公共演说,public speech
1)public speech公共演说
1.Based on a detailed analysis of some public speeches,the present study aims to apply relevant theories to explore the use of pragmatic strategies,such as the unconventional choices of person deixis,proper redundancy strategy and code-switching strategy in the public speeches.以公共演说的一些实例为语料,结合语用学的相关理论,对演讲语篇中所采用的非常规性使用人称指示语、适当冗余策略及语码转换策略等语用策略作一分析,以期教师在外语教学中,能注重培养学习者掌握正确的语用策略,提高他们的语用能力和教学能力。

1.Realization of Interpersonal Significance by Appraisal System in English Public Speaking评价理论视角下英语公共演说语篇中人际意义的体现
2.But even if you never give another speech in your life, you still have much to gain from studying public speaking.但是,即便你从未发表过一个演讲,你仍然会从学习公共演说中获益良多。
3.The Public Funeral Oration and the Construction of Athenian Civic Identity;公共葬礼演说与雅典城邦认同的建构
4.Citizens of Singapore will be able to make speeches there without having to apply for a permit from the Public Entertainment Licensing Unit.新加坡公民毋须申请公共娱乐证,便可以公开演说。
5.Yet those on-line commentators would pale beside the speaker who voices his opinion on an issue directly to the public.演讲,是在公共场合针对一定话题现身说法,比起网上评论者的身手可说是更胜一筹。
6.Basing on the different using requirements, how to select an optimization reverberation time is one of the important contents in the timbre design.对于音乐演播厅用途的公共建筑来说,音质效果的优劣是一项重要指标。
7.A style or manner of speaking, especially in public.演讲风格说话的风格或方式,尤指公开演说
8.The Republican Party made little or no account of the speeches delivered by the Democratic Party.共和党瞧不起民主党发表的演说。
9.The manager of this company is not equipped for public speaking.这家公司的经理没有公开演说的才能。
10.someone who writes comic material for public performers.为公共表演者写笑料的人。
11.Are you afraid of giving a speech in public?你害怕在公共场合作演讲吗?
12.Institutional evolution in Chinese stock market:View Point of public choice中国股票市场政策演进:公共选择视角
13.a public building for lectures and concerts.一个举行演讲和音乐会的公共场所。
14.On the Interpretation of the Cultural Factors from Chinese to English in Public Speeches;浅论公共演讲中文化因素的汉英口译
15.The Evolvement of Public Administration Paradigm under the Circumstance of Knowledge Economy;知识经济条件下公共行政范式的演变
16.The Occurrence and Trend Analysis of the Chinese Public-Sphere;论中国公共领域的发生及其演进趋势
17.On the Choosing of Value in the Development of Western Public Administration Theory;西方公共行政理论演变中的价值取向
18.The History Evolvement and Age Value of Public Administrative Ethic;公共行政伦理的历史演进与时代价值

public speech公众演说
1.Therefore, this paper extends a systematic study on strategies for translating metaphor of English public speech into Chinese.公众演说是介于口语体和书面体之间的一种独特文体,目前,对其隐喻翻译策略的研究还很少。
2.However,most of the researches have been done through pragmatic approach in the interrelationship between vagueness and diplomatic language in conversational aspect,few of them touch upon the diplomatic language in the domain of public speech,and even fewer has dealt with vagueness from the perspective of stylistics.因此,公众演说已成为西方国家一些大学、学院甚至是中学的必修课程,而语言学家和政治家们对成功演讲的研究始终热情如一。
3)Public Speeches公共演讲
1.On Grammatical Metaphor in Interpretation for Public Speeches;论公共演讲口译中的语法隐喻
4)public speaking公共演讲
1.Or in detail, it is about the missing or mis-operation of the interpreting-oriented public speaking course in interpreting teaching and training.作者分别从理论和实践的角度剖析和证明了公共演讲技巧和策略在口译实践当中的应用,从而论证公共演说课程设置的必要性,强调该课程的意义和效果,以期唤起口译教学工作者和英语专业学习者的重视和关注。
2.Quite a few experts have advocated that the principles and strategies of public speaking have great influence on the development of an interpreter’s competence.“公共演讲与口译”是近年来口译界着力颇多的一个课题。
3.That is to explore the production stage of interpretation from the perspective of public speaking.本论文探讨了一个对口译研究领域较为根本也非常重要的课题:即口译表达中的公共演讲策略。
5)Public speech公共演讲
1.Public speech is a skilled social communication by which people can realize specific purposes such as giving information, creating entertainment and persuading.公共演讲是一种实用性极强的现实活动,在社会生活的很多方面我们都是依靠演讲来传递信息、表达情感、建立关系等等。
6)collective right theory公共权利说
1.There are two different theories concerning the right to carry and bear arms: collective right theory and individual right theory.在"持有和携带武器"的权利归属上,就存在截然对立的两种解读方式:"公共权利说"和"个人权利说"。
