义净,Yi Jing
1)Yi Jing义净
1.The Value of the Annotation in the Buddhist Scriptures Translated by Yi Jing;略论义净译著中的注文在词汇史中的研究价值
2.The Writer of the Annotation in Buddhist Scriptures Translated by Yi Jing;义净译著中的注文及其作者之研究

1.A Research of the Conceptual Field of the Words Signifying "Woshui" in the Buddhist Scriptures Translated by Yi Jing;义净译经卧睡概念场词汇系统及其演变研究
2.The Value of the Annotation in the Buddhist Scriptures Translated by Yi Jing;略论义净译著中的注文在词汇史中的研究价值
3.A Study of the Remaining Volume Kept in Russias of Records of the West by Yi Jing the Monk of Tang Dynasty;俄藏敦煌写本唐义净和尚《西方记》残卷研究
4.(extended sense) of exceptionally clean language.(引申意义)指非常干净的语言。
5.On Aristotle s "the Purification" and Its Significance in Current Life;浅谈亚里士多德“净化”说及其当下意义
6.The Syntactic Rules and the Semantic Relations in the "jing(净)+[shi(是)]+NP";“净+[是]+NP”结构的句法机制和语义关系
7.Methods of Cultivation of Jing-ming Sect in Song-Yuan Dynasties and Their Contemporary Significance;宋元净明道的修行方法及其现代意义
8.Significance and Characteristic of Muscovite Granite in Fanjingshan Area梵净山区白云母花岗岩特征及其意义
9.How then is it possible for man to be upright before God? or how may he be clean who is a son of woman?这样在神面前,人怎能称义?妇人所生的怎能洁净?
10.The Clean Water Act also contains provisions that can be considered preservationist.《洁净水法案》可被认为是环境保护主义者的条款。
11.Souls are so purified in purgatory.(天主教教义中)人的灵魂将在炼狱中得到净化。
12.State-of-Arts of Clean Coal Technology in China and the Significance in Its Development;我国洁净煤技术发展现状及其发展意义
13.Explanation on the Argumentation in Dignified Appearance and Pure Land in Vajracchediā-Sǖtra --The Tenth Part in Vajracchedikā-Sǖtra;《金刚经》“庄严净土”之义理阐释——《金刚经》新解之十
15.Blanks of Meaning of "Tian Jin Sha-Autumn Thought" and Translator's Scope of Interpretation《天净沙·秋思》的意义空白性与译者的诠释空间
16.General-cleanliness-level inspection for ultra-smooth optical surface in Shenguang Ⅲ system神光Ⅲ精密光学元件表面广义洁净度检测
17.A Pursuit for Purity:the Significance of Paper Light Burning in Folk Culture洁净的追求:点灯花仪式的民俗文化意义
18.He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.玛3:3他必坐下如炼净银子的、洁净利未人、炼他们像金银一样、们就凭公义献供物给耶和华。

1.the Commentaries on Nanhai Jigui Neifa,written by Yijing,a monk of the Dong Dynasty,after his pilgrimage to the west,contained a lot of words in the terms of the local slang and oral language,including:"量"which means"height,length","并"which means"equate","刺"which means"stitch,sew"rather than"embroider","翘勤"which means"very diligent"rather than"ardently hope for",and so on.《南海寄归内法传》是唐代僧人义净西行求法归来后所写的著作。
2.The dissertation makes a study on YiJing s translated Buddhist texts and writings who was a famous Buddhist translator of the Tang Dynasty.本文以唐代著名高僧义净所翻译的佛经及其著作为研究对象,重点是选取蕴含丰富口语词汇的关于佛教戒律的律部经典,对其中反映日常生活的常用词进行分析描写。
3)Yi Jing the Monk义净和尚
1.A Study of the Remaining Volume Kept in Russias of Records of the West by Yi Jing the Monk of Tang Dynasty;俄藏敦煌写本唐义净和尚《西方记》残卷研究
4)A Detailed Study of Two Distinct Poems by Yi Jing义净诗二首探微
1.Ecologic aesthetic of the Song Dynasty china has three characteristics: silent, pure and lonely.宋瓷艺术生态之美具有静、净、寂三个特征,与中国传统“天人合一”生态审美观相联系,阐释了“人”与“瓷”合一的精神境界。
2.Researching his artistic style,the pure and silence are the real and inside charm of his drawing.本文还通过对龚贤的绘画思想进行分析,总结出其更具科学、系统的绘画理论及其在绘画理论方面的贡献,并且对其作品进行研究,认为“净”、“静”是其作品的真正内质和独特气韵。
1.Keeping doing things neatly proves to be an important measure for keeping the advanced nature of the Party member and promoting new great project of the Party s construction.干干净净干事是永葆共产党人先进性、不断推进党的建设新的伟大工程的重要举措。
