认知内涵,epistemic intention
1)epistemic intention认知内涵
1.According to Two-Dimensional Semantics,every expression has two kinds of intentions: epistemic intention and subjunctive intention.在二维框架下,每个表达式都有两种不同的内涵:认知内涵和虚拟内涵。
2)intentional knowledge内涵知识

1.Research and Application of Outlier Mining and Finding Intentional Knowledge孤立点挖掘及其内涵知识发现的研究与应用
2.The intension of knowledge is foundation of the method solving problem, and the method solving problem is an important application of the intension of knowledge.知识内涵是解题方法的基础,解题方法是知识内涵的重要应用。
3.Connotation of Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Innovation and Relation Between Them;知识创造与知识创新的内涵及相互关系
4.Jiang Ze-Ming s Development of the Party s Policy of Intellectua ls;试论江泽民知识分子思想的时代内涵
5.Discussion on the Connotation, Rise and Features of Knowledge Economy;论知识经济的内涵、兴起和主要特征
6.Applications of Concept Maps in Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Evaluation (Ⅰ)概念地图在知识表示和知识评价中的应用(Ⅰ)——概念地图的基本内涵
7.Reconstitution of Intellectual Property --An impact to the intension and denotation of intellectual property by network time;知识产权的重构——网络时代对知识产权内涵和外延的冲击
8.The Innovation Education on the Background of Knowledge-based Economy: Intension, Value and Direction;知识经济背景下的创新教育:内涵、价值与趋向
9.Knowledge Management and Information Management;浅议知识管理与信息管理的内涵及关系
10.Analysis on Connotation of Teachers Knowledge Sharing in the View of Work-Integrated Learning Cooperation;工学结合角度下对教师知识分享内涵的分析
11.An Archetypal Interpretation to World-Known Transnational Corporation s Logos;解读世界知名跨国公司标识中的原型内涵
12.Annotating the Connotation of Teacher Image in Clandinin s Practical Knowledge;柯兰迪宁实践性知识观中的“教师喻像”内涵诠释
13.A Probe into Teacher s Practical Knowledge: Concept and Characteristic;解析教师实践知识:内涵及其特性的考察
14.New Meanings of the Law Value Thoughts in the knowledge Economy;试论知识经济时代法律价值观念的新内涵
15.On the scientific structure and meaning of "respect knowledge ,value talents;试析“尊重知识,尊重人才”的科学结构与内涵
16.Development of Young People in the Face of the Opportunities and Challenges Presented by Knowledge Economy: Its Scientific Connotation;青年发展:面对知识经济机遇挑战的科学内涵
17.Knowledge Stocks and Flows: Implication, Characteristics and Relationship;知识存量与流量:内涵、特征及其相关性分析
18.On Connotation, Modalities and Characters of Production of Knowledge-based Economy;论知识经济生产的内涵与形态及其特征

intentional knowledge内涵知识
3)knowledge intension知识内涵
1.The advent of culture age motivates a transition of knowledge intension of ideology from elites to populace,making it reflect spirits of everyman,which breaks the old cultural order,and awakes people s passion for culture.文化时代的来临,推动着意识形态的知识内涵日益从精英化转向大众化,进行反映大众精神的知识叙述,这在一定程度上打破了文化等级秩序,唤起了大众的文化热情。
4)Cognitive contents认知内容
5)Implicit cognition内隐认知
1.On implicit cognition of students' language acquisition and comprehensive skills内隐认知因素与大学生英语技能实证研究
2.Through adopting the method of literature study, this article introduces the main reflected way and the advantage effect of implicit cognition in the process of the acquisition of motor skill, reveals the relationship between implicit cognition and the acquisition of motor skill.采用文献研究方法概述了内隐认知在运动技能获得过程中的主要体现方式与优势效应,揭示了内隐认知与运动技能获得之间的内在联系。
3.Cognitive models maintain that depressed individuals demonstrate biases in information processing,but the implicit cognition of depression has been less studied than explicit cognition.认知模型认为抑郁个体存在认知加工的偏向,但是,相对于外显认知,抑郁的内隐认知研究较少。
6)knowledge management connotation知识管理内涵
1.Starting from the concept of dynamic core capability,the paper raises that the core essence of knowledge management connotation is the triune mode of process,people and technology,discusses knowledge management platform s framework and content,raises methods of constructing library s dynamic core capability using knowledge as platform.本文先从动态核心能力的定义入手 ,其次引出知识管理内涵的核心实质就是过程、人和技术三位一体的模式。

认知认知cognition  认知(cognltion)亦译“认识”}现代认知心理学的一个重要概念。从广义上讲,认知指人的认识活动,包括知觉、记忆、思维、想像、学习、语言理解和产生等心理现象。认知过程是一种信息加工过程,可以分为刺激的接收、编码、存储、提取和利用等一系列阶段。从狭义上讲,认知有时等同于记忆或思维。这种理解和某些心理学家研究的重点有关。 (谭立海撰彭瑞龄审)