1.Research advances in polysaccharides from fungus of genus Pleurotus;侧耳属真菌多糖的研究进展
2.Review of Studies on Systematic Taxonomy in the Genus Pleurotus;侧耳属真菌系统分类研究概况
3.Phylogenetic Relationships of Pleurotus species Based on rDNA PCR-RFLP;基于rDNA PCR-RFLP分析的侧耳属分子系统学研究(英文)

1.Molecular Makers Applied on the Taxonomy Within the Genus Pleurotus;分子标记在侧耳属菌株分类中的应用
2.Screening of Excellent Hybrids of Pleurotus Ostreatus and Domestication of Wild Strains of Pleurotus糙皮侧耳优良杂交子筛选与侧耳属野生菌株驯化栽培研究
3.Studies on the Molecular Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships Within the Genus Pleurotus;侧耳属菌株分子分类和分子系统发育关系研究
4.Studies on Selection of High-yielding Pleurotus Strains by Protoplast Technology;侧耳属真菌原生质体技术选育高产菌株研究
5.The Application in Molecular Taxonomy of Genus Pleurotus Based on rDNA ITS Sequences;核rDNA ITS序列在侧耳属分子分类学上的应用
6.Systematic Studies on Taxonomy of the Genus Pleurotus from China;中国侧耳属[Pleurotus(Fr.)Kumm.]真菌系统分类学研究
7.Effects of Temperature and pH of Culture Medium on Two Pleurotus Mycelium;温度和pH对侧耳属两菌株菌丝生长的影响
8.Comparison of Anatomy and Activity Variations of Extracellular Enzymes of Two Fungi of Pleurotus;两个侧耳属食用菌解剖学性状及胞外酶活性变化比较
9.Studies on Phylogenetic Relationships of Pleurotus Based on Nuclear Large Subunit Ribosomal DNA and Its Sequences;基于nLSU rDNA和ITS序列对侧耳属系统发育关系的研究
10.Effects of Two Species of Pleurotus on Chemical Composition and Rumen Digestibility of Wheat Straw两株侧耳属真菌对小麦秸秆化学组分及瘤胃消化率的影响
11.She sit listening, with her head tilt slightly to one side她坐著, 侧耳倾听
12.Effect of Cultivation in Zinc Media on the Growth of and the Degree of Zinc in Organic Form in Transgenic Metallothionein Mushroom富锌培养对转金属硫蛋白侧耳菌丝生长和锌有机化程度的影响
13.He cocked his ears and listened.他侧着耳朵留神听。
14."They left her straining her ears, with bated breath, as she waited there in silence."刘姥姥屏声侧耳默候
15.A Rapid Method for Distinguishing between Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus pulmonarius一种快速辨别糙皮侧耳和肺形侧耳的方法
16.Growth Characters of the Mycelium and Food Body of Different Strains of Pleurotus ferulae and Pleurotus nebrodensis阿魏侧耳与白灵侧耳的菌丝体生长和出菇特性
17.When we talk about ears, we usually mean the oddly wrinkled appendages on the sides of our heads.当我们提到耳朵,通常指那个生长在我们头部两侧的奇怪的褶皱的附属肢体。
18.When we talk about ears, we usually mean the oddly wrinkled appendages on the side of our heads.当我们提到耳朵时,通常是指那个长在我们头部两侧的奇特的褶皱的附属肢体。

