名词性领属结构,nominal possessive structure
1)nominal possessive structure名词性领属结构

1.A Comparison of Nominal Possessives in English and Chinese from a Cognitive Perspective;英汉名词性领属结构对比的认知研究
2.Cognitive Analysis of the Sequence of Nominal Possessive Structures in English and Chinese英汉名词性领属结构语序的认知分析
3.As a noun it is used for the director of certain educational institutions(usually in further education)该词若用作名词则指某些教育机构(通常属继续教育性质)之领导人
4.Possessor raising and the IC analysis of complex NPs;领有名词的提升移位与多项名词性结构的切分方向
5.Research and Application of Attributes of Verb in Mechanical Product Design;机械产品设计领域动词属性结构的研究与应用
6.Semantic and Grammatical Characteristics of "you(to have[有])+ Attribute Noun":Concurrently on the construction of "hen(very[很])+Noun" Structures Concurrently;“有+属性名词”的语义语法特点——兼谈与名词性状化无关的一类“很+名”结构
7.A Study about the Phenomena of the Whole NP Movement and the Partial NP Movement;领属性名词短语整体移位和部分移位现象研究
8.On the Formations of the Possessive Structure NP1 de NP2--Also on the Possessor-topic Sentence and the Semantic Categorizationof its Predicators;领属性“NP1的NP2”结构的组合理据——附论领事话题句及其谓语动词的语义类型
9.A General Survey of the Structure,“A+Noun+of+Numeral”;“a+名词+of+数词”结构概览
11.with ns and vs forming ns与名词及动词结合构成名词
12.Nouns join to form compounds.名词和名词结合构成复合词。
13.First Probe into Noun-semantic Features in "Degree Word+Noun" Structure;“程度词+名词”结构中名词语义特征初探
14.The Study of the Structure and Function of Nominal Groups in Chinese and Russian汉俄语名词性短语的结构与功能研究
15.On the "Infinitive" Structure in Chinese from the Perspective of Nominal Clauses;从名词性小句看汉语的“不定式”结构
16.Of or relating to an affix or a construction, such as a prepositional phrase, characteristic of the genitive case.领属关系的属于或关于词缀或句法结构的,例如介词词组,表示所有格特征的
17.A Study of De-verbal Unit Nouns in English "Num+N_1+of+N_2"Construction;英语表量结构中的动词性借用单位名词
18.A Holistic Survey of the Gradable Intensifier+Nongradable Nominal Adjective Construction in Modern Chinese;试析现代汉语中“程度性副词+非程度性形容词化名词短语”结构

nominal possessives名词性领属
1.With an attempt to apply the theories of cognitive linguistics, by probing analysis of the three elements of nominal possessives, that is, the possessor, the possessee and the possessive morpheme, the aim of the present study is to give a systematic analysis of nominal possessives.本文运用认知语言学的理论,从英汉名词性领属结构的词序及表领属的语素入手,对这一范畴进行分析,旨在对名词性领属结构的各组成要素做一个系统的分析。
3)possessor raising sentences领有名词结构
1.In the generative grammar study, sentences in (1) are def med in the literature aspossessor raising sentences.徐杰(1999)认为,领有名词结构句有下述特征:(2a)动词前后的两个名词性成分只能有广义的“领有/隶属”关系;(2b)(1a,b)句式都包含没有赋格能力的动词,而在动词后面却有需要被赋格的名词性成分。
4)Possessive NP领属名词
5)Noun Phrase名词性结构
1.Establishment of Noun Phrase in Combination with Sentence;与句子组合后的名词性结构的地位确定
6)nominal modification-center structure名词性偏正结构
