英汉实证论文,English and Chinese Empirical Articles
1)English and Chinese Empirical Articles英汉实证论文
2)English and Chinese argumentative writings英汉议论文
1.This paper intends to examine the thematic progression models in English and Chinese argumentative writings.旨在对比英汉议论文体主位推进模式。

1.A Contrastive Study of Arguing Methods Between English And Chinese Argumentations关于英汉议论文论证方法的对比研究
2.A Comparison of the Thematic Progression Models between English and Chinese Argumentative Writings;英汉议论文体主位推进模式对比分析
3.On Linguistic Delicacy In English-Chinese Translation论英汉文学翻译中的语言美——兼议英汉翻译语体风格的转换
4.The Use of Connectors in English Argumentative Writing and Chinese Transfer;英语议论文写作中连接词的使用及汉语的介入
5.A Comparative Study of the Modes of Paragraph Division and Their Motivation in Chinese and English Argumentative Essays;汉英议论文段落划分模式及其理据的比较研究
6.Discussions of E/C Translation of Idioms from Cultural Difference;从英汉文化差异浅议英汉成语的翻译
7.A Study on the Influence of Chinese Thought Patterns in Argumentative Writings by English Majors;英语专业学生英语议论文写作中的汉语思维影响研究
8.A Contrastive Analysis of Discourse Coherence in Chinese and English Argumentative Essays from the Perspective of Generic Structure;从语类结构的角度对汉英议论文语篇连贯的比较分析
9.A Contrastive Study of Sexism in English and Chinese Cultures;英、汉语言文化中的性别歧视对比刍议
10.On Translation of Culturally-loaded Words of Literary Significance;从文学角度论“文化负载词汇”的汉译英
11.Writing of English Abstracts for Research Papers of Chinese Periodicals;中文学术期刊论文英文摘要写作刍议
12.Strategies in the Chinese-English translation of scientific paper under the guidance of Skopos Theory基于目的论的科技论文汉英翻译策略
13.Contrastive Studies of Chinese Students Essays Versus English Essay;中国学生议论文与英语议论文评判对比研究
14.English Argumentative Writings by English and Chinese Natives: A Cultural Approach to Contrastive Rhetoric;英文论证语篇:英汉对比修辞的文化解读
15.On the Differences in Chinese and English Thinking Patterns and the C-E Translation of Scientific Papers as Seen From Stylistics;从思维差异看汉英科技文体与科技论文的英译
16.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs-From a Perspective of Cultural Connotation从文化蕴涵的角度论英汉谚语的比较(英文)
17.On the Impact of the Historic Text of English-Chinese Dictionary on the Modernization of the Chinese Language;论英汉词典历史文本对汉语现代化进程的影响
18.A Discussion On the Cultural Connotation of Animal Words and the Translation Skills;刍议英汉动物词的文化内涵差异及其翻译策略

English and Chinese argumentative writings英汉议论文
1.This paper intends to examine the thematic progression models in English and Chinese argumentative writings.旨在对比英汉议论文体主位推进模式。
3)Chinese and English argumentative essays汉英议论文
1.In both Chinese and English argumentative essays there exist the following paragraph division modes: a paragraph develops around one topic sentence for global unity, two or more paragraphs center around one topic sentence, and one or more paragraphs develop around one implied topic with no topic sentence.汉英议论文的段落划分模式都有三种,即一个自然段一个主题句,两个或多个自然段来论证一个主题句,以及自然段“主题句隐含”,但前者还有一个段落内含两个或多个主题意义的情况,后者则段落主题意义必须单一。
4)C-E translation of political writing政论文汉英翻译
1.This thesis runs its systematic discussion on it and discusses how two techniques--addition and omission are employed in the direction of Nida s Redundant Information Theory, hoping to help translator improve the quality of C-E translation of political writings.本文系统地探讨了增词法及减词法在政论文汉英翻译中的运用,并以奈达的剩余信息理论作为研究的理论基础。
5)C-E Translation of Political Writings汉语政论文英译
1.Domestication and Foreignization in C-E Translation of Political Writings;本文试图从文化的角度探索汉语政论文英译的有效方法。
6)Chinese and English RA汉英科研论文
1.The IMRD were treated separately and the frequency of TP Pattern-use in each section was compared and contrasted between Chinese and English RAs.本文试图通过对汉语与英语科研论文的对比,对汉英科研论文各部分主位推进模式的异同做出总结与分析,并试图总结出有益于学术英语写作学习的典型主位推进模式,对该课程的教与学提供一些参考。
