社会权势,social power
1)social power社会权势

1.Social Power Relations and the Violation of the Cooperative Principle;社会权势关系与会话合作原则的背离
2.Analysis of Chinese Social Power and the Realization Patterns of Suggestion;汉语社会权势与“建议”实现模式分析
3.Social Power Relation Reflected in the Violation of the Cooperation Principle in Pride and Prejudice;合作原则在《傲慢与偏见》中的背离所体现的社会权势
4.The Popular Associations and the Reorganization of Local Society in the 1911 Revolution--A Study Based on Jiangxi Daily;辛亥革命时期的民团与社会权势转移——以《江西民报》为中心的研究
5.Evolution of Social Power Relations in Contemporary Chinese Rural Areas:Taking Liu Wencai and His Reactionary Gang as a Case in Point;近代中国乡村社会权势关系演变——以刘文彩与袍哥为个案
6.Constructing a Legal System to Protect Social Vulnerable Groups;社会弱势群体权利法律保护体系构建
7.On legal protection of the rights of vulnerable groups in harmonious society;论和谐社会弱势群体权利的法律保护
8.A Study on Social Vulnerable Groups Rights Protection from People-oriented Angle;以人为本维度下社会弱势群体的权利保护
9.Concerning Political Rights of the Disadvantaged Group During the Period of Social Transformation of China;转型时期我国社会弱势群体政治权利关怀
10.Theoretical Logic for Legal Protection of Weak Groups Social Security Right;论弱势群体社会保障权法律保护的理论逻辑
11.The Protection on the Right and Benefit of the Weaking Crowd and the Construction of Harmonious Society;弱势群体权益保障与和谐社会的构建研究
12.On highlighting and strengthening the rights protection of social disadvantaged masses;关于重视和加强社会弱势群体权利保护的思考
13.On the Trend of Socialization of the Liability of Compensation for Environmental Infringement;论环境侵权损害赔偿责任的“社会化”趋势
14.Changing Treand of Land Ownership in Chinese Conventional Agricultural Society;中国传统农业社会中的土地所有权变动趋势
15.China's Transition to Protect the Legal Rights of Vulnerable Groups in Society Analysis我国转型期社会弱势群体法律权益保护探析
16.Justice,Right and Development:on Succour of Chinese Vulnerable Groups公平、权利与发展:论中国弱势群体的社会救助
17.From the Perspective of the Right of Political Participation of Society to Represent the Interests of the Underprivileged Groups从参政权的视角看社会弱势群体的利益表达
18.The Research about the Protection of Political Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Harmonious Societys' View和谐社会视野下社会弱势群体的政治权利保护研究

Chinese social power汉语社会权势
1.In this paper,the author analyses the interactive relationship between Chinese social power and the realization patterns of suggestion,that is,social power determines the choice of syntactic patterns and strategies of suggestion,which in turn reflects the change of power relation betwee.本文分析了汉语社会权势与"建议"实现模式之间互为影响的动态关系,即社会权势决定了"建议"的句式和策略选择,而"建议"的句式和策略选择反过来折射出交际双方的社会权势变化,而选择的最终目的是为了顺应交际的需要。
3)Social Power Relation社会权势关系
1.Social Power Relation Reflected in the Violation of the Cooperation Principle in Pride and Prejudice;本文将《傲慢与偏见》中的人物会话置于格莱斯的合作原则框架内,分析了作者如何利用人物会话对合作原则及其相关准则的背离所体现的社会权势关系。
4)the rights of social vulnerable groups社会弱势群体权利
5)Social Forces社会势力
1.Social Forces in Qin and Han Dynasties and Bureaucratization——A discussion focused on businessmen;秦汉社会势力及其官僚化问题——以商人为中心的探讨
6)inferior position社会弱势

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决