范畴容忍度,the acceptance degree of category
1)the acceptance degree of category范畴容忍度
1.This paper proposes the notion of "the acceptance degree of category",and tries to explicate the above problems with it.文中提出"范畴容忍度"的概念,并尝试用它来解释以上三个问题。
2)admissible category容许范畴
1.An intolerable line, a scrutiny line and a negligible line are obtained through quantitative analysis of fire risk tolerability.通过量化分析区域火灾风险的可容忍度,讨论了区域火灾风险的不可容忍风险线、审查线及可忽略线,为消防监督部门的风险决策提供基础框架,并结合上海市的相关数据,通过示例对区域火灾风险准则的确立作了说明。
1.Among the factors constituting successful communication, the mechanisms of tolerance and rectification are of profoundly explanatory.此外 ,大量成功交往的实例也证明 ,容忍度与修正机制是客观评价语用失误的重要视
2.In this paper,we use an experimental research method examining the relationship between information location and information misstatements as well as the auditors\' tolerance about the misstatements from different location information.本文采用实验研究方法,检验了会计信息定位与会计信息有意识错报的关系,以及审计人员对不同定位的会计信息有意识错报的容忍度。
3.Looking the Feminine Marital Idea Change From the Female to the Tolerance Difference of Extramarital Love Affair——Based on four feminine interview discovery;本文通过对四位遭遇丈夫发生"婚外恋"的女性的访谈发现:现代社会女性较之于传统女性对婚外恋的容忍度有所提升,这反应现代女性的独立性得到增强;表现在婚姻观念上则是不再视婚姻为人生成败的指标,抛弃了依赖男人的思想,要求有自己的生活圈。

1.Ambiguity Tolerance( AT) is an important cognitive factor.含混容忍度是一种重要的认知因素。
2.Influence of Ambiguity Tolerance on Perception of Ambiguity Caused by a Modifier;歧义容忍度对修饰语歧义理解的影响
3.Enlightenment of Ambiguity Tolerance and Schema Theory on College English Listening Teaching;歧义容忍度 图式理论与英语听力教学
4.True or False: Americans have become much more tolerant of all sexual activity.美国人对所有性爱活动的容忍度越来越高。
5.Effects of Sex and Tolerance of Ambiguity on EFL Reading Strategies;性别与歧义容忍度对英语阅读策略的影响
6.A Study on the Correlation between Reading Comprehension and Tolerance of Ambiguity;模糊容忍度与高中英语阅读的相关性研究
7.The Influence of Ambiguity Tolerance on Chinese College Students during Their English Learning;模糊容忍度对中国大学生英语学习的影响
8.A Study of the Correlation between Reading Comprehension and Tolerance of Ambiguity in English Learning;模糊容忍度和阅读理解的相关关系研究
9.Empirical Study of Relationship of Customer Satisfaction and Price Tolerance;顾客满意和价格容忍度关系的实证研究
10.To accept or tolerate(an insult, for example).忍受,容忍(如侮辱)
11.He is the limit of irresponsiBility.他的不负责任到了不能容忍的程度
12.I'll suffer this rudeness no longer!我再也不能容忍这种粗鲁的态度了。
13.And Americans have proved remarkably tolerant of political dynasties.美国民众其实高度容忍政治王朝。
14.I can' t put up with your hypocricy any more.我再也不能容忍你的虚伪态度了。
15.She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues.她对那些无礼的同事采取容忍的态度。
16.The Broken Windows Theory and Anticorruption: Preventing and Punishing Mechanism of Zero Tolerance;破窗理论与反腐败“零度容忍”预惩机制
17.fault tolerance容错,[港]故障容忍
18.capable of being tolerated.可容忍的,可忍受的。

admissible category容许范畴
1.An intolerable line, a scrutiny line and a negligible line are obtained through quantitative analysis of fire risk tolerability.通过量化分析区域火灾风险的可容忍度,讨论了区域火灾风险的不可容忍风险线、审查线及可忽略线,为消防监督部门的风险决策提供基础框架,并结合上海市的相关数据,通过示例对区域火灾风险准则的确立作了说明。
1.Among the factors constituting successful communication, the mechanisms of tolerance and rectification are of profoundly explanatory.此外 ,大量成功交往的实例也证明 ,容忍度与修正机制是客观评价语用失误的重要视
2.In this paper,we use an experimental research method examining the relationship between information location and information misstatements as well as the auditors\' tolerance about the misstatements from different location information.本文采用实验研究方法,检验了会计信息定位与会计信息有意识错报的关系,以及审计人员对不同定位的会计信息有意识错报的容忍度。
3.Looking the Feminine Marital Idea Change From the Female to the Tolerance Difference of Extramarital Love Affair——Based on four feminine interview discovery;本文通过对四位遭遇丈夫发生"婚外恋"的女性的访谈发现:现代社会女性较之于传统女性对婚外恋的容忍度有所提升,这反应现代女性的独立性得到增强;表现在婚姻观念上则是不再视婚姻为人生成败的指标,抛弃了依赖男人的思想,要求有自己的生活圈。
5)calcium tolerance钙容忍度
1.The properties of the product was evaluated by efficiency of scale inhibition, bromine value and calcium tolerance.以防垢率、溴值、钙容忍度为指标对产品进行了评价。
6)degree category程度范畴
1.Degree concept is a product that marks certain stage human society has reached,mirroring degree category in language.程度观念是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,折射到语言中成为程度范畴。
2.To some degree, what degree category study is to classify the context of the degree category by their forms and meanings according to the rules that degree adverbs distributes.现代汉语的程度范畴,是汉语语义范畴系统中一个重要范畴。

容忍区间容忍区间tolerance intervals ,rz,其中 无一三止生三竺三生.、2-一兰~夕(尤一劝2. nn一1万=]具体地,取T,=无一ks和兀=无+ks,其中常数k称为容忍乘数,它是如下方程的解: _「_了叉十ks一a、. P丈中l止二‘二一二几二--一二二1+ t\『/ _了无一ks一“、、〕 一。l~全匕一二之兰一一止生})p卜二下, \叮/)而中(x)是标准正态律的分布函数,而且这里k二k(n,下,P)与a和少无关.这样建立的容忍区间有如下性质:区间(无一ks,无+ks)以置信概率?至少包含变量X!,…,X。的正态分布的概率质量的1田P%. 在存在概率密度f(x)二F‘(x)的条件下,事件资F(几)一F(T、))川的概率不依赖于F(x),当且仅当容忍界限是顺序统计虽(order statistic).正是这一事实.是建立非参数(亦称分布自由)容忍区间的一般方法的基础.设X(’)一(x(。l),…,戈。。户根据样本X、,1二,戈建立的顺序统计量向量,而 TI=x(。r〕,爪=x(“),1蕊r