1.Additional 27 sequences of ITS were obtained from GenBank which included 15 species of Pleurotus and 2 species of Hohenbuehelia.利用PCR产物克隆测序测定了20个我国主要栽培的侧耳品种的ITS序列,另外从GenBank获得侧耳属15个种25条ITS序列及亚侧耳属2个种的ITS序列。
1.The Chemical Composition and Medicinal Activities of Pleurotus;侧耳属真菌化学成分及药用活性研究进展
4)Pleurotus ostreatus侧耳
1.Effect of Sargassum Extract Liquid on the Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Pleurotus ostreatus Hypha;马尾藻提取液对侧耳菌丝营养及生殖生长的影响
2.Effect of Genetically Modified Rapeseeds on the Growth of Pleurotus ostreatus;转基因油菜籽粕对侧耳生长的影响
3.We stu died the enzyme activities such as amylase, carboxymethyl cellulase, hemicellulases, laccase pyrocatechol oxidaseand guaiacol oxidase , when Pleurotus ostreatus was cultivated in the PDYfluid medium.研究了侧耳在PDY液体培养基中生长时,淀粉酶、羧甲基纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、漆酶、愈创木酚氧化酶和邻苯二酚氧化酶的酶活性变化。
1.The Prelimery Application of ISSR Marker in Taxonomy of Pleurotus Species;ISSR标记在侧耳属菌株分类学中的初步应用
2.A Study on the Relativity Between Yield of Different Strains of Pleurotus and Temperature;温度对侧耳不同品种产量影响的研究
3.Advances in the Research of Pleurotus Poison to Nematodes and the Potential Use for Pleurotus in Controlling Pine Wilt Disease;侧耳杀线虫特性研究现状和应用于防治松材线虫病的前景
6)Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi阿魏侧耳
1.Study on optimum extraction process of polysaccharide from Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi liquid fermentation by ethanol;乙醇提取阿魏侧耳发酵液多糖的优化设计
2.Study on Immunological Activities of Water Soluble Polysaccharides from Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi;阿魏侧耳水溶性多糖免疫活性的研究
3.The Influence on the Extraction of Polysaccharide from Liquid Fermentation of Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi by Orthogonal;丙酮对阿魏侧耳液体发酵多糖提取的影响

白侧耳【通用名称】白侧耳【其他名称】白侧耳 (《贵州民间方药集》) 【异名】白耳菜、叫天鸡(《贵州民间方药集》),光板、金苦板(《浙江中药资源名录》),苍耳七,金钱灯塔草(《浙江天目山药植志》)。 【来源】为虎耳草科植物白须草的带根全草。 【植物形态】白须草 多年生草本,全株无毛,高20~30厘米。基生叶4~8片,丛生;叶厚,肾脏形或稍带圆形,全缘,基部深心脏形,具长柄;茎生叶3~6片,稍圆心形,无柄,抱茎。花单生于茎顶,大形;萼片5,基部多少相连,绿色,卵形;花瓣5,白色,卵圆形,基部急窄,边缘细裂呈丝状,长约1厘米;雄蕊5,与花瓣互生,蕊间有退化雄蕊,生于每1花瓣基部,先端深3裂,裂片先端各有1棒状腺体;子房球形,心皮4,柱头4裂。蒴果长椭圆形,上部4裂。种子多数,细小。有翅。花期8~9月。果期10~11月。 生于土坎、沟边或湿润地方。分布浙江、安徽、江西、贵州等地。 此外,在贵州民间作白侧耳者,尚有同属植物鸡眼梅花草的带根全草。植物形态详"鸡肫草"条。 【采集】全年可采。 【功用主治】镇咳,止血,利湿,治虚劳咳嗽,咳血,吐血,亦痢,白带,疔疮。 ①《贵州民间方药集》:"镇咳,祛痰,驱风,解热,利尿。" ②《浙江中药资源名录》:"治疔疮。" ③《浙江天目山药植志》:"清湿,止血。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,2~4钱(鲜者1~2两)。外用:捣敷。 【选方】①治久咳成痨:白侧耳二钱,鹿衔草二钱。炖猪肺服。(《贵州民间方药集》) ②治久咳吐血及妇女白带:白侧耳五钱至一两,水煎或炖鸡服。(《浙江天目山药植志》) ③治赤痢及久泻后肛门热痛,便血:白侧耳干草七至八钱,仙鹤草、半边莲、天青地白草、茅草根各四至五钱,水煎,早晚空腹服;忌食生冷、油腻、酸辣、芥菜。(《浙江天目山药植志》) ④治铜钱癣:鲜白侧耳根一两,在火上稍熏烤片刻,揉搓成团,擦患处。(《贵州民间方药集》)