交际方式,communication styles
1)communication styles交际方式
1.This paper is an analysis of women s communication styles and the reasons why women would like to employ such talking styles from the perspective of discourse analysis.语言行为的性别差异能在男性和女性使用不同的交际方式中得窥一斑。

1.China's Classical Poems and their Non-verbal Communications论中国古典诗歌中的非语言交际方式
2.Cell phones have changed our behavior and how we communicate.手机已经改变了我们的行为和交际方式
3.Codes of international container interchange modeGB/T15419-1994国际集装箱货运交接方式代码
4.The Constructing Methods and the Communicating Function of the Euphemism;英语委婉语的构建方式及其交际功能
5.Progress of English learners' speech act外语学习者言语交际行为方式的演进
6.On Communication Strategy & Developing Methods of Oral English Communication Skill关于交际策略与英语口语交际能力培养方式的探讨
7.On the Changes and Influences of SMS and Ways of Personal Communication;论手机短信与人际交往方式的变化及影响
8.Patterns of Thinking and Cross-Cultural Communication-A Comparison between Chinese and Americans;中美思维方式差异对跨文化交际的影响
9.Differences in Thought Pattems and Influences Upon Intercultural Communication between Chinese and Americans;中美思维方式的差异及其对跨文化交际的影响
10.The Predictability of Self-construal over Face Concern and Conflict Style;自我理念对面子和交际冲突方式的可预见性
11.Emotional Regulation Type and Its Relationship with Personal Interaction in University Students;大学生的情绪调节方式及其对人际交往的影响
12.Cognitive Behavior and Ways in the Language Class Intercourse in the Institutions of Higher Learning;高校外语交际语境中的认知行为和方式
13.Teacher Questioning: Patterns and Effects on Students′ Communicative Proficiency;英语课堂教师提问方式对学生交际能力的影响
14.Consumption in Human Relationships : A Means of Present -Day College Students Interpersonal Communication;论人情消费——一种大学生人际交往的方式
15.Shallow Views on The Differences of Time Using Way in Cross-Cultural Communication;浅析跨文化交际中的时间使用方式差异
16.The Study of the Communicative Functions and Structures of English Euphemism;英语委婉语的交际功能及其构造方式探微
17.The Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemism and its Expressions in Communication;英语委婉语在交际中的语用功能及表达方式
18.Intercultural Communication and Differences in Language Expressions and Statements;跨文化交际及语言表达表态方式的差异

intercourse Method人际交往方式
3)the third way of public communication第三种公共交际方式
4)communicative model交际模式
1.From the perspective of pragmatics,the paper attempts to analyze the problems such as communicative model,context and information relevance in reading comprehension under the Relevance Theory and then interprets the cognitive characteristics and rules of reading comprehension.从语用角度,分别讨论了关联理论指导下的阅读理解交际模式和阅读理解中的语境、信息关联性等问题,进而阐释阅读理解的认知特征和认知规律。
5)communication forms交际形式
1.The Communicative Teaching of Spoken English in Vocational Institutes in China;高职高专交际式英语口语教学研究

油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas field  a垃d gas月e卫d) 、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl