随意言谈,Loose talk
1)Loose talk随意言谈
1.Literal talk and loose talk are distinguished here in terms of markedness degrees, and the author believes a) pragmatic vagueness is meaningful only for the investigation of the whole utterance as a social behavior; b) markedness matches pragmatic goal and meta-pragmatic awareness in degree and volume; c) literal and loose talk can transform into each other un.文章用话语的标记性(即标记等级)来区分和解释原意和随意言谈的各语类,认为a)语用含糊是话语作为言语行为的整体性含糊;b)标记等级与语用目的的大小和元语用意识的高低成正比;c)原意和随意言谈可以互相转化。
2.The firstpart of the paper deals with literal and loose talk, focusing its attention on analyzing various types ofvagueness phenomena in loose talk.文章分两大部分,第一部分谈言语交际中的刻意言谈和随意言谈,着重分析了随意言谈中各种各样的含糊现象。
3.This thesis tries to explore the non-observance of Cooperative Principle in loose talk on the basis of Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory.本文借助合作原则和关联理论对人们生活中随意言谈的使用和理解进行分析,是合作原则和关联理论的应用性研究。
2)causal conversation随意谈话

1.A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.与陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其他宗教其实所知甚少。
2.Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition.随意的交谈中常常有许多重复的话。
3.The teacher might suddenly address individual students at random.老师可能随意突然地与个别学生谈话。
4.Her words put me on my guard against speaking too freely over the telephone.她的一番话提醒我注意不要在电话中谈话太随意了。
5.slipshod talk (George Eliot).随便的谈话(乔治 艾略特)
6.he spoke to the reporter off the record.他随意地和记者说话。
7.The conversation, at first desultory and scattered, allowed Ione and Glaucus to carry on those sweet whispers.开头,大家随意闲聊,谈话是分散进行的,这就使伊俄涅和格劳科斯能够卿卿我我轻声谈个不停。
8.Foolish, trivial, or idle talk or chatter.蠢话,废话空话、傻话或无意义的话的谈话
9.The way they talked about sex was just as casual as if they were talking about cheese.她们像谈论奶酪一样随意谈论性。
10.Cultural Information of Color Lexicon in Chinese and English;谈谈英汉基本颜色词的文化伴随意义
11.I don't like to Buttonhole people.我不愿意强留人谈话
12.She' s very nice to talk to.同她谈话很有意思。
13.Doing propaganda work on my own, I have to talk to people when and where I find them.单独一个人作宣传工作,只好随时随地找人谈话。
14.This word can only be used in familiar coversation.这个词只能用于比较随便的谈话之中。
15.She's heavy going, ie hard to talk to in an easy, friendly way.她不好说话(很难随便亲切交谈).
16.The plan grew out of a casual conversation.这个计划始于一次随便的谈话。
17.The conversation at this time was more reserved than before.这时候的谈话却不似从前的随便。
18.The topic of this unit is customs.今天,我们要谈论的话题是“风俗”,俗话说:入乡随俗。

causal conversation随意谈话
3)literal talk刻意言谈
4)arbitrary language随意性语言
1.Management of the "arbitrary language" in the paintings;绘画中的“随意性语言”及经营
5)Metaphorical Expressions in Japanese Dialogue隐喻言谈寓意探析
6)Let's have a chat.随便谈谈。

言谈1.谈论﹔交谈。 2.指说话的内容和态度。