1.Study on Control Atmosphere Storage of Whangkeumbae;黄金梨的气调贮藏保鲜试验
2.Effects of fruit tissue structure of Yali and Whangkeumbae pear cultivars on the fruit storability;鸭梨、黄金梨果实结构与耐贮性的关系
3.Seasonal changes of mineral elements in leaves and fruits of Whangkeumbae;黄金梨叶片、果实中矿质元素含量的周年变化动态

1.Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Preservation Effectiveness of Wonhuwang Pears, Whangkeumbae Pears and Housui Pears at Different Temperature不同温度条件下1-MCP对圆黄梨和黄金梨及丰水梨保鲜效果的影响
2.Studies on Post-harvest Browning Physiology and Combating Browning of Yali Pear Fruit and Whangkeumbae Fruit;鸭梨、黄金梨采后褐变生理及抗褐变研究
3.The Study on the Organization Structure and the Changes During Storage of Yali Pear Fruit and Whangkeumbae Fruit;鸭梨、黄金梨果实结构及贮藏过程中的变化研究
4.Effects of Thinning Flower and Fruit on the Growth and Fruiting of Golden Pear疏花疏果量对黄金梨生长结果的影响
5.Effect of Soil pH Value on the Fruit Characters of Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai. cv. Whangkeumbae土壤pH值对黄金梨果实品质的影响
6.Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Pipening and Senescence of Yali Pear and Whangkeumbae Fruit;外源水杨酸调控鸭梨和黄金梨果实成熟衰老的研究
7.Photoinhibition and Recovery of Photosynthesis in Pear Leaves黄金梨和鸭梨叶片光合作用的光抑制及其恢复的比较研究
8.Preliminary Study on Dry Fruit Wine by Mixed Fermentation of Gold Pear Juice and Orange Juice黄金梨汁和柑橘汁混合发酵干型酒的初步研究
9.Efect of Salicylic Acid on Delaying Senescence of Huang Kum Pear (Pyrus Pyrifolia Nakai);水杨酸对延迟黄金梨(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)衰老的影响
10.Effects of Bagging on Sugar Metabolism and Ultrastructure in Whangkeumbae Pear Fruits;套袋对‘黄金梨’果实糖代谢及超微结构的影响
11.Studies on the Physiological Property of Golden Pear during Fruit Growth, Development and Storage;黄金梨果实生长发育及贮藏生理特性研究
12.Study on the Cultivation and Relationship between the Cultivation and Photosynthesis in Leaves of Trellis Trained 'Whangkeumbae'黄金梨棚架栽培及其光合作用变化规律研究
13.Effects of Storage Temperature on Quality and Postharvest Physiology of ‘Whangkeumbae’ Pears贮藏温度对“黄金梨”品质和相关生理指标的影响
14.Studies on the Senescence Quality and Correlation of Whangkumbae During Controlled Atmosphere Storage气调贮藏对黄金梨衰老品质及相关性的研究
15.Effects of 1-MCP Application on Postharvest Physiology and Fresh-keeping of‘Whangkeumbae’Pear Fruits1-MCP处理对黄金梨采后生理及保鲜效果的影响
16.Studies on Development of Epidermis Structure and Russetting and the Effects of Bagging on Them in Whangkeumbae Fruit;黄金梨果皮发育、锈斑形成及套袋对其影响的研究
17.Study on Changes and Correlations of Nutrient Material Concentration in Leaves and Fruits of Whangkeumbae;黄金梨叶片、果实内营养物质含量变化及其相关关系研究
18.Effect of complex fertilizer of peat and chicken manure on the soil property and fruit quality of Hwangkumbae pear cultivar鸡粪和草炭配施对黄金梨园土壤理化性状和果实品质的影响

Whangkeumbae pear黄金梨
1.Effects of Bagging on Sugar Metabolism and Related Enzyme Activities in Whangkeumbae Pear;套袋对‘黄金梨’果实糖代谢及相关酶活性的影响
2.The comparative experiments of bagging on Whangkeumbae pear cultivar were carried out with 7 types of fruit bags in Northwest Loess Plateau.选用7种不同类型的果袋,在西北高原地区栽培条件下对黄金梨果实进行套袋试验。
3.The aromatic substances in the fruit of Whangkeumbae pear in storage were determined by using headspace solid phase microextraction and GC-MS.利用静态顶空(SHS)和气相色谱-质谱连用(GC-MS)技术,分析了黄金梨0℃贮藏时果实芳香物质的变化。
1.A new technology of low-temperature storage of Hwangkumbae and the establishment of HACCP system;黄金梨低温冷藏工艺及HACCP质量控制体系的建立
2.Studies on the Changes of Some Main Nutritional Components in Hwangkumbae Pear during Maturation;黄金梨果实发育过程中主要营养成分的变化
3.Effect of complex fertilizer of peat and chicken manure on the soil property and fruit quality of Hwangkumbae pear cultivar鸡粪和草炭配施对黄金梨园土壤理化性状和果实品质的影响
4)HuangJin pear黄金梨
1.Jibaoling", a phytohormone preparation with cytokinin as its main ingredient, was used to treat the young fruits of Huangjin Pear, a good cultivar of pear introduced from Korea, 20~25 days after flower drop.研究外源植物激素对黄金梨产量和品质影响。
5)golden pear黄金梨
1.Studies on the Physiological Property of Golden Pear during Fruit Growth, Development and Storage;黄金梨果实生长发育及贮藏生理特性研究
2.The paper discusses the method of top grafting golden pear on Dangshan pear and studies the effect of pinching with different methods.本文论述了将黄金梨高接于砀山梨上的方法并研究了不同摘心处理对高接后树体的影响,结果表明高接后采用小冠疏散层形树形并且对水平枝进行轻度摘心有利于提高花芽分化率与座果率。
6)gold pear juice黄金梨汁

末伽梨拘赊梨【末伽梨拘赊梨】 (人名)又曰末伽梨俱舍梨Maskari^ Gos/aliputra(巴Makkhali Gosala,又Makkhali Gosalapurtta),具曰末伽梨拘赊梨子。子之一字汉语也。六师外道之一。末伽梨为其人名,拘赊梨为其人母名,子谓拘赊梨之子也。如言舍利子。注维摩经三:“什曰:末伽梨字也,拘赊梨是其母也。”慧琳音义二十六曰:“末伽梨是姓也,拘舍梨是母名也。此计苦乐不由因,是自然外道也。”希麟音义九曰:“末揭梨子,旧云末伽梨,具足云末揭梨拘舍梨子。末揭梨是姓,拘舍梨是母名也。”毗奈耶杂事三十八曰:“末塞羯利瞿黎子。”