1)internal relations内在联系
1.A study on the internal relations between the geological disasters and morgeography in karst areas——A case study in Guiyang of Guizhou;岩溶地区地质灾害与地貌内在联系研究——以贵阳市为例
2.On internal relations of the progressiveness,anti-corruption and the thought of "Three Represents"of Party;论党的先进性、反腐败、“三个代表”的内在联系
3.Internal Relations Between the Uncertainty System Theory And the Value Engineering;不确定性系统理论与价值工程的内在联系
1.The implication is obvious.内在联系已经很明显了。
2.Revealing the internal relation in Metallurgical Technology by means of the relation diagram;用联系图揭示金属工艺学内容的内在联系
3.On the Inner Connection of Dialectical Materialist Theoretical System;论辩证唯物主义理论体系的内在联系
4.The Intrinsic Spiritual Relationship between Yan an War Novels and Soviet War Novels;论延安战争小说与苏联战争小说的内在联系
5.The Connections between Credit and Government, Market, Business Enterprise;国家、市场、企业与信用的内在联系
6.A Discussion on the Intrinsic Connection between Lifelong Learning and Adult-Education;简析终身学习与成人教育的内在联系
7.Liquidity: Concept Evolution,Hierarchical Difference and Internal Connection;流动性:概念演进、层次差异及内在联系
8.The Discuss on Original Connection of the Book of Changes of and Taijiquan;对《周易》与太极拳内在联系的探讨
9.The Inner Relation between Christianity and the Concept of literature in Middle Ages;基督教与中世纪文学观念的内在联系
10.On Inherent Relationship Among Environment and Development and Institutional Resources;论环境、发展与体制资源的内在联系
11.The Inner Links of "Three Representatives"and "Three Civilizations";试论“三个代表”与“三个文明”之内在联系
12.Analysis on the Intrinsic Connection between the University Culture and the University Buildings;浅析高校文化与高校建筑的内在联系
13.On the Inherent Relations between Demcoracy,Law System and Disinterested Government Construction;浅谈民主、法治与廉政建设的内在联系
14.On the Inner Relationship between the Party s Modernization and the Judicial Independence;论党的现代化和司法独立的内在联系
15.The“Three Representatives”-- Essential Attribute,Internality Relation,Practical Application JI Ming;“三个代表”:本质属性、内在联系、实际运用
16.On the Internal Relations Between “SangJiang” and Emancipating the Mind and Seeking Truth from Facts;“三讲”与解放思想、实事求是的内在联系
17.The spiritual essence and internal relations of management schools;管理学诸学派的内在联系及精神实质
18.The lnternal Relations and Differences between the Two Teaching Probation;两次教育见习之间的内在联系与区别
internal relation内在联系
1.Through analyzing their philosophy ideology and contrasting basic-element theory with substance-field theory,forty innovation theories with extenics reasoning,it reveals the internal relations between TRIZ and extenics theory.从矛盾分类、研究对象、理论基础、方法体系等方面比较了TRIZ与可拓学的差异,通过对比两者的哲学思想,以及基元理论与物质-场理论、40条创新原理与可拓推理,分析了TRIZ与可拓学的内在联系。
2.This paper expounds the internal relations between the financial accounting and the statistics and the coordination and unity between the two sides,and analyzes the application of the statistical method in the financial accounting.阐述了财务会计与统计的内在联系及协调统一,分析了统计方法在财务会计领域的运用。
3.But in 20 th century,because of the emphases on internal relation,modern science began with the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics,undergoing chaos movement and biological revolution,gradually shows two transitions to postmodern scientific views:from mechanism to organism,from reductionism to holism.但在 2 0世纪 ,由于对内在联系的强调 ,以相对论和量子力学为开端的现代科学 ,历经混沌运动和生物学革命 ,逐步凸现出向后现代科学观的两个转变 ,即从机械论转向有机论 ,从还原论转向整体论。
3)Inner link内在联系
1.In Fe G phase diagram, several specific property values approach very much the golden section point, therefore some people believe that there may be inner link between the phase diagram and the golden section law.Fe-石墨相图中有若干特性值很接近黄金分割点 ,有人认为该相图与黄金分割律可能存在着内在联系。
2.This paper expounds the inner link between the knowledge management and the cultural innovation of enterprise, and analyzes on the influences of the practical development process of the knowledge management on the enterprise culture.论述了知识管理与企业文化创新的内在联系,分析了知识管理的实践发展过程对企业文化产生的影响。
4)inner connection内在联系
1.The inner connection of Socialist Political Civilization and "Three Representatives ;论社会主义政治文明与“三个代表”的内在联系
2.Dialectical materialist theoretical system is a scientific world outlook and methodology, both of which are full of conflicts as two center clues construct the inner connection of philosophical theoretical system.这两部分内容中都充满了矛盾关系,如同两条中心线索构成了这个哲学理论体系的内在联系。
5)internal connection内在联系
6)interior relation内在的联系
直接联系与间接联系 普遍联系的两种重要形式。直接联系在时间、空间和层次上比较接近的事物、要素之间所发生的相互依赖、相互制约的关系。间接联系指事物和现象之间通过较多的中介、中间环节而发生的相互依赖和相互制约的联系。事物间的直接联系和间接联系的界限是相对的,绝对的直接联系,不需要任何中介的联系是没有的。一般来说,在时间、空间和层次上间隔距离越大、中间环节越多的事物之间,联系越带有间接性;反之,就越具有直接性。 直接联系和间接联系在事物发展过程中所起的作用不同。直接联系具有当下直接现实性的特征,因而对事物的存在和发展起比较现实的重要作用;间接联系由于经过较多的中间环节和中介,其作用的程度往往不具有直接联系那样的现实性。在社会生活中,生产力决定生产关系、生产关系反作用于生产力以及二者构成的矛盾运动的规律,是社会现象间最直接的联系,因而对社会及其发展起重要的决定性作用。作为上层建筑的艺术、道德、哲学和宗教等社会意识形态同生产力的联系,则通过经济基础(生产关系)的中介和折光,它们同生产力的联系较为间接一些,对社会生产力发展的作用就不如生产关系和生产力的联系那样的根本和直接。 在实践活动中,应首先抓住事物间的直接联系,但也不可忽视事物的间接联系。间接联系和直接联系一样,往往也体现着本质联系,并且对事物的发展有着重要作用。一般说来,事物、现象间的直接联系,容易引起人们的注意,间接联系易为人们所忽视。所以,人们要全面地理解和把握事物,就必须通过把握事物的直接联系进而把握事物的间接联系,从联系的总体上揭示事物的本质,揭示现象间交互作用的复杂情景以及各种联系在事物发展中的具体作用。