交际对象,communicative object
1)communicative object交际对象
1.The paper analyses the two vital factors in the context factors, communicative object and time space factor which influence the communication.本文通过分析语境诸因素中两大重要因素即交际对象、时空因素对于言语交际活动的影响,阐明言语交际过程中注重语境的重要性。

1.Care to the Opposite Mind by Applying NLP in the Speaking应用NLP技巧在口才形成中掌握交际对象的心理
2.A Contrastive Study of Chinese-English Pragmatic Phenomena in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中英汉语用现象对比分析
3.On the Phenomenon of the Relative Translation Equivalence in Intercultural Communication;浅析跨文化交际中的“相对等值”现象
4.Study on the Interpersonal Communication of TV On-camera Journalist and Interviewee;电视出镜记者与采访对象的人际交流研究
5.On Culture Aphasia and Strategies of IC Teaching;跨文化交际教育中中国文化失语现象及对策
6.A Functional Analysis on Chinese-English Code-switching on College Campus;对校园交际中英汉语码转换现象的功能分析
7.Correspondence and Non-correspondence Relations of Words Semantic Meaning in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中词义的对应关系及折射现象
8.Stereotype in Cross-cultural Communication and Its Implications for ESL Teaching;跨文化交际中的刻板印象及其对英语教学的启示
9.Communicational Activity and the Intersubjectivity:A New Explanation of the Relation Between Political and Idealogical Educators and Educational Objects;交往活动与主体际:思想政治教育者与教育对象关系新解
10.Code deviation usually occurs in speech communication.言语交际中往往伴随着代码偏离现象。
11.Relevance-theoretic Approach to Coherence in Verbal Communication;言语交际中连贯现象的关联理论解读
12.On the Interpretation of Cultural Image in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中文化意象的解读与翻译
13.Research into the "Vagueness" in English Communication;英语语言交际中的“模糊性”现象研究
14.Domestication and Foreignization in Cross-culture Translation;跨文化交际中的归化和异化翻译现象
15.The Phenomenon of Lnter-language Fossilization and the Use of Communicative Approach;中介语石化现象与交际教学法的运用
16.Mass Communication and Stereotype in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的刻板印象与大众传播
17.Implied meaning language phenomenon in English communicative intention;英语交际语言中的言外之意现象探索
18.Cross-cultural communication and the study of Language "excess;跨文化交际与语言“出格”现象的研究

hypothetical communication object假设交际对象
1.Taken in language library and valued by recording,G-Telp reflects a new perspective of language communication: a speaker will create a "hypothetical communication object" to express himself,its grade system and grade report do some good,and it has some defects as a result of no "real communication object".美国G-Telp口语测试由于采用了语言实验室和录音—评分方式,反映了一个语言交际过程的新视角:说话人会创造一个“假设交际对象”,实现流利和准确表达。
3)real communication object真实交际对象
1.Taken in language library and valued by recording,G-Telp reflects a new perspective of language communication: a speaker will create a "hypothetical communication object" to express himself,its grade system and grade report do some good,and it has some defects as a result of no "real communication object".同时由于取消了“真实交际对象”也存在一些缺陷。
4)interactive contactile objects人际交往对象
5)intention to choose the discourse object交际对象意图
6)the opposite mind交际对象心理
