代词使用,use of pronoun
1)use of pronoun代词使用

1.From "Shushi Bell" reviewing confusion of uses for personal pronouns in inscription从《叔尸钟》看铭文人称代词使用的混乱
2.Differences in Personal Pronouns in Chinese,Dong Language and English;汉语侗语英语人称代词使用上的异同
3.using a pronoun or other pro-word instead of repeating a word.使用代词或者其它替代词而不重复原词。
4.A Study of Imperative Adverbs in Contemporary Chinese;古代汉语“但”类祈使副词使用试探
5.The Use of First Person Pronouns in Research Articles;学术论文中第一人称代词的使用研究
6.Analysis of the Use of Alphabetic Words In Chinese;字母词在当代汉语中使用状况的分析
7.Study of the Use of Dictionary:the Background,Significance and Representatives;词典使用研究:背景、意义及其代表人物
8.A Cognitive Study of the Usage of Pronouns in English Writing;从认知角度看英语写作中代词的使用
9.The Use of the Pronoun “相xiang” in Classical Chinese Language;古汉语中偏指代词“相”的使用规则
10.use of two conjoined nouns instead of a noun and modifier.使用两个连在一起的名词代替一个名词和一个限定词。
11.Of, relating to, or being the case of a noun or pronoun that serves as the object of a verb.宾格的作动词的宾语使用的名词的或代词的宾格的
12.Indefinite.Used of pronouns.不定代名词的。用于代词
13."(of a noun, PRONOUN, or adjective) to have different grammatical forms according to its position or purpose in a sentence "使(名词、代名词或形容词的)词尾变化,使变格
14.Discussion about the question of difference between noun usage of Shidong(使动) and Yidong(意动) in archaic Chinese;论古代汉语名词使动用法与意动用法的区别
15.It can be used as an adverb这个词可作副词使用
16.From the Usage of “SUOXING” LEI Adverb(“索性”类副词) in Qing Dynasty to See the Evolution Rule of the Adverb in Chinese Language从清代“索性”类副词的使用看汉语副词演变的规律
17.When a truthful statement is made the pronoun is emphasized as much or more than the rest of the words in a statement.当说实话时,人们会使用不少代名词,并且这些词会发重音。
18.On the Stylistic Feature of Wu Dai Shi Ji Written by Ouyangxiu from the Perspective of the Usage of Function Words;从虚词的使用看欧阳修《五代史记》的文体特色

Usable Vocabulary使用词汇
3)Dictionary use词典使用
1.Based on cognitive semantics and through an empirical analysis of the cognitive translation process,the present essay discusses the role of dictionaries in language comprehension and production in translation and introduces some methods and skills of dictionary use.本文以认知语义学为基础,通过对翻译认知过程的实证分析,探讨了词典在翻译的语言理解和生成阶段中的作用,阐述了词典使用的技巧和方法。
2.This paper first presents a review of major dictionary use studies and then it is followed by an illustrative discussion of some issues concerned with the present study.本文对有关词典使用研究的现状进行了总结,并详细研究了与本文研究有关的几个细节问题。
4)usigng a dictionary使用词典
5)use of verbs动词使用
1.The aim of this research was to investigate the use of verbs in narratives of children with Specific language impairment (SLI).本研究旨在探讨特定型语言障碍儿童在生活叙事和游戏叙事两种情境下动词使用情况。
