积极礼貌策略,positive politeness strategies
1)positive politeness strategies积极礼貌策略
1.A Study of the Gender Differences in the Use of Language in Using Positive Politeness Strategies in Chinese Communication;汉语交际中积极礼貌策略使用中语言使用的性别差异研究
2.Based on Brown & Levinson ’s Face Theory, this paper analyses politeness phenomenon in Chinese preface by using the positive politeness strategies and negative politeness strategies proposed by Face Theory.笔者以Brown & Levinson的面子理论中的积极礼貌策略和消极礼貌策略来分析中文序言里的礼貌现象。

1.A Study of the Gender Differences in the Use of Language in Using Positive Politeness Strategies in Chinese Communication;汉语交际中积极礼貌策略使用中语言使用的性别差异研究
2.A Pragmatic Analysis of Positive Politeness Strategy in American Presidential Inaugural Addresses;从语用学角度分析美国总统就职演说中的积极礼貌策略
3.Politeness as Strategy and Politeness as Norm:A Critique;质疑“礼貌策略说”和“礼貌规范说”
4.Analysis of Politeness in Hotel Service Discourse;饭店服务话语礼貌原则和礼貌策略探析
5.On the Input of Politeness Language and Politeness Tacticsin English Teaching;英语教学中礼貌原则和礼貌策略的输入
6.A Note on Strategic Functions of Polite Languages in Perspective of Politeness Principle从礼貌原则的角度看礼貌语言的策略功能
7.Politeness: From the East to the West-A Contrastive Study of Invitation Strategies between Chinese and Westerners;从“邀请”看东西方礼貌策略之异同
8.A Study on Politeness Strategies of Teacher Talk in College of EFL Context;大学英语课堂教师话语礼貌策略研究
9.On the Maxims of Tact and Generosity of the Politeness Principle;论礼貌原则中的策略准则和慷慨准则
10.Politeness Strategies in Writing Business English Letters商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略探析
11.On the Recognition Track to Courtesy Strategy in the Communication of Business English商务英语交际中礼貌策略的认知轨迹
12.The Difference of Politeness Maxim and Translation of Politeness Language Between English and Chinese英汉礼貌准则的差异及英汉礼貌用语的互译策略
13.Active Portfolio Strategy积极性投资组合策略
14.A Contrastive Study of the Speech Act of "Criticism" and Politeness Strategies in Chinese and English Culture英汉“批评”言语行为与礼貌策略对比分析
15.On Translation Strategies of Politeness in English Business Correspondences;论英语商务信函中礼貌现象的翻译策略
16.Politeness Strategies for the Speech Act of Refusal in English Business Letters;英文商务信函拒绝言语行为的礼貌策略研究
17.Politeness Equivalence and Its Translation Strategies in Translating Business Letters;商务信函翻译中的礼貌对等及其翻译策略
18.The Grand Strategy of Politeness in International Business Negotiation;礼貌大同策略在国际商务谈判语言中的实现

politeness tactics礼貌策略
1.Brief analysis on the politeness tactics in Chinese language civilization;浅谈汉语文化中的礼貌策略
2.proposes that politeness language and politeness tactics should be input in our language teaching, and expounds methods to enhance the students awareness of using politeness tactics.讨论了在英语教学中积极导入中西方礼貌语言和礼貌原则的差异对提高学生、特别是涉外专业的学生的交际能力的重要性 ,提出了在英语教学中加强礼貌语言及策略的输入、增强学生使用礼貌策略的意识的方式方
3)politeness strategy礼貌策略
1.Politeness Strategy and Its Pattern in Advertising Speech;广告用语的礼貌策略及其应用模式
2.This paper,based on Brown and Levinson s politeness strategy,is to discuss the positive politeness strategy,negative politeness strategy and strategy method used by college English teachers in class and to analyze the importance of politeness to English class.以Brown和Levinson的礼貌策略为理论框架,以教师教学语言为考察对象,对教师在教学过程中使用的积极礼貌策略和消极礼貌策略等策略手段进行分析,可以看出礼貌策略对英语课堂教学的意义。
3.In order to establish and remain good interpersonal relationship with students and create favorable classroom atmosphere, teachers should take politeness strategy into consideration.以示范课录像资料中教师描述性和控制性语言为考察对象,分析了优秀英语教师课堂礼貌策略的使用情况。
4)politeness strategies礼貌策略
1.The application of politeness strategies in the business correspondence;礼貌策略在商务信函中的运用
2.Politeness Strategies for the Speech Act of Refusal in English Business Letters;英文商务信函拒绝言语行为的礼貌策略研究
3.Politeness Strategies for the Speech Act of Complaint in Chinese;汉语抱怨言语行为的礼貌策略
5)positive politeness积极礼貌
1.Through the analyses of the strategies of positive politeness,negative politeness and off-record,the author suggests that such strategies should be used tactfully according to different situations.通过对礼貌的概念及运用的研究,文章分析了如何使用英语礼貌语言中留面子的种种不同策略,分别达到积极礼貌以及消极礼貌的目的。
6)strategic impoliteness策略性不礼貌
1.Being delimitated from the following three aspects in an ordered way: ways of realization, receivers of impoliteness, and the speaker s intention and the hearer s acceptance, impolite phenomena can be categorized into three classes: non-strategic impoliteness, strategic impoliteness and impoliteness due to pragmatic failures.不礼貌从实现形式、针对对象、说话者意图及听话方的接收效果等层面逐层界定后可分为3类:非策略性不礼貌、策略性不礼貌和语用失误型不礼貌,各类不礼貌的产生原因不尽相同。
