语境关联,relevance in context
1)relevance in context语境关联
2)relevant context关联语境
1.It is believed that interpreting is an inferential-ostensive communication on the basis of relevant context.在关联理论的框架下研究交替传译,认为口译是一个基于关联语境假设的推理—直显的过程。
2.Grasping relevant context is an important factor of realizing equivalent translation.等效翻译受语言语境、情景语境、文化语境的制约,而把握关联语境是实现等效翻译的一个重要因素。

1.Relevant Context of Optimal Language in Consecutive Interpreting;关联语境与交替传译的最佳译语选择
2.On the Effect of Context to Equivalent Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;关联语境理论对等效翻译的解释作用
3.LiangSegmental Sound Change and Its Phonetic Context;语音音段音变现象与语音语境之关联
4.A Relevance-based Approach to Context Analysis in Pun;基于关联理论的双关语中的语境分析
5.A View on Advertising Message under Cross-cultural Context with Relevance Theory;从关联理论看跨文化语境下的广告语
6.Context Selection in Written Texts in Light of Relevance Theory;从关联理论看书面语篇中的语境选择
7.Throughbreaking of Discourse--The Strategy of Violating Relevance话语突围——语境在关联中的悖离策略
8.On Cognitive Environment, Mutual Manifestness, Relevance, Ostension and Intention;认知语境、互明、关联、明示、意图——关联理论基础
9.A Brief Discussion on Context Constraints on the Semantic Relevance of Situational Conversation Discourse;略论语境对情景会话语篇语义关联性的制约
10.The Effect of Discourse Context on the Semantic Cognition of Lexical Items in the Perspective of Relevance Theory从关联理论看话语语境对词项语义认知的效应
11.Translation in Cultural Context and the Enlightenment of Relevance Theory;文化语境下的翻译及关联理论的启示
12.Application of the Schema,Context and Relevance Theories in Reading;图式、语境与关联理论在阅读中的应用
13.Relevance Theory as an Explanationto the Translation of " Cultural Context;关联理论对"文化语境"翻译的解释力
14.Context Theories of Systemic-Functional Grammar and Relevance Theory and Translation Selection;系统功能语法语境观和关联理论语境观与翻译选择
15.On the Mutual-Complementarity of Two Contexts--Systemic-functional Grammar and Relevance Theory;小议两种语境观的互补性——系统功能语言学与关联理论的语境观
16.How Two Theories of Context Bear on Translation Studies: A Contrastive Study;从翻译研究看关联理论语境观和系统功能语言学语境观
17.Optimal Relevance and Context Analysis in Advertising Captions;广告标示语的语境理解与最佳关联研究
18.Cognitive Context:The Explanatory Power of Relevance Theory to Lexical Pragmatics;认知语境:关联理论对词汇语用学的解释力

relevant context关联语境
1.It is believed that interpreting is an inferential-ostensive communication on the basis of relevant context.在关联理论的框架下研究交替传译,认为口译是一个基于关联语境假设的推理—直显的过程。
2.Grasping relevant context is an important factor of realizing equivalent translation.等效翻译受语言语境、情景语境、文化语境的制约,而把握关联语境是实现等效翻译的一个重要因素。
3)associated contextual clauses关联语境句
1.The associated contextual clauses occur more frequently on the left of topic structures than on the right.与受事话题关联的语境句出现在话题结构左侧的频率大于出现在其右侧的频率,且关联语境句的出现频率在靠近话题结构的位置上较高,在远离话题结构的位置上则较低。
4)optimally relevant context最佳关联性语境
1.Meaning determination is inferred through context,restricted by and confirmed in relevant context,and must conform to the fusion of optimally relevant context.翻译中词义的选择要根据语境进行推理,受到关联性语境的制约,同时要在关联性语境中得到体现和印证,符合最佳关联性语境融合。
5)Relevance Theory and Context关联理论与语境
6)On Linguistic Context, Relevance and Meaning语境、关联与意义
