基本色彩词,basic color words
1)basic color words基本色彩词
1.To successfully translate those expressions including basic color words from English to Chinese or vise versa,it is a key step to master the basic and extended meaning of the color words.通过对英汉基本色彩词基本语义和引申义的比较,探讨了色彩词语翻译的一般规律并概括出四种基本译法。
2.To successfully translate those expressions including basic color words from English to Chinese or vise versa,it is a key step to master the cultural connotations of the color words.通过对英汉基本色彩词文化内涵的比较,探讨了色彩词语翻译的一般规律并概括出四种基本译法。

1.On Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Basic Color Words and Their Translation;英汉基本色彩词文化内涵对比及翻译
2.The National Cultural Meaning of English and Chinese Basic Color Terms and Intercultural Communication;英汉基本色彩词国俗语义对比与跨文化交际
3.Cognitive Extrapolation of Similar Cultural Meanings of Color Terms in English & Chinese;英汉基本色彩词汇文化意义相似的认知阐释——以黑色为例
4.Words Semantic Orientation Analysis Based Text Orientation Identification;基于词汇语义色彩分析的文本倾向识别
5.Buddhism and Taoism represented in the text of "Meng-Chuang-Ci";梦窗词文本中表现出的佛、道色彩论略
6.Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negati ves do.彩色正片的彩色再现过程,基本上和彩色负片相同。
7.Deaf Children s Classifying of Basic Colors and Color-terms;聋童对基本颜色和基本颜色词的分类
8.This paper introduces the elementary knowledge of color and the applying of color in the design of inner-room decoration.本文介绍了色彩的基本知识及色彩在室内装饰设计中的应用。
9.Design of Illegal Information Filtering Firewall with the Emotional Words;基于感情色彩词的非法信息过滤防火墙的设计
10.Chinese Expression with Basic Color Terms;现代汉语基本颜色词素仿词造词法探微
11.Almost all colours can be matched by mixing only three coloured lights.几乎所有的彩色都能由三种基本彩色光相混而配出。
12.Shape and Color: About the Basic Relations Between Shape and Color in Foundation Color Teaching;形色之间——关于基础色彩教学中形与色的基本关系
13.On the Morphological Structure And Semantic Features of The Basic Colour Words;浅谈基本颜色词的词法结构及其语义特征
14.A Contrastive Study of Metaphor in English and Chinese Non-Basic Colour Terms;汉英非基本颜色词中的隐喻对比研究
15.The Contradistinctive Study of Basic Colour Words in Vietnamese and Chinese;越南语和汉语基本颜色词的对比研究
16.Cultural Information of Color Lexicon in Chinese and English;谈谈英汉基本颜色词的文化伴随意义
17.English and Chinese from the cultural connotations of the translation of basic color terms从文化内涵看英汉基本颜色词的翻译
18.One method, called additive, starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other colors.一种叫加色法,通过把三种基本颜色相叠加以产生其他色彩。

English and Chinese basic color terms英汉基本色彩词
3)basic colour words基本颜色词
1.To successfully translate those expressions,including basic colour words from English to Chinese or vise versa, it is a key step to master the cultural connotations of the colour words.汉英民族对基本颜色词的分类基本上是相同的,都采用七分法,即赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。
4)basic color terms基本颜色词
1.By adopting codability theory and a synthetic contrastive approach of combining classical Chinese, Mandarin and dialects,this thesis researches basic color terms in Chinese.文章用编码度理论和汉外、汉语普方古综合比较的研究模式,讨论汉语的基本颜色词。
2.Based on the theory of metaphor,the paper takes the basic color terms "black","white" and " red" in both English and Chinese as examples to analyze the semantic similarities and differences of the basic color terms.本文以隐喻认知理论为基础,以英汉语言中基本颜色词"黑"、"白"、"红"为例,比较分析了在隐喻认知视角下这些颜色词的语义异同。
3.The aim is to describe the similarities and differences of cognitive semantic structures about basic color terms.文章从认知语言学的角度,运用原型理论、隐喻和转喻等理论,分析英汉语言中的基本颜色词"白"。
5)the basic laws of colouring色彩的基本规律
6)basic color term theory基本色彩理论
