反应词,response word
1)response word反应词
2)esponsive words反应词语
1.砊his paper analyzes the word feature and grammatical feature of responsive words and points out responsive words are rather words,phrases,sentence or polite formula without tense and voice than certain fixed words.列举了大量常用的英语反应词语 ,分析了作为语言交际单位的英语反应词语的词类特征和语法特征 ,从而得出结论 :反应词不是固定的某一类词 ,而可以是词、词组或句子 ,是没有时态、语态变化的一种套语。
3)reverse word-length effect反词长效应
1.However,researchers have also found a reverse word-length effect for mixed word lists:isolated long words are recalled better than isolated short words within the same list (Hulme,Neath,Stuart,Shostak,Surprenant,& Brown,2006).工作记忆中的反词长效应(reverse word-length effect)指在对长词和短词混合的词表进行即时序列回忆时,独立长词回忆成绩优于独立短词的现象。

1.A Research on the Mechanism of Word Length Effect and Reverse Word Length Effect of Chinese in Working Memory;工作记忆中汉语词长效应与反词长效应的机制研究
2.The Blocking Effect of the Long-distance Reflexive Ziji in Chinese;现代汉语中长距离反身代词“自己”的阻断效应研究
3.Effects of part of speech, word category and word frequency on difficulty and reaction time of Chinese Words Reasoning Test;语词推理测验的词性、词类和词频对项目难度和反应时间的效应
4.Some Issues in the Research on the LDA of the Chinese Reflexive;汉语反身代词长距离照应研究中的几个问题
5.The Speech Plan Deficit of People Who Stutter: Evidence from Word Length Effect;口吃者的言语计划缺陷——来自词长效应的证据
6.I use the term to include "periphysis" or the long-term persistence of position.我所用这个词包括“周围效应”即是长期保持部位效应。
7.Word Association for Young and Old Adults;青年人和老年人词汇联想反应及其语义启动效应的研究
8.Hydroformylation of High Olefin--Influence of Electronic and Steric Effects of Phosphine Ligand;长链烯烃氢甲酰化反应研究——膦配体的电子效应和空间效应影响
9.Two Pragmatic Principles and the Long Distance Anaphoric Properties of English, French and Chinese Reflexives两个语用原则与英、法、汉反身代词长距离照应特性
10.Research on Wavelength Accumulation Effects of Reflection-induced Retardance Upon BGOCS Systems;反射相移的波长积累效应对BGOCS系统影响研究
11.On the Stroke Effect,Word Frequency Effect and Morpheme Frequency Effect in the Recognition of Chinese One-character Word by Foreign Student;留学生汉语单字词识别的笔画数效应、词频效应和词素频率效应
12.A Survey on Efficacy and Side Effect of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate for Endometriosis;长效醋酸甲孕酮治疗子宫内膜异位症疗效和副反应研究
13.Word Frequency Effect and Polysemy Effect in Chinese Spoken Bisyllable Word Recognition;汉语双字词听觉词汇识别进程中词频效应和多义词效应研究
14.Phonological and Morphological Effects in the Access to SL Mental Lexicon二语心理词库提取的语音和词形效应
15.Effect of Word Frequency(or Word Familiarity) in Picture-Word Interference Paradigm图—词干扰范式下的词频(或词的熟悉度)效应
16.B:The opposite of big is small(hard, hot,short).大(软,冷,长)的反义词是小(硬,热,短)。
17.Effect of Different Reflector Materials on Grape Growth and Fruit Quality in Greenhouse;不同反光材料对设施栽培葡萄生长和果实品质的效应
18.Tests for the Bounced Effects in the Stages of Soft Expanding of China s Economy;我国经济增长“软扩张”过程中的“反弹效应”度量及其检验

esponsive words反应词语
1.砊his paper analyzes the word feature and grammatical feature of responsive words and points out responsive words are rather words,phrases,sentence or polite formula without tense and voice than certain fixed words.列举了大量常用的英语反应词语 ,分析了作为语言交际单位的英语反应词语的词类特征和语法特征 ,从而得出结论 :反应词不是固定的某一类词 ,而可以是词、词组或句子 ,是没有时态、语态变化的一种套语。
3)reverse word-length effect反词长效应
1.However,researchers have also found a reverse word-length effect for mixed word lists:isolated long words are recalled better than isolated short words within the same list (Hulme,Neath,Stuart,Shostak,Surprenant,& Brown,2006).工作记忆中的反词长效应(reverse word-length effect)指在对长词和短词混合的词表进行即时序列回忆时,独立长词回忆成绩优于独立短词的现象。
4)word association词汇联想反应
1.Study of word association for young and old people;青年人和老年人词汇联想反应的研究
2.Methods:Word association data were obtained from two cohorts of Chinese adults.目的:考察青年人和老年人词汇联想反应的特点。
5)An analysis of reaction words反应词语分析
1.Forms of Antonyms Appearance in Sunzi Military Tactics;《孙子兵法》反义词的显示格式
2.The Syntagmatic Situation and Asymmetry of the Antonym Group "Hao-Huai";反义词群“好—坏”的组合情况及其不对称现象

反应素性变态反应反应素性变态反应 见"I型变态反应"。