果实软化,fruit softening
1)fruit softening果实软化
1.In order to determine the expression pattern of LOX gene family and the relationship between members of LOX gene family and fruit softening, the technical system of QPCR was established for LOX gene family; MeJA treatment was used to test the regulation of LOX genes expression.以瑞蟠四号桃(Prunus persica)果实为试材,开展了LOX基因家族成员克隆,并对其进行生物信息学分析,建立了基于LOX基因家族成员表达的实时定量PCR(QPCR)技术体系,研究了LOX基因家族成员在果实软化过程中的表达模式,以及茉莉酸甲酯处理对LOX基因的表达调控,鉴别了桃果实LOX基因家族软化相关成员,主要结果如下:1。
2.Focusing on various enzymes for cell wall metabolism,with regard to enzymes activity and their genes expression during ripening or softening of different fruits,the latest research advancement was reviewed,and mechanism of fruit softening was speculated in this paper.为了延长水果的货架期,各国植物生理学家对果实软化机理进行了长期不懈的探讨,作者综述了近几年最新研究进展。
3.【Objective】 This experiment was aimed to discuss the relationship between cell wall metabolism and fruit softening,and their regulation in harvested \'Jingbaili\' pear to provide a theoretical basis for improving fruit quality and inhibiting fruit softening【Method】 Fruits of pear cultivar \'Jingbaili\'(Pyrus ussuriensis Maxin.【目的】探讨细胞壁代谢与‘京白梨’果实软化的关系及其调控,为解决果实品质下降及迅速软化问题提供依据。

1.Effects of 1-MCP on Ripening and Softening of Nectarine;1-MCP处理对油桃果实软化衰老的影响
2.The Characteristics of β-Gal and LOX Activities in Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) Fruit and Their Relation to Fruit Softening苹果果实β-Gal和LOX活性变化特性及其与果实软化的关系
3.Biological Role of EXP in Postharvest Fruit Softening and Lignification;EXP在采后果实软化和木质化中的生物学效应
4.Effects of Acetaldehyde on Fruit Softening and Pectin Metabolism in Peach at Two Temperatures“绿化9号”桃果实软化及果胶代谢中乙醛作用的影响
5.Research on the Degradation Characteristic of Cell Wall Polysaccharides during Peach Fruit Softening;桃果实软化过程中细胞壁多糖降解特性的研究
6.Effects of Calcium on Ethylene-promoted Muskmelon Soften钙在乙烯促进网纹甜瓜果实软化过程中的作用
7.Research Advancement in Relation of Enzymes for Cell Wall Metabolism with Fruit Softening细胞壁分解酶与果实软化的关系研究进展
8.Study on Regulation and Mechanism of Calcium on Ethylene-induced Muskmelon Softening钙调控乙烯诱导网纹甜瓜果实软化效果及其作用机制研究
9.Effects of 1-MCP、Callcium and Modified Atomosphere on Apple Fruit Softening in Postharvest1-MCP、Ca和限制性气调(MA)处理对采后苹果果实软化的影响
10.Cloning and Expression Analysis of β-Galactosidase Gene Related to Softening of Banana (Musa sp.) Fruit香蕉果实软化相关β-半乳糖苷酶基因的克隆及其表达分析(英文)
11.The Regulation Mechanism of Calcium on Ethylene Biosynthesis and Signal Transduction and Its Effect on Fruit Softening in Tomato;钙对番茄乙烯生物合成和信号转导的调控机理及果实软化的影响
12.Studies on Effects of Salicylic Acid on Fruit Softening and Senescence and Its Mechanism of Actinidia;外源水杨酸对猕猴桃果实软化衰老的影响及其机制研究
13.The Control of MA Cold Storage in Nectarine Fruits During Ripening and Softening;MA冷藏对油桃果实成熟软化的控制
14.The Effect of 1-MCP Treatment on Persimmon Fruits during Ripening and Softening;1-MCP处理对杮果实成熟软化的影响
15.Progress in Studying Genes Related to Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) Fruit Ripening and Softening草莓果实成熟软化相关基因研究进展
16.Differences in Banana Internal and Outer Pulp during Ripening and Softening香蕉果实后熟过程中果肉软化差异的研究
17.Effects of post-harvest treatment with low temperature on softening and senescence of the Chinese Jujube Fruit (Zizyphus Jujuba Mill)低温对枣果实采后软化衰老的生理效应
18.The Influence of Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism and Related Enzymes on Peach Fruit Maturation and Softening;活性氧代谢及相关酶对桃果实成熟软化的影响

1.Changes in Cell Wall Components and Related Hydrolytic Enzymes in Fruit Softening;果实软化的胞壁物质和水解酶变化
3)Fruit ripening and softening果实后熟软化
1.This paper reviewed studies on kiwifruit ripening and softening and its regulation including fruit softening-related enzymes such as pectinesterase(PE), polygalacturonase (PG), xyloglucan endotransglycosylase ( XET ), β-galactosidase, cellulase, starchase, the regulation of ethylene,abscisic acid(ABA), indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) on fruit ripening and the effect of calcium on fruit ripening.本文综述了猕猴桃果实后熟软化及其调控方面研究进展,内容涉及果实软化的相关酶:多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)、果胶脂酶(PE)、木葡聚糖内糖基转移酶(XET)、β-半乳糖苷酶、纤维素酶、淀粉酶;植物激素乙烯、脱落酸、生长素对果实软化的调控;钙与果实的后熟软化的影响。
4)fruit softening and senescence果实软化衰老
5)Flesh softening果肉软化
6)fruit soft rot莲雾果实软腐病
1.Investigation and identification of fruit soft rot of imported Syzygium samarangen.;进境莲雾果实软腐病的调查与鉴定

茶树果实茶树果实fruit of tea plant 茶树果实(fruit of tea plant)茶树繁衍的主要器官,包括果壳和种子两部分,分别由茶花雌蕊的子房壁和胚珠发育而成。果壳保护种子发育和带助种子传播。 茶果的形状,随果实内种子数目而异,每果一粒种子的近圆形,两较种子的近长椭圆形,三粒种子的茶树果实与种子近三角形,四粒种子的近四方形,五粒种子的似梅花形。菠果的外壳为深绿色,到茶果成熟时,则完全变为拐色。摘果的外壳由成片的石细胞构成,石细胞之间贯穿着带状的维管束。壳的内质部是由无色有核的细胞组成.也有很多的石细胞,起保护种子作用。朔果的内壁为内表皮内壁木质化呈纤维执菊果成熟时沿背缝线开裂,开裂后中央残留柱状体,有3一4个裂片。果壳开裂后,茶果自行落于地面。 茶树种子大多为棕揭色,少数为黑色或黑揭色。其结构可分为外种皮、内种皮与种胚三部分:外种皮由石细胞、薄壁细胞、维管束及内膜等组成。外缘石细胞的细胞壁一般有7一9层,中央有细胞腔。向内是卷曲的维管束,紧接维管束是5一6层薄壁细胞,横向排列,长方形。最内是一层极薄的内膜。石细胞除中央细胞腔外,并有向细胞壁方向排列、呈放射状的很小纹孔,纹孔随细胞壁的增厚象蜘蛛网经线一样与中央细胞腔相通。石细胞细胞腔纹孔为各种代谢物(主要是果胶与盐类)所充塞,一般外种皮的色泽随填充物的色泽而变化。石细胞之间有粗、细导管纵横交错相接,构成种皮内外曲折的通道,茶籽萌发时成为水分、空气等由外进入种子的通路。 内种皮与外种皮连接,由数层长方形细胞和一些愉导组织组成,表面为赤褐色。种子干操时,内种皮脱离外种皮,紧贴于种胚,随着种胚的缩小而形成许多皱纹。愉导组织又主要是一些级纹导管)在种子成熟过程中有翰导营养物质的作用,在种子发芽时则负担吸收水分的性能。内种皮的下层有一层拟脂质形成的薄膜,种子发芽时拟脂类即分解转化。 种胚又称种仁,由胚根、胚茎、胚芽和子叶四部分构成。两片子叶肥厚、饱满,中间有一隔缝,胚体与子叶通过子叶柄相连接。胚根朝着珠孔,形如较钝的小锥。胚根的尖端为生长点,细胞排列紧密。生长点以上为根冠.细胞壁较薄,体积较大.排列琉松。最外缘是一层排列十分整齐的薄璧周缘细胞,有的没有明显的核。