词义民族性,national representation of lexical meaning
1)national representation of lexical meaning词义民族性
1.Taking English and Chinese languages as an example,based on cognitive linguistics and with the comparative analysis method,the national representation of lexical meaning is analyzed,and the distinct cultural characters of languages,especially lexical meanings,is studied.论文以英汉两种语言为例,在认知语言学等理论基础上,运用对比分析的方法,对词义民族性表现形式展开分析,研究了语言特别是词义中具有的明显文化特征,认为如果处理不好这种语言上的文化特征对于跨文化交际会造成"交际短路、交际失误、交际障碍"的影响,认真分析、准确运用语言才能更好地进行跨文化交际。

1.The National Representation of Lexical Meaning and the Influence on the Communication between Different Cultures词义民族性的表现及对跨文化交际的影响
2.Talking about Nationality Vcabulary:a Study of the Loaded Word of "Cat";从“猫”的文化涵义看词汇的民族文化性
3.The Plurality of Japanese Culture as Seen from the Meaning of the Word "Asmimana";从“我慢”一词词义中看日本民族文化的多元性
4.A Study of the Meaning of Ethnic Group;民族,还是“族群”——释ethnic group一词的涵义
5.An Explanation of Several Terms Such as"Nation""State"Appeared in Ulanf s Works;对乌兰夫“民族”与“国家”几个词语的释义
6.Colour-terms and Expression of Culture Conception;颜色词喻义与汉英民族异质文化探析
7.The Semantic Influence of National Culture on English and Chinese;民族文化对汉词语和英词语语义的影响
8.Ponderations on the New Works and New Meanings in Chinese Vocabulary Teaching for National Minority;关于少数民族汉语词汇教学中新词新义的思考
9.Nation,Ethnicity and Politics from Contemporary Nationalism;当代民族立义视角下的民族、族性与政治
10.Embodiment of the thinking national characteristic in Chinese outside word;思维的民族性在汉语外来词中的体现
11.On the National and Era Characteristics of New Democracy Culture;论新民主主义文化的民族性和时代性
12.Integration to the foreign language in college teaching of the social and national semantic meaning of the new words;新词语社会民族语义在大学外语中的融入
13.Discussion on Teaching Minority Nationality Students Signification of Ancient Chinese Language;对民族学生进行古汉语词义教学的讨论
14.The Symbolic Meanings of the Words "Black " and "White " in Different Cultures不同民族文化中“黑”与“白”词汇的象征意义比较
15.ethnic nationalist少数民族民族主义者
16.The Comparison between English and Chinese on Culture & Thought from the Motivation of Word Meaning从词语理据性看英汉民族文化的差异性
17.The Universality and Individuality of Red Color in Languages;“红色”一词在英汉民族语言中的共性和个性
18.Modern Holiday: Beauty Contest, Gender and Nationalism;现代性节日:选美、性别与民族主义

The national quality of the meaning of a word词义的民族性
3)the culture synonyms民族文化同义词
4)rational nationalism理性民族主义
1.The irrational factors in Chinese nationalism will have negative influence on the peaceful development of China,especially the extreme nationalism,since it will endanger China more seriously,so rational nationalism must be constructed.文章对理性民族主义的内涵进行了分析并提出了构建理性民族主义的具体途径。
5)sapiential nationalism智性民族主义
6)expansionary nationalism防御性民族主义

词义1.文辞﹑言词的义理。 2.文词和义理。 3.语言学术语。指词的语音形式所表达的意义﹐包括词的词汇意义和语法意义。