隐含义素,implicit sememe
1)implicit sememe隐含义素
1.Nevertheless,we can get the satisfactory answer from the analysis of implicit sememe.现有的义素理论主要用来分析静态语言中的词义,但对义位进入动态环境中所呈现出的丰富内涵,就显示出了揭示全面词义的局限性,而我们却可以从隐含义素的分析中找到贴切的答案。

1.The Nature and Its Pragmatic Value of Morpheme Implicit Sememe;义位隐含义素性质的认知分析及其语用价值
2.winkling out hidden meanings,挖掘其隐晦的含义,
3.On the Implicitness or Explicitness of Implicture in Translation;隐含意义在翻译中的“隐”与“现”
4.Sophisticated readers understood the book's hidden meaning.老练的读者理解了这本书隐含的含义。
5.The Conversational Implicature of Metapthor and Its Functions in the Development of Vocabulary隐喻的会话含义及隐喻对词汇发展的作用
6.But beneath this courtesy, I detect their deep breath of moral feeling.然而在这礼节之中,隐含着深远的意义
7.He could not probe into the mystery of his speech.他吃不透他讲话的隐晦含义。
8.Not clear - I can't understand the problem because the message is too vague or cryptic.不明确——消息含义太隐晦,无法理解。
9.realize the true character of sb or grasp a hidden meaning,etc看穿某人或了解到隐含的意义等
10.Simple words with great meaning.简单的话语隐含着伟大的意义。
11.Implied Resetting Function and Semantic Scope of "Xingkui(幸亏)"“幸亏”隐含的转接功能与语义辖域
12.On Some Concealed Affirmative Meaning in English浅谈英语中否定结构的隐性肯定含义
13.Conceptual Metaphor: Its Applications and Implications in Business Environment;概念隐喻在商务环境中的应用和含义
14.The Multiple Connotations of Heidegger s "Non-being";海德格尔的“无”所隐含的多重意义
15.Qian Zhongshu Mysterious Meaning in Zhang Wei s An Old Boat;论张炜小说《古船》意象的隐秘含义
16.Contrastive studies between "隐喻" and metaphor;隐喻与“metaphor”含义的对比研究
17.Sensitivity Analysis in A New Generalized Nonlinear Parametric Implicit Quasi-Variational Inclusion;新广义非线性含参隐拟变分包含的灵敏性分析
18.Completely Generalized Mixed Implicit Quasi-Variational Inequality and a System of Generalized Implicit Quasi Variational-Like Inclusion;完全广义混合隐拟变分不等式与广义隐拟似变分包含组

the conversational implicature隐含义
1.In the aspect of pragmatics,there is the discrepancy of the conversational implicature and the style of."现在"与"目前"的差异首先表现在"现在1"、"现在2"与"目前"的语义上,其次是二者在VP、NP、句型、单独成句能力和呼应词等语法方面的区别,然后是双方隐含义、语体的不同,最后是它们源头上的迥异。
1.Based on the framework of OT pragmatics,the article analyzes the distinction between explicature and implicature by virture of the global and rational principle concerning linguistic communication.依据优选论语用学有关言语交际整体的、理性的原则,分析了明示意义与隐含意义的差异。
2.After a tetailed analysis of pragmatic meaning context and implicature.文章在洋细分析了语用意义、语境和隐含意义之后认为,正确理解特定语境下说话人的隐含意图是进行成功交际的前提。
4)Implied meaning隐含义
1.Translation of literal and implied meaning in A Dream in Red Mansions;字面义和隐含义的翻译——《红楼梦》英译文研究
2.Then,how to translate this novel into English,and how to transmit the implied meaning has become a difficulty.然而要把《红楼梦》译成英文,如何传递语言字面义和隐含义就成为了一个难题。
5)implicit difiinition隐含定义
6)implicit elements隐含因素

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