取效行为失败,perlocutionary act failure
1)perlocutionary act failure取效行为失败
1.In these cases, we consider them as perlocutionary act failures.但是,在现实生活中有大量的例子表明取效行为没有成功地产生说话人预想的影响和结果,我们就把这种取效行为称作“取效行为失败”。
2)failure behavior失败行为

1.act of failing to meet a financial obligation.遇到经济责任的失败行为
2.Failure-avoidant Behaviors and Relevant Educational Practice Strategies in Achievement Situations;成就情境中回避失败行为及教育实践对策
3.A negligent act or a failure to act.疏忽行为疏忽的行为或行为所失败
4.Value failure for the fact that it shows you definitively what will and will not work.要重视失败,因为失败能够让你清楚了解,什么可行、什么不可行。
5.But all mating efforts have been unsuccessful.但到目前为止,交配的行动都失败了。
6.his foolish behaviour and eventual failure他的愚蠢行为和最后的失败.
7.Extended procedure memory allocation failed for '%ls'.为 ''%1!'' 进行的扩展过程内存分配失败。
8.Additional attempts to calm your target fail.其它试图镇静你的目标的行为将失败。
9.an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual.严重失败或完全不起作用的行为。
10.Unsuccessful Sales Calls Attributions and Behavioral Intentions销售拜访失败的归因与行为意图研究
11.Failure to protest police brutality may indicate a willingness to condone it.反抗警察暴行的失败暗示着宽恕其行为。
12.Query-based update failed because the row to update could not be found.基于查询的更新失败,因为没发现要更新的行。
13.Failed to adjust Publisher identity range for table '%s'.为表 ''%1!'' 进行的发布服务器标识范围调整失败。
14.Failed to adjust publisher side identity range for table '%s'.为表 ''%1!'' 进行的发布服务器方标识范围调整失败。
15.Failed to adjust Publisher identity range for publication '%s'.为发布 ''%1!'' 进行的发布服务器标识范围调整失败。
16.act of closing down a bank because of a fiscal emergency or failure.因为财政上的危机和失败导致银行破产。
17.The Undo function has failed him by behaving literally rather than practically.撤销功能的失败在于,它行为精确,但并不实用。
18.Measures for Eradicating Misconduct;失范行为的调适之道——根治腐败的社会学思考

failure behavior失败行为
3)failure behavior失效行为
1.The effects of matrix microstructure on wear properties of high-speed steel(HSS) with high vanadium content were studied using pin-on-ring tester,and the failure behaviors were investigated via SEM.利用销环式滑动磨损试验机测试了具有不同基体组织的高钒高速钢的干摩擦磨损性能,并利用扫描电子显微镜对其失效行为进行了分析。
2.Presents the investigation of the failure behavior of filament wound cylindrical shells with glass/epoxy and glass/polyester.主要针对缠绕成型的玻璃纤维增强环氧和聚酯树脂圆柱壳的轴向撞击失效行为进行了研究 。
3.This paper summarized the failure behavior of aged unit component and the update study of represent damage model, discussed the step using damage theory to predict surplus life of aged unit metal component.对超期服役的机组设备构件的失效行为进行了总结 ,概述了目前具有代表性损伤模型的研究工作 ,探讨了应用损伤理论预测老龄化机组金属构件的剩余寿命的步骤 ,为超期服役的机组设备构件提供了诊断 ,以益于提高老龄化机组设备运行的安全性。
4)perlocutionary act取效行为
1.This paper attempts to extend and define the concept of perlocutionary act on the basis of the connotation of Austin s perlocutionary act,which helps to reconstruct the connotation of speech act.在Austin取效行为内涵的基础上,扩展并重新界定了取效行为,通过对取效行为的界定来诠释言语行为的内涵:语言是一种行为,语言通过行为意味着理解和沟通主体间、主客体之间的关系,同时通过行为应当成为参与社会实践,促进与变革主体间、主客体之间的关系,最终通达彼此之间的和谐。
2.The perlocutionary act of Austin s trichotomy on speech acts is significantly crucial to understand communication,but has attracted the least attention ever since its formulation.奥斯汀的言语行为三分说中的"取效行为"是一个十分重要的交际概念,但尚未受到学界应有的关注。
3.Based on the perlocutionary act from Austin s speech act theory,the analysis of three different kinds of hearers results in the positive effects and the negative ones on both speakers and hearers in daily language phenomena.本文旨从奥斯汀的言语行为理论中“取效行为”出发,着眼于日常语言现象,针对三种不同形态的受话者对言语行为产生的积极和消极的影响,重点分析了较常见的第一种受话者形态,而提出语言是人的第二形象。
1.Through the analysis of the nature of perlocution,it can be concluded that perlocution is not a clear-cut act but a process which caused by illocution and involves the participation of both the speaker and the hearer.取效行为是语言学理论中较少受到关注的内容。
2.In Austin s (1962) tripartite model of Speech Act Theory, perlocution is often neglected or even excluded from the domain of linguistics by most researchers.在奥斯汀(1962)的言语行为三分说中,取效行为常常被研究者忽视甚至排除出语言学的研究范围。
3.This study makes a poetic discourse analysis from a pragmastylistic approach based on the notion of perlocution within the framework of speech act theory.本研究采用语用文体学方法,在言语行为理论的框架内,将取效行为的概念应用于诗歌语篇分析,旨在研究诗歌作为特殊的文学语篇与取效行为之间的关系。
6)The act of a person or thing that fails; a failure.失败人或事物失败的行为;失败

取效1.亦作"取効"。 2.收效。