随意会话,casual conversation
1)casual conversation随意会话
1.Although it is a fact, some people hold the idea that casual conversation is a waste of time and disparage it.随意会话(闲聊)是日常生活中的一种常见现象。
2.In fact, casual conversation is a common phenomenon in our daily life and chat.英语随意会话是说话人将要说的话用英语讲给在场听众的一种语言交流过程。
2)casual conversation随意性会话
1.The study of casual conversation,as a study of natural conversation existing in the real language context,constitutes an important part of conversation analysis,but it has long been neglected by SLA researchers.随意性会话研究,作为对于存在于真实语言状态下的谈话的研究,是会话研究的重要方面,但长期以来被国内的二语习得研究者所忽视。
2.The study of casual conversation constitutes an important part of spoken interaction analysis.随意性会话研究是会话研究的一个重要方面。

1.Casual Conversation Analysis and Its Implications to English Teaching;随意性会话分析及其对英语教学的启示
2.Conversational Strategies and Intentions of Different Genders;论会话方略及会话意图上的性别差异
3.he spoke to the reporter off the record.他随意地和记者说话。
4.Her words put me on my guard against speaking too freely over the telephone.她的一番话提醒我注意不要在电话中谈话太随意了。
5.His men talk to him at no allowance.他手下的人可随意同他说话。
6.Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition.随意的交谈中常常有许多重复的话。
7.The teacher might suddenly address individual students at random.老师可能随意突然地与个别学生谈话。
8.Linguistic Indirectness and the Expressive Function of Intonation in Discourse;语言的间接性与英语语调的会话表意功能
9.Rules of Turn-Taking and Inference of Conversational Implicatures in Dialogues;话轮转换规则与“对话”的会话含意推导
10.A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.与陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其他宗教其实所知甚少。
11.Poliomyelitis (or polio or infantile paralysis):Acute infectious viral disease that can cause flaccid paralysis of muscles.小儿麻痹症:病毒引起的急性传染病,会造成随意肌瘫痪无力。
12.The principle of consistency implies that accounting methods should be consistent from one period to the other and should not be arbitrarily changed.一致性原则是指会计处理方法前后各期应当一致,不得随意变更。
13.A mild compliment will be thought of as a neutral statement; and a neutral statement will be heard as negative. '说轻度赞扬的话会被认为是中性的,而中性的话则会被当作反面意思去听
14.Do you realize what his words imply?你领会他说话的含意吗?
15.It's absolutely ridiculous having us bat out these silly musical jangles.老是让我们随随便便演些唱唱闹闹的无聊玩意儿,太不象话了。
16.With its consultative green paper issued end-March, the European Commission has now kicked off a wider debate on the subject.随着3月底咨询性绿皮书的发表,欧盟委员会现在已经引发一场有关这一话题的争论。
17.Suit yourself. If you change your mind, come and find me.随便你。如果你改变心意的话,再来找我就是了。
18.I just made a joke without thinking. Please don't take it to heart.刚才我随口说了句开玩笑的话,你千万别介意。

casual conversation随意性会话
1.The study of casual conversation,as a study of natural conversation existing in the real language context,constitutes an important part of conversation analysis,but it has long been neglected by SLA researchers.随意性会话研究,作为对于存在于真实语言状态下的谈话的研究,是会话研究的重要方面,但长期以来被国内的二语习得研究者所忽视。
2.The study of casual conversation constitutes an important part of spoken interaction analysis.随意性会话研究是会话研究的一个重要方面。
3)casual conversation analysis随意会话分析
1.From conversation analysis to casual conversation analysis;会话分析与随意会话分析
4)causal conversation随意谈话
5)conversational implicature会话含意
1.Comparison between the principle of relevance and conversational implicature;关联理论与会话含意学说的比较
2.The inference and application of the theory of conversational implicature in verbal communication;“会话含意”理论在交际中的推导和运用
3.A Pragmatic Study of Conversational Implicature in International Business Negotiation;国际商务谈判会话含意的语用研究
6)conversational intention会话意图

会话对话 ①(多用于学习别种语言或方言时)。