面称缺位,address form vacancy
1)address form vacancy面称缺位
2)isospin symmetry breaking同位旋对称破缺
3)ψ-coordi-nation polybedron缺位配位多面体
4)the phenomenon of the absence of female address forms女性称谓语的缺位现象
5)Symmetry breaking对称破缺
1.Symmetry breaking of temperature field in spatially distributed pure dissipative systems induced by chemical reaction diffusion heat conduction couplings is analyzed in this paper.分析了由于化学反应 -扩散 -热传导耦合而导致的非等温非均匀体系中温度场对称破缺 。
2.While a boundary of segmentlike are existed,a new symmetry breaking mechanism can be established with defining of the boundary conditions.首先讨论了额外空间维度模型的基本架构,当额外空间有如线段一般的边界时,通过边界条件的定义,可以建立一个新的对称破缺机制。
3.Since the 1940 s,the study of complex system science shows out that from inorganic material world to organic life world even to the complex social economical world are all of the process of from disorder to order,with which the main dynamical cause is symmetry breaking.本文通过对非线性、突现、分层等现象的考察,指出每一次对称破缺都可能有新质的突现,从而使自然系统的层次结构跃上一个新的台阶。

1.The Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium,Symmetry and Symmetry Broken in Thermodynamics;热力学中的平衡与非平衡、对称与对称破缺
2.Symmetry-breaking Analysis in an Unsymmetrical Oscillator一个非对称振子的对称破缺现象及分析
3.KEY WORDS: time and space translation symmetry; time reversal symmetry; conservation law; symmetry breaking.关键词:时间和空间平移对称性;时间反演对称性;守恒律;对称破缺
4.Quasi-Ring Model of Prequark Can Chang the Hand-Character and the Symmetry-Breaking of the Prequark Particle Model前夸克类圈体模型能改变前夸克粒子模型的手征性和对称破缺
5.Study the effects of R-parity violating supersymmetry at linear colliders线性对撞机上R宇称破缺超对称效应研究
6.Discussion on the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of a Mechanical System;一个力学系统对称性自发破缺的研究
7.From Parity to Chirality-Experimental Search for Parity-viola-ting Energy Difference of Alanine and Valine Enantiomers宇称与手性──丙氨酸(缬氨酸)对映体宇称破缺能差的实验探索
8.Probe R-parity Violating Supersymmetry Effects in Rare B-meson Decays;B介子稀有衰变中的R宇称破缺超对称效应研究
9.The Canonical Ward Identities in Constrained System and Their Application to the Dynamical Symmetry Breaking;约束系统的正则Ward恒等式及其在动力学对称性破缺中的应用
10.Symmetry Breaking Creates Phenomenon World--one fundamental principle of the natural realm s evolvement;对称性破缺创造了现象世界——自然界演化发展的一条基本原理
11.Restriction of Cosmological Observables VS the Breaking Parameters of Littlest Higgs Model with T-parity宇宙学观测量对小Higgs模型T宇称破缺参数限制的研究
12.The spontaneous symmetry breaking of a mechanical system and its energy degeneracy is discussed.详细研究了一个力学系统的对称性自发破缺,以及由此引起的能量简并.
13.Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Phase Transition of Cuprate Superconductors in QED_3手征对称性动力学破缺和铜氧化物超导体相变的三维量子电动力学研究(英文)
14.Lack of balance or symmetry.不对称缺乏平衡或对称性
15.Both side claim the other side break the peace agreement.双方都声称对方破坏了和平协议。
16.a nation of shopkeepers店小二民族(拿破仑对英国人的贬称)
17.If a magnetic field is switched on, the symmetry is broken.如果加上磁场,就破坏了这种对称性。
18.Thus, the original symmetry among the dimensions broke.因此,原来在各维度之间的对称破坏了。

isospin symmetry breaking同位旋对称破缺
3)ψ-coordi-nation polybedron缺位配位多面体
4)the phenomenon of the absence of female address forms女性称谓语的缺位现象
5)Symmetry breaking对称破缺
1.Symmetry breaking of temperature field in spatially distributed pure dissipative systems induced by chemical reaction diffusion heat conduction couplings is analyzed in this paper.分析了由于化学反应 -扩散 -热传导耦合而导致的非等温非均匀体系中温度场对称破缺 。
2.While a boundary of segmentlike are existed,a new symmetry breaking mechanism can be established with defining of the boundary conditions.首先讨论了额外空间维度模型的基本架构,当额外空间有如线段一般的边界时,通过边界条件的定义,可以建立一个新的对称破缺机制。
3.Since the 1940 s,the study of complex system science shows out that from inorganic material world to organic life world even to the complex social economical world are all of the process of from disorder to order,with which the main dynamical cause is symmetry breaking.本文通过对非线性、突现、分层等现象的考察,指出每一次对称破缺都可能有新质的突现,从而使自然系统的层次结构跃上一个新的台阶。
6)broken symmetry对称破缺
1.Through studying the broken symmetry, which is resulted from the differ.研究了由于上、下基板锚定强度不同而引起的对称性破缺,以及对称破缺和磁场强度之间的关系,发现了不对称液晶盒一些特殊的现象。
2.Some qualitative relations between broken symmetry,broken ergodicity and order parameter space are exposed;through them a more fundamental understanding of concepts such as phase transition,meta equilibrium phase is hoped and this makes the thermodynamics and statistical dynamics more coherently related.考察了对称破缺的数学形式及物理本质 ,说明了对称破缺、各态历经假设及序参量空间的一些简单联系 ,并希望通过这种联系能够更深刻地理解相变、亚平衡等概念 ,增加热力学和统计力学的统一
3.It is based on Cheng-Born theory of broken symmetry and TFDC(Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Cheng) electron theory.应用Cheng-Born能带对称破缺理论和TFDC(Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Cheng)电子理论研究了薄膜层内电子的特性。

面称1.当面称颂。 2.当面陈述。