative scope and choice of verbal aspect:a cross-linguistic contrastive study based on Russian corpus and with reference to study of English modal meaning;情态意义、否定辖域和动词体的选择——一项以俄语语料库为基础,以英语情态意义研究为参照的跨语言对比研究
2.However,in the language realization,there exist some sentence forms of positive and negative which can also imply modal meaning.情态意义是指介于肯定与否定之间的意义,它表达的是说话者对某个命题的主观态度和看法。
3.This paper analyzes the tense of "werden" and its modal meaning in structure "werden + infinitive".文章从理论上分析了w erden+不定式结构中w erden的时态及情态意义,并结合w erden自身的词汇意义对其与“未来”的关系进行思考,最后从语义学及语用学的角度阐述该不定式结构在外语教学中的运用。

《论战斗唯物主义的意义》  列宁向马克思主义哲学工作者提出战斗任务的文章。刊载于1922年 3月《在马克思主义旗帜下》杂志第 3期。中译文载人民出版社1957年出版的《列宁全集》第33卷。    发表这篇文章时,正值苏维埃俄国实行新经济政策时期,国内外的资产阶级分子和反动势力企图复辟资本主义,思想领域斗争激烈,唯心主义猖獗,针对这种状况,文章为战斗唯物主义者规定了如下的任务:①共产党员哲学家必须和一切唯物主义者建立联明,共同斗争,反对唯心主义,发展唯物主义哲学;②必须进行彻底的无神论宣传,使广大劳动群众摆脱宗教迷信的束缚,为进行共产主义教育创造条件;③哲学家必须同自然科学家结成联盟,从哲学上总结自然科学的新成就,排除唯心主义的干扰;④在概括科学成就和社会实践经验的基础上探讨和发展唯物主义辩证法。文章还指出,要充分发扬18世纪唯物主义和无神论的优秀传统,特别要以马克思用唯物主义观点改造黑格尔辩证法为典范,用唯物辩证法来分析当代社会。这篇文章是无产阶级党性和科学性结合的典范,是发展马克思主义哲学的纲领性文献。