符号特点,symbol features
1)symbol features符号特点
1.The conversion and the similarities and differences of Chinese and English punctuation in English translation for traditional Chinese medicine;中医英译中汉英标点符号的异同和转换
2.Analyses on some typical errors in punctuation in English books and periodicals;英文书刊标点符号典型错误辨析
3.Comparative Analysis on English-Chinese Punctuation;汉英标点符号的比较研究

1.A written or printed symbol used for punctuation;a punctuation mark.标点符号书写或打印的用作标点的符号;标点符号
2.Use of punctuations marksGB/T15834-1995标点符号用法
3.Full stop: Punctuation mark used to end a sentence.句号:表示句子完结的标点符号
4.Period: Another word to mean a "full stop".句号:完结一句的标点符号
5.The Application of Quotations, Quotation Marks and Other Punctuations;引文、引号及其相关标点符号的使用
6.The first step is to list all the characters( not glyphs) needed for input, including digits and punctuation marks.第一步是列出所有需要输入的字符(是符号)包括数字和标点符号
7.AutoCorrect automatically converted punctuation to half characters“自动更正”已自动将标点符号改为半角字符
8.either of two punctuation marks ({ or}) used to enclose textual material.用来把文字材料括起来的标点符号({或})。
9.either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material.用来把文字材料括起来的标点符号(或;)。
10.Be consistent in grammar and punctuation.在文法和标点符号上保持一致。
11.On the Problem of Transformation of Punctuations in Translating of Corpus Iurisi Civilis;《民法大全》翻译中的标点符号翻译问题
12.Chinese Translation of Western Works & Formation of New Punctuation Marks in Chinese;汉译西书与汉语新式标点符号的形成
13.Inadequacy and Demand:the Grammatical Functions of Punctuation Marks;不足与需要:论标点符号的语法功能
14.Rethinking the Uses of Punctuations Marks: An Investigation;关于标点符号使用情况的调查及思考
15.The unusual function and usable criterion of punctuation marks;标点符号的独特功能及使用规范问题
16.English punctuation characteristics and its Chinese translation;英语标点符号的基本特征与汉译方法
17.Analysis of Some Wrongly - used Punctuations in Administrative Document Writing;浅析公文写作中容易用错的标点符号
18.The marks so used.标点被这样运用的符号

1.The conversion and the similarities and differences of Chinese and English punctuation in English translation for traditional Chinese medicine;中医英译中汉英标点符号的异同和转换
2.Analyses on some typical errors in punctuation in English books and periodicals;英文书刊标点符号典型错误辨析
3.Comparative Analysis on English-Chinese Punctuation;汉英标点符号的比较研究
3)point symbol点状符号
1.It picks up element map by separating colors,introduces the conception of line camber,and filters the lines of non-point symbols according to curve density and line density,and extracts point symbols from the map based on distance transformation.针对彩色扫描地图的点状符号,提出了一种基于距离变换进行模式识别的新方法。
2.The extracting results of element maps are optimized and the lines which do not meet the features of point symbols are filtered according to curve density and line density.提出了一种基于距离变换提取和识别点状符号的新方法。
4)Dot-form symbol点状符号
1.The Design and Implementation of Dot-Form Symbol Library for GIS;地理信息系统点状符号库的设计与实现
5)punctuation marks标点符号
1.On the basic laws of the initiation and development of the Chinese punctuation marks since the 20th Century;二十世纪以来汉语标点符号系统的演进
2.A comparison of Chinese and Japanese punctuation marks and handling in translation;日汉标点符号对比与翻译处理
3.Rhetorical functions of punctuation marks: Focusing on semi-colons and dashes;论标点符号的修辞作用——实证分析分号、破折号的逻辑与情感功能
6)Punctuation mark标点符号
1.The origin of modern punctuation mark system;中国现代标点符号体系的开端
2.Transplanting literally the punctuation marks from English to its Chiese translation will make the translation ambiguous or even wrong.英汉两种语言的标点符号,既有相同之处,又有不同之点。
3.As an integral part of written Chinese,punctuation marks are widely used.标点符号是书面语的有机组成部分,使用频率很高。

《公共信息标志用图形符号》(GB10001—1994)《公共信息标志用图形符号》(GB10001—1994)Graphical Symbols for Use on Public Information Signs  号是用于图形标志上,以图形或图像为主要特征,向公众提供信息,给人以行为指示的国际化图形语言,具有一目了然的特点及美化环境、提高文明建设程度的良好作用。常设t在宾馆、饭店、商场、车站、码头、机场、体育及会议中心、旅游景点等处。还可用于各种印刷品。该标准的前身为《公共信息图形符号》(GB 3818一1983)和《公共信息标志用图形符号》(GBI(X刃1一1988),1望抖年合并为GB10以)1一1望抖。 与GBI以X)1相关的标准有:《铁路客运服务图形标志)( GB/T7仍8一1986)、《民用航空公共信息图形符黔(MH(以巧一l期)、《旅游饭店用公共信息图形符号》(LBITool一1卯5)。这些标准分别引用了GBI仪幻l中的相关符号,并补充了各自的专用符号。另外,指导如何使用这类图形符号的标准有《图形标志使用原则与要求》(C别T巧宝巧一1卯5)及《民用航空公共信息图形标志设t原则与要求》(MHIToo12-1卯7)。 (白段一)G。飞心以习Xinxj Bicozhiybr习Tuxing Fuf父幻《公共信息标志用图形符号)(GB llXX)l一1994)(。即人蒯月助刀入〕‘for Useon乃站licl卜娇〕~fonS心心)在采用1507001:l卿公共信息符号的基础上制定的国家标准,共规定了79个公共信息标志用图形符号。其中的10个符号(见图),从左到右依次为:公共汽车、残疾人设施、卫生间、电话、票务服务、结账、西餐、卡拉OK、自行车停放处、运动场所。这类符回固圃园圃圃冈团园囿公共信息标志用图形符号