篇章价值,discourse value
1)discourse value篇章价值
1.The discourse value of parenthesis is the coherence and cohesion.插入语的篇章价值在于衔接与连贯,其所衔接连贯的句子之间的逻辑语义关系有多种,据此可将插入语分为评论性的、解释性的、补充性的、举例性的、特例性的和总结性的等几类;插入语的语用价值在于遵守礼貌、合作等原则,能够使语言交际顺利地进行下去。
2)passage's equal value篇章等值
1.On subjective factors influencing forms of text reiteration;论影响篇章重述手段选择的主观因素
2.On Differences of English and Chinese Thought Patterns and Textual Organization;英汉思维模式差异与篇章的构建
3.On Textual Stylistic Variation and Its Motivations;论篇章的文体变异及其理据

1.Study on textual strategy and reading of English articles;英语文章的篇章策略与篇章解读初探
2.Text Function--On the Text Pragmatic in Germany篇章功能刍议——德国篇章语用学研究
3.Three Levels in Text-teaching;篇章教学的三个层次——谈篇章语用学对篇章教学的现实意义
4.This article contains5 times as many words as that one does.这篇文章的字数是哪篇文章的五倍。
5.Cut the article down to half its length.把这篇文章砍去一半。
6.clip an article out of the newspaper从报纸上剪下一篇文章.
7.What 's the purpose of this article ?这篇文章的目的何在?
8.translate an article into Dutch把一篇文章译成荷兰文
9.The newspaper carries an important article.报上刊登一篇重要文章。
10.Publish a concerted commentator's article配发一篇评论员文章
11.scissor an article out of a newspaper从报纸上剪下一篇文章
12.a double-page spread横贯两版篇幅的文章.
13.This article is awfully dull.这篇文章乏味极了。
14.The article was very meaty.这篇文章内容很丰富。
15.The article is very badly organized.这篇文章写得很拉杂。
16.The article has a profound message.这篇文章寓意深邃。
17.this essay argues so persuasively....这篇文章很有说服力。
18.This essay is most imaginative.这篇文章富于想象力。

passage's equal value篇章等值
1.On subjective factors influencing forms of text reiteration;论影响篇章重述手段选择的主观因素
2.On Differences of English and Chinese Thought Patterns and Textual Organization;英汉思维模式差异与篇章的构建
3.On Textual Stylistic Variation and Its Motivations;论篇章的文体变异及其理据
1.Approach of domain natural language discourse understanding;基于领域的自然语言篇章理解的实现方法
2.On Focus in the Information Structure at the Discourse Level;论篇章信息结构中的焦点
3.The Reconsideration on the Analysis of Contrast to Discourse in the Russian and Chinese Encyclopedia;再议俄、汉百科词典中篇章的分析对比
1.This article tries to analyze it from the sound,type of sentence,rhetoric,paragraph and chapter,so as to explain the cause which Xiao Yao You can get through the ages.本文试从声音、句式、辞格、篇章等方面对《逍遥游》的语言特色做一分析,从而揭示其影响后世、流传千古的原因。
2.Then two suggestions are given to improve students reading skills: a) adopting communicative teaching method instead of text analyzing ; b) improving the reading skills in respects of vocabulary, paragraph, chapter analysis.通过分析当前大学英语阅读教学中的一些问题,指出其原因主要是传统的课文分析法和缺乏阅读技巧,进而提出改进的方法是用交际教学法代替传统的课文分析法,并着重从词汇、段落、篇章几方面提出了培养阅读技巧的重要性。
3.Psycholinguistics says that chapter is a basic communication unit,which is a verbal product from the demand of social intercourse.篇章是一个多方面的、不同层次的语言现象。
6)text component and text篇素与篇章

篇章1.篇和章。泛指文字著作。 2.引申为历史。 3.特指诗篇。