广告标题用语,advertisement title terminology
1)advertisement title terminology广告标题用语

1.On the Loanwords in Logo and the Advertisement Title--from the cultural translation to the language standard商标、广告标题用语中的外来词研究——由文化翻译到语言规范
2.Ambivalence as a Pragmatic Strategy in Commercial English Advertising Captions;模棱两可—英语商业广告标题中的语用策略
3.Problem on translation from Chinese to English in outdoor advertisements and slogans;户外广告、标语汉译英中的社会语用问题
4.This article discusses through examples the rhetorical characteristics of the headlines of English advertisements.本文运用大量实例论述了英语广告标题的修辞特点。
5.A Study on the Speech Act Characteristics of Commercial Advertising Slogans对商业广告标题语的言语行为特点研究
6.A Pragmatic Analysis of the English Version of Some Advertisements Inside the National Boundary of China;中国境内部分英文广告语用问题分析
7.Comparative Research of Newspaper News Title and Advertising Language of Level;报纸新闻标题与平面广告语的比较研究
8.Translating English Advertisement Headlines: From the Perspective of Discourse Analysis;从语篇分析角度浅谈英文广告标题的翻译
9.On C-E Translation of Public Service Advertisement Slogans--From the Perspective of Pragmatic Translation从语用翻译视角探公益广告标语的汉英翻译
10.as Li Ning's advertising slogan says.正如李宁广告标语所言。
11.A Tentative Analysis of the Problem-Solution Discourse Pattern and its Variants Employed in Advertising Discourse;问题——解决型语篇模式在广告语篇中的运用
12.Language functions of advertisements;广告的语用分析——从言语行为及语境谈广告
13.An Analysis of Fulfillment of Communicative Intention of Advertising Slogans in English with Relevance Theory;用关联理论解读英语广告标语的交际意图的实现过程
14.Small profits and quick returns.薄利多销〔商店广告用语〕。
15.Advertising language is a means for the addresser to attract the addressee.广告语是广告商用来吸引广大用户的一种手段。
16.An Analytic Study of Advertising English and Its Translation;广告英语的语言特色、翻译标准及策略
17.On the Features of False Advertising in Commercial English Advertisement;论商业英语广告中虚假标榜语的特点
18.On Metaphors in Slogans of Advertising English by the Cooperative Principle从合作原则看英语广告标语中的隐喻

English advertisement headline英语广告标题
1.Art in the word-selection of the English advertisement headline;英语广告标题的用词艺术
3)Commercial Advertising slogans商业广告标题语
4)Advertisement Headline广告标题
1.Both manufacturers and advertisers are calling for good translation of their advertisement headlines so as to enhan.广告标题是广告语篇的重要组成部分之一,对广告文本社会功能的成功实现起到重要的辅助作用。
5)advertising slogan广告标语
1.The essay briefly introduces the features of advertising slogans.其中,广告标语是整个广告的精髓。
2.The creation of advertising slogans is the outer embodiment of an ad.广告标语创意是广告企业文化精神的外在体现。
6)advertising language广告用语
1.This paper compares the self-concept between American and Chinese in the context of advertising language.以英汉广告用语为例,考察了广告传达给目标受众的文化信息:自我理念。
2.The analysis of the potential positive/negative effect of advertising language when it follows/violates C.但广告的策略也不乏失败的案例,通过实例分析广告用语遵循或违反合作原则与礼貌原则后产生的正负面效果具有现实意义。
3.In recent years,many linguists began to look into advertising language from pragmatic perspective.近几年,不少语言学家开拓了研究广告用语的新途径,即从语用学的角度来分析广告用语,其中语用预设更是成为广告用语研究中的奇葩,受到了学者的重视。

广告标题心理功能广告标题心理功能advertising heading mental function 广告标题心理功能(advertising headt,19mental function)j一告标题是广告的题目。它标明广告的主旨,也是区分不同广告内容的标志。其主要的心理功能有:(1)点明主题,引人注目。(2)引起兴趣,诱读正文。(3)加深印象,促进购买。 (傅汉章撰马谋超审)