1.The Sanming Local Coal Contains the Sulfur Quantity Determination and the Atmospheric SO_2 Pollution Synthesis Preventing and Controlling Countermeasure;三明本地煤含硫量测定与大气SO_2污染的防治对策
2.Analysis of the Air Quality Developing Tendency in Sanming;三明市环境空气质量变化趋势浅析
3.On promoting the local cement industry in Sanming area;振兴三明地方水泥工业之我见

1.Packed sandwich lunch(盒装[三明治]午餐)
2.A sandwich filled with such a mixture.沙拉三明治用这种馅做成的三明
3.two rounds of ham and one of beef两个火腿三明治和一个牛肉三明治.
4.I eat a sandwich or a hotdog.我吃三明治或者热狗。
5.BLT (bacon,lettuce and tomato)火腿、莴苣、番茄三明
6.She folded the sandwich up with wax paper.她用蜡纸将三明治包好。
7.Shall I make some more sandwiches ?我再做一些三明治好吗?
8.I'll have a tuna fish sandwich.我来份金枪鱼三明治。
9.leaving their sandwiches and beer behind.扔下了三明治与啤酒。
11."BLT (Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato) "腌肉、生菜、西红柿三明
12.bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwich腌肉生菜蕃茄三明
13.I made a chicken sandwich.我做了个鸡肉三明治。
14.He satisfied his hunger with a sandwich and milk.他以三明治和牛奶充饥。
15.She had a sandwich to stay her hunger.她吃了一块三明治充饥。
16.Shall I get you a sandwich?给你来一块三明治好吗?
17.She helped herself to a sandwich.她吃了一块三明治。
18.She will eat a sandwich now.她现在要吃一个三明治。

1.Function and morphological characteristics of Chinese experimental suckling mini-pig hepatocytes cultured in sandwich;三明治培养新生实验小型猪肝细胞的功能与形态
2.Patato sandwich was made by patato as the main material and carrot and pork as supplementary material.本实验以马铃薯为主要原料,通过添加胡萝卜、猪肉等辅料研制马铃薯三明治,并对其配方和工艺进行了初步探索和研究。
3.Iron/aluminium foam/iron and titanium/aluminium foam/titanium sandwiches were prepared by powder metallurgical foaming method.采用粉末冶金发泡法制备了Fe Al Fe、Ti Al Ti泡沫铝芯三明治结构 ,研究了泡沫铝芯的膨胀规律 ,分析了面板与泡沫铝芯的冶金结合过程 ,提出了微观结合机制。
3)Sanming City三明市
1.Countermeasures and Suggestions on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction in Sanming City;关于推进三明市节能减排的对策建议
2.GIS & RS-based Ecological Suitability Assessment for Land Development and Landscape Structure Analysis:A Case Study of Jindong Eco-industrial Park,Sanming City;基于GIS和RS的三明市荆东生态工业区土地开发生态适宜度和景观结构分析
3.Research on synthesis evaluation for landscape forest in northern mountain of Meilie district,Sanming city;三明市梅列区北山风景林综合评价研究
4)sandwich beams三明治梁
1.Deformation of sandwich beams with spherical pore Al alloy foam core in three-point bending;球形孔泡沫铝合金三明治梁的三点弯曲变形
2.The failure modes and peak loads of sandwich beams with this Al alloy foam core were measured which was in good agreement with theoretic values.研究了高比强泡沫铝合金和泡沫纯铝的单向压缩和剪切性能,对以高比强泡沫铝合金为夹芯的三明治梁失效模式的尺寸范围和承载能力进行了理论计算,结果与实验结果符合得很好。
5)city area of Sanming三明城区
6)Sandwich treatment三明治法
1.Sandwich treatment of interventional chemotherapy ,3D-CRT and interventional chemotherapy was given .目的探讨三明治法对晚期肺癌的近期疗效。

三明【三明】 (名数)在佛曰三达。在罗汉曰三明。智之知法显了,故名为明,又曰智明,又曰智证明,证智之境而显了分明也:一、宿命明,知自身他身宿世之生死相,二、天眼明,知自身他身未来世之生死相,三、漏尽明,知现在之苦相,断一切烦恼之智也(漏者烦恼)。又如次第,名为宿住智证明,死生智证明,漏尽智证明。然则三明者,六通中之宿命天眼漏尽三通也。智度论二曰:“宿命天眼漏尽,名为三明。问曰:神通明有何等异:答曰:直知过去宿命事,是名通。知过因缘行业,是名明。直知死此生彼,是名通。知行因缘际会不失,是名明。直尽结使,不知更生不生是名通。若知漏尽更不复生是名明。”俱舍论二十七曰:“言三明者:一宿住智证明,二死生智证明,三漏尽智证明。(中略)名明者,如次对三际愚故。谓宿住智通治前际愚,死生智通治后际愚,漏尽智通治中际愚。”婆沙论七十七谓:“六通中,余三何不谓明?答曰:身如意(言神境通),但工巧,天耳通但闻声,他心但知他人心,故此三不立为明。余三所以为明者,天眼知未来苦,宿命知过去苦,俱能厌离生死。又漏尽能为正观而断烦恼故。”