不礼貌言语,impolite utterance
1)impolite utterance不礼貌言语
1.The impolite utterances with respectful attitude are to be studied in this thesis under the Adaptation Theory proposed by Jef Verschueren.不礼貌言语的突出特点是言说内容威胁到听者的面子,使之感到不快、尴尬。
2)Verbal impoliteness言语不礼貌
3)impolite speech acts不礼貌言语行为
1.An interpretation of impolite speech acts in the light of AT不礼貌言语行为的顺应性研究
4)Politeness language礼貌语言
1.In various expressions of being polite,different understandings of individualism in Chinese and English cultures produce each own politeness language.在众多各异的表达“礼貌”的言语行为中,仅从英汉对“Individualism”(个人主义)的不同理解出发,就引发了一系列各自的礼貌语言。
2.It extends the concept of FTAs (face-threatening acts) into FTAs and non-FTAs, and then demonstrates that politeness language can roughly be divided into five categories as its different levels.本文继承了中外学者关于语言礼貌问题的合理见解 ,在此基础上作者提出了自己对礼貌概念的看法 ,拓展了威胁面子行为的概念 ,并进一步分析了礼貌语言的五个层级。

1.A Note on Strategic Functions of Polite Languages in Perspective of Politeness Principle从礼貌原则的角度看礼貌语言的策略功能
2.Application of Hedging in Spokespersons' Politeness Language新闻发言人礼貌语言中模糊限制语的运用
3.A Study of Politeness Language and Strategies in English Language Teaching in Secondary Schools;中学英语教学中礼貌语言与策略的研究
4.On Pragmatic Differences of Polite Language in English and Chinese during Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中英汉礼貌语言的语用差异分析
5.Courtesy Language Meme and Its Adaptation in Cross-cultural Communicative Context礼貌语言模因及其在跨文化交际语境中的顺应
6.Linguistic Impoliteness and the Improvement of Impoliteness Theory语言非礼貌现象及非礼貌理论的完善
7.That shop girl is too courteous for words.那个女店员礼貌之好无法用言语表达
8.He couched his demands in careful, polite language.他用谨慎礼貌的语言陈述了他的要求。
9.There is no doubt that polite linguistic acts are welcome.毫无疑问,礼貌的言语行为受欢迎。
10.A Study of Politeness under the Framework of Relevance Theory;关联理论框架下礼貌性言语行为研究
11.Politeness equivalence of request in Chinese-English translation;汉英翻译中“请求”言语行为的礼貌对等
12.Cognitive Analysis of Politeness Causing Misunderstandings or Errors in Verbal Communication礼貌原则下言语交际失误的认知成因
13.“Requests” and Politeness Strategies in English Contexts;英语语境中的“请求”言语行为与礼貌策略
14.The Marked Politeness Language from the Perspective of Pragmatics in English;语用学视角下英语中被标记的礼貌性语言
15.Analysis of and Solution to Teacher s Polite Speech in Spoken English Class;英语口语课堂教师言语礼貌的分析与对策
16.In language intercourse,we should not only heed politeness but also advocate sincerity.我们在言语交际中,不仅需要讲究礼貌,也应该倡导真诚的礼貌行为。
17.Politeness Principle and the Function of Fuzzy Language to Express Politeness;模糊语言的礼貌表达功能——从遵循礼貌原则角度分析
18.A Pragmatic Analysis of Politeness Strategy in Diplomatic Language;从语用角度分析外交语言中的礼貌策略

Verbal impoliteness言语不礼貌
3)impolite speech acts不礼貌言语行为
1.An interpretation of impolite speech acts in the light of AT不礼貌言语行为的顺应性研究
4)Politeness language礼貌语言
1.In various expressions of being polite,different understandings of individualism in Chinese and English cultures produce each own politeness language.在众多各异的表达“礼貌”的言语行为中,仅从英汉对“Individualism”(个人主义)的不同理解出发,就引发了一系列各自的礼貌语言。
2.It extends the concept of FTAs (face-threatening acts) into FTAs and non-FTAs, and then demonstrates that politeness language can roughly be divided into five categories as its different levels.本文继承了中外学者关于语言礼貌问题的合理见解 ,在此基础上作者提出了自己对礼貌概念的看法 ,拓展了威胁面子行为的概念 ,并进一步分析了礼貌语言的五个层级。
5)polite language礼貌语言
1.Differences of polite language exists because of differences between oriental historical and cultural background,geographical environment and thinking manner and those of western.由于东西方历史文化背景、地理环境和思维方式的不同,礼貌语言在表达上有很大的差异。
2.Based on a brief study of Grice s conversational implicature and Leech s polite principle,this paper explores the scale of polite language from the angle of linguistics.文章以Grice的会话含意理论及Leech的礼貌原则为切入点,从语言学的角度探讨礼貌语言的层级性。
6)courtesy language礼貌语言
1.People,coming from different cultural background,will have different understanding to courtesy language with the differences in moral value view,cultural custom and regulation in behavior.不同文化背景的人,由于道德价值观、文化习俗、行为规范上的差异,对礼貌语言的理解是不同的。
