表链,table link
1)table link表链

1."I don't mean the watch and chain, only the charm.“我不是指表和表链,只是链条上的那个表坠。
2.He was twiddling with his watch-chain while he was listening to me.他边听我讲边弄着表链
3.He detached his watch from the chain.他把手表从表链上拆下来。
4.Click on this item to go to the Style Sheet Links report.单击此项目转到“样式表链接”报表。
5.A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist.表链佩戴在马甲或腰前的与怀表连接的短链或短带
6.He played with his watch-chain wearily.他百无聊赖地玩弄着他的表链
7.two-word list element二字链表元 -软件
8.The nonpolar segments of surfactants include straight-chain and branched alkyl groups.非极性表面活性剂链段包括直链和支链的烷基。
9.To arrange(strings of characters)into a chained list.连接,链接把(字符串)连接成一个链表
10.The is7ln (International SS7 Link) form is used to define international links.is7ln(国际 SS7 链路)表用于定义国际链路。
11.The s7ln form (SS7 link) is used to define the individual SS7 signaling links.s7ln 表(SS7 链路)是用于定义各 SS7 信令链路。
13.The watch hooks on to a chain.表挂在一根链条上。
14.The generalized list using head and tail link and realization of some algorithms广义表的头尾链表表示及算法的实现
15.It is a dynamic circular chain that formed by sequent lists and linked lists alternately.该结构是由顺序表与链表交叉构造而形成的一种动态循环链表 .
16.Fig.1 Cluster model of amylopectin structure. Solid line indicate glucan chains.图1支链淀粉结构的模型。实线表示葡萄糖链.
17.Position hinge plates, shims and replacement hinge-half on door face.在车身表面定位铰链护板,填隙片和半铰链。
18.Specifies the parent table linked to the child table displayed in a Grid control.指定与表格控件中所显示子表相链接的父表。

chained list链表
1.Audio indexing method using the combination of tree and chained list based on fuzzy histogram;基于直方图的树与链表相结合的音频索引方法
2.Meanwhile, application of the chained list data structure, dynamic array, and derived data form increases the mesh generation efficiency and optimizes the algorithm.文中对加点方法及数据结构和存取模式进行了改进,同时应用链表结构、动态数组和派生类型的数据变量,对算法进行优化,节省了计算内存,提高了网格的生成效率。
3.By the graphic topology theory,a chained list data structure for describing thepicture to be displayed is used and a graphics management function library is developed.按图形拓朴法,采用链表数据结构描述所要显示的图形,并建立图形管理函数库。
3)link list链表
1.Together with the design of one-way and dual link list and the restriction of well-spacing proportion factor, the algorithm settles the problems of the discontinuity of the channel sandbody across well rows and the non-uniformity of well-spacings along the river tend in formerly mapping fluvial facies to a certain extent.该方法通过插入伪井进行优化Delauny三角剖分设计,结合单向、双向链表及井距比例因子,较好地解决了以往沉积相带图河道砂体跨井排不连续和宽窄不一的问题,在QX油田实际应用中取得了较好的效果。
2.According to the structure of DBF file,a special type of link list and related operation algorithm are put forward.从DBF文件结构及实际需要出发,设计了一特殊形状的链表结构和相应的操作算法。
4)chain table链表
1.This paper introduced an automatic extraction method for the drainage network deriving based on the combination of DEM with DRLN,with the concept of chain table being proposed.该方法引入了链表的概念,在利用流域实际数字河网从流域的出口向上游搜索的过程中,对于湖泊水库等宽度大于一个栅格的河网地区建立链表,通过图的遍历来确定有河网流过的栅格的水流方向。
2.The material operation is to impliment operations of temporary geometrical entities using chain tables,then realize operations that temporary entities are deleted and group entities are changed.对零件库进行了介绍,主要研究了临时数据库(TDB)的功能,提出了在FORTRAN语言联编和UG/GRIP语言映射过程中,运用组结构实现TDB的功能,其具体操作是运用链表来实现对临时几何实体的操作,即实现临时几何实体的删除、组实体的转化等操作;将符合ISO13584。
3.These molecule objects can be integrated through the use of tree structure and circle chain tables so as to simplify the data structrue.该方法使用单纯分子地物模型对建筑物进行描述,建模时将建筑模型分解为若干形状简单的分子地物,通过树结构和双向循环链表的形式对其进行整合,简化了数据表示,便于以建筑物为单元进行操作。
5)Linked list链表
1.By use of concepts of pointer and derived type in FORTRAN90, a linked list which carried out a dynamic memory allocation for global stiffness matrix and enforced its flexibility is made.讨论了如何利用FORTRAN 90中指针和派生类型相结合构成的链表结构的方法对总刚实现动态存取、增强总刚的灵活性,从而克服了以往总刚形成和存储的一些缺点。
2.In this article,we first introduced how to add and delete a node in a linked list,and then designed a program to simulate a print quenue.首先介绍在链表中增加和删除结点是如何操作的,在此基础上,编写一个程序用于模拟完成多个终端共用一个打印机的系列打印任务。
1.Bi-directional Dijkstra Algorithm and the Acceleration of Intermediate List;双向Dijkstra算法及中间链表加速方法
2.Two key techniques of snapping points and snapping lines are settled as a result of data structure of doubly linked list.建立双向链表的数据结构,解决了管网节点计算机自动编号的两个关键技术:点捕捉和线捕捉。
3.The programming with Visual C is relatively simple by using the MFC function to manage the lists.由于使用了 Visual C语言MFC类进行链表的管理, 使得编程容易,整个程序简单实用。
