1.A study on the construction of ecological security in Changsha City;长沙城市生态安全建设探析
2.City Wetland Landscape Dynamic Changes of Changsha Based on "3S" Technology;基于“3S”技术的长沙市城市湿地景观动态变化研究
3.Research on Present Situation and Protection Strategy of Urban Wetland in Changsha;长沙市城市湿地现状及保护策略研究

1.A long backless sofa, especially one set with pillows against a wall.长沙发,沙发床长无靠背的沙发,尤指靠墙有枕头的沙发
2.A three-piece suite, ie a sofa and two armchairs三件一套的沙发(一张长沙发及两张单座沙发)
3.subsiding onto the sofa/into an armchair一屁股坐在长沙发[单座沙发]上.
4.Study on Pattern of Landscape Dynamics of Xingsha in ChangSha Town;长沙县星沙镇景观格局动态变化研究
5.a couch that is sided By low taBles.紧靠矮桌的长沙发椅
6.the underneath of a car, shelf, sofa汽车、 搁架、 长沙发的底部.
7.upholster a sofa in leather给长沙发装上皮革面
8.I flopped down on the couch.我噗地倒在长沙发椅上。
9.A couch that also goes for a bed.一个可用作床的长沙
10.Cheung Sha Wan Jockey Club Clinic长沙湾赛马会诊疗所
11.Cheung Sha Wan Factory Owners Credit Unio长沙湾工业储蓄互助社
12.Lacquer Lian Toilet Box with Needle-incised Design from a Chu Tomb at Changsha长沙楚墓针刻纹漆奁
13.I come from Changsha Hunan.我来自于湖南长沙
14."Chang Fa-kuei and Pai Chung-hsi are retreating from Changsha!"“张桂军要退出长沙
15.Wen Zhengming was also a native of Changsha.文征明(1470-1559)长沙人。
16.I want to walk around the Changsha City Square.我想在长沙广场转转。
17.Shen Zhou (1427-1509) was a native of Changsha.沈周(1427-1509)湖南长沙人。
18.This view is current in Changsha.这种议论,在长沙颇盛行。

Changsha city长沙
1.This paper discussed the application of natural plant communities in city landscape designing and the disposal principle of artificial plant community based on the investigation of natural plant communities in Changsha city.通过对长沙地区的自然植物群落调查分析,探讨了自然植物群落在城市园林植物造景中应用及人工植物群落的配置原则。
2.The bud of two northern tree peony,introduced from Heze city to Changsha city were studied in morphological anatomy through paraffin cut section and exfoliate method to investigate its development stages.通过石蜡切片法和层剥法,对从山东菏泽市引种到长沙地区的2个北方牡丹品种锦袍红和紫霞绫(以下简称为"南移牡丹)"进行了芽的形态解剖学观察,初步摸清了南移牡丹的花芽分化进程,发现南移后牡丹的花芽分化比在菏泽地区提早约1个月,且花芽分化的各阶段完整,可分为花芽分化初期、苞片原基分化期、萼片原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、雌蕊原基分化期和雄雌蕊原基瓣化期7个时期。
3.Taking the downtown areas of changsha city as study area,the objective of this study is to analyze the scale effect of a GIS-based CA urban growth mod.然而,目前的元胞自动机城市增长模型大多没考虑数据的空间尺度特征,本文拟通过改变模型中输入数据的空间尺度来验证元胞自动机城市增长模型对尺度的敏感性及其空间尺度特征,并以长沙市为例进行实证研究。
3)Changsha City长沙市
1.Pollution characteristics of water-soluble ions in atmospheric PM_(10)and PM_(2.5)in Changsha City in summer;长沙市夏季PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)中水溶性离子的污染特征
2.Characterization and management of medical waste in Changsha City;长沙市医疗垃圾管理处置状况及特性研究
3.Construction and Thinking of Urban Flood Control Engineering of Changsha City;长沙市城市防洪工程建设与反思
4)Changsha County长沙县
1.The Evaluation of Environmental Quality Based on AHP Decision-making System in Changsha County;基于AHP决策系统下的长沙县环境质量评价
2.Land Utilization Problems in the Course of Regional Urbanization:A Case Study of Changsha County;区域城镇化进程中的土地利用问题研究——以长沙县为例
3.Through the application of ecological footprint method in Changsha County in 2005,the per capita ecological footprint of Changsha County reached 2.通过运用生态足迹计算方法,对长沙县2005年的生态足迹进行了计算,得出长沙县人均生态足迹是2。
5)Changsha tea长沙茶叶
6)Changsha Kiln长沙窑
1.Appreciation and Appraisal of Changsha Kiln Chinaware;长沙窑陶瓷的鉴赏与鉴定
2.Significance of Ceramics Freehand Brushwork in Changsha Kiln;长沙窑陶瓷写意绘画的意义
3.Pearl of the Chinese Poetry——The Folk Poetry in Tang Dynasty Demonstrated in the Porcelain Surface Poetry of Changsha Kiln;诗海遗珠 民俗瑰宝——从长沙窑器表诗文看唐代民间诗歌文化

长沙长沙Changsha  长 沙刘社爱摄ChangshQ长沙(C hangsha)中国湖南省会,历史文化名城,军事重镇。位于湖南省东部,湘江下游。辖东、西、南、北、郊5区和长沙、望城、宁乡3县。面积6 810平方千米,人口423.64万,其中市区面积367平方千米,人口138.71万(1993)。 春秋战国为楚城邑。秦为长沙郡。西汉为长沙国都。东汉复为长沙郡。三国吴分民沙郡为湘东、湘西两郡。晋永嘉元年(307)复设长沙郡,并置湘州。隋开皇九年(589)撤湘州,改长沙郡为潭州,大业三年(607)复称民沙郡。唐初复为潭州。五代为楚国都,改潭州为长沙府。元为潭州路,后改为天临路。明复称长沙府。清康熙三年(1664)置湖南布政使司,为湖南省治。1933年设长沙市。1949年为省辖市。 地处湘东丘陵盆地区,地势南高北低。西依雪峰山,东靠连云山、罗霄山。市区海拔44米,西部是岳麓山、凤凰山、天马山等低山丘陵,其中岳麓山海拔295.4米,为市区制高点。东部有阿弥岭、杨家岭等一系列低岗,南部透遁着大片红色岗地,有金盆岭、黄土岭、东瓜山、妙高山、回龙山为屏障。北部是开阔的冲积平原。湘江由南向北纵贯市区,注人洞庭湖,枯水期水深1一15米,其西岸的靳江、伪水与东岸的浏阳河、捞刀河均为其支流,洪水期4-7月。属北亚热带湿润季风气候。年平均气温172℃,1月平均气温4.7℃,7月平均气温29.4℃。年平均降水量1 412毫米。矿产有硅砂、石灰石、煤、磷矿石、铁矿石等。长沙为湖南省重要的工业基地。以机械、化工、食品、纺织等工业为主。湘绣是中国四大名绣之一。农副业产品以水稻、生猪、鲜鱼_为主,盛产茶叶、柑桔、油菜籽等。是全省交通枢纽。北京一广州铁路纵贯,石门一长沙铁路正在建设中。公路干线通江西、湖北、四川、贵州、广东等省。湘江长沙港有泊位102个,长沙以下常年可航300吨船舶,长沙一株洲段常年可航15一300吨船舶。其支流中下游均可通航10~20吨船舶。湘江上建有两座公路大桥。民航通北京、上海、广州、成都、武汉、西安等城市。