旅行广告,travel advertisements
1)travel advertisements旅行广告
1.This thesis aims to explore the pragmatic vagueness commonly seen in English travel advertisement from the perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory,and analyzes how pragmatic vagueness in travel advertisement is realized through linguistic context and through structural objects of adaptation as well as how the adaptation to pragmatic vagueness will have effects on travel advertisements.本文采用了何自然的语用模糊定义,从2008年内的泰晤士报中随机抽选的30个旅行广告为研究样本,通过定性分析和数据统计,从顺应理论的视角,研究了旅行广告中的语境顺应和结构顺应及其实现顺应的特点。

1.Analyzing Pragmatic Vagueness in Travel Advertisements: An Adaptation-theoretic Approach从顺应角度分析旅行广告中的语用模糊
2.A probe into tourist advertisements on "golden week"--Case study on advertisements of "travel on national Day" in Nanjing in 2001;黄金周旅游广告探究——以2001年南京市旅行社报纸广告为例
3.an employment, a travel, an advertising, a secretarial, etc agency职业介绍所、 旅行社、 广告社、 秘书介绍所
4.Dual Attribute of Travel Agency Product and Its Optimal Advertising Strategies;旅行社产品的双重属性及最优广告策略
5.The act of advertising.做广告做广告的行为
6.Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of great temple built to the Gods?旅行社广告: 您是否梦想过登上为众神修建的宏伟庙宇的台阶?
7.The Mentality Basic of Advertising and the Parole Act for Advertising;广告诉求的心理基础与广告言语行为
8.Research on the Ad Audience s Behavior in the Environment of the New Ad Media;新广告媒体环境下广告受众行为研究
9.Virtues of Advertising--On the Ethical Value of Public Service Ads;广告的德行——论公益广告的伦理价值
10.Announcements for Sea Travelers给海上旅行者的通告
11.Please give me the account of your trip.请告诉我你旅行的情形。
12.a seasoned traveller见多识广的旅行者inseason
13.The business of designing and writing advertisements for publication or broadcast.广告业为出版或广播而设计和创作广告的行业
14.Navigation Warning Broadcasting Responsibility Areas航行警告广播责任区
15.The Impact of Advertisement on Tourist Motive;旅游广告宣传及其对旅游动机影响分析
16.A Study on the Creation of Tourism Advisements on the Basis of Tourism Imagery旅游地意象定位下的旅游广告创意设计研究
17.Tourism Brand Advertising on Upgrading Tourism City Brand:Taking Dalian as An Example旅游广告提升旅游城市品牌研究——以大连为例
18.Advertising has played a large part in the growth of tourism.广告业对旅游业的发展起了很大作用。

tourism advertisement旅游广告
1.The trend of tourism to integrate marketing will drive tourism advertisement into maturity.旅游整合营销理念的发展潮流,将推动旅游广告逐步走向成熟。
2.The invisibility,non-storability and non-transferability of tourism products give potential tourists more dependent on tourism advertisement.旅游产品的无形性、生产效用的不可储存性和整体不可转移性,使潜在的旅游消费者相对更多地依赖于旅游广告。
3)tourist advertisement旅游广告
1.A probe into tourist advertisements on "golden week"——Case study on advertisements of "travel on national Day" in Nanjing in 2001;黄金周旅游广告探究——以2001年南京市旅行社报纸广告为例
2.As the development of tourist trade alters from day to day,and the competition gradually becomes more and more fierce,the tourist advertisement already plays an important role in the existence and development of tourist trade and has already been taken seriously comparing with the previously.旅游业的发展日新月异,竞争日趋激烈,旅游广告也已成为旅游业生存和发展不可或缺的角色,旅游广告已得到了前所未有的重视。
3.As a basic tourism marketing tool, tourist advertisement represents some vital principles in marketing and advertising.旅游广告作为旅游营销的重要形式 ,其创作、传播中体现了哪些营销原理 ,哪些广告法则 ?本文结合中国旅游广告的实际情况 ,用信息传播的原理分析了旅游广告的传播过程 ,指出传统旅游广告的诸多弊端 ,并以“受众—广告信息”相互作用环的模型加以系统解决 ;提出了现代旅游广告的五大传播策略 ,即受众策略、诉求策略、目标策略、媒体策略和形式策略 ,最后用泰山旅游形象广告为例加以进一步说
4)Tourism advertising旅游广告
1.In our country, with the development of regional economy and the mushrooming of the tourism industry, tourism advertising is springing up everywhere.在我国,随着区域旅游经济的发展与旅游业的不断升温,传达旅游信息,树立旅游形象的旅游广告在各地广泛展开。
5)slogans in the ads for tourism旅游广告语
6)action advertising行为广告
