1.Study on Organogenesis and Dry Substance Accumulation of Bupleurum chinense;北柴胡器官建成与干物质积累规律的研究

1.Rice Apex Development and Organ Formation Model;水稻顶端发育与器官建成的模拟模型
2.Study on Leaf-Age-Model Cultivated Methods for Barley High-Yield I. Leaf-Age-Nodel of Barley Organ Formation大麦高产叶龄模式栽培法的研究 Ⅰ.大麦器官建成的叶龄模式
3.Responses of Cotton Varieties with Different Maturity to Sowing Date in Morphology and Main Physiological Characters;不同熟性棉花品种器官建成及主要生理性状对播期的反应
4.Analysis on the Volatile Components in Different Flower Parts of Cymbidium ensifolium建兰花器官不同部位挥发性香气成分差异性分析
5.Of or relating to the organs involved in the formation and excretion of urine.泌尿器官的尿液形成及排泄器官的,与这些器官有关的
6.all-organ magnetic resonance imager全身器官核磁共振成像器
7.TO: Build a Weapons Module immediately.战术情报官:立即建造武器研究舱。
8.A Metaphor Construction Study of Chinese Idioms about Human Organs;汉语人体器官类俗语的隐喻构建研究
9.Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses a powerful magnetic field to create detailed computer images of the body's soft tissue, large blood vessels and major organs.应用核磁领域技术创建详细的计算机处理图像,在身体的软组织、大血管和主要器官成像上。
10.a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse.疾病或长久不用造成的器官体积缩
11.a herniation through the muscular wall of a tubular organ (especially the colon).通过管状器官的壁形成的疝。
12.the formation of stonelike objects within a body organ (e.g., the kidneys).人体器官(如肾)内石状物体的形成过程。
13.This causes the pancreas to work overtime and ultimately destroys the organ.这造成胰腺超负荷运作,最终损伤器官。
14.Totipotent cells can generate an entire organism.可是万能细胞可以发育成完整的器官。
15.Study of the Molecular Machenism of Rice Shoot Apex Organogenesis;水稻苗顶端器官形成的分子机制研究
16.The Primary Research on Organogenesis of Pancreatic Anlagen Transplantation;胚胎胰组织移植器官形成的实验研究
17.Study on formation and effect of "organ-projection theory";论卡普“器官投影”说的形成及影响
18.A study of glaze of guan porcelain of Qing Dynasty;清代官窑瓷器的透明釉成分分析研究

Organ reconstitution器官重建
3)synthetic organ合成器官
1.Explant and Phytohormone Effects on Organogenesis in Scarlet Eggplant ( Solanum Aethiopicum L. );不同外植体及激素对红茄器官形成的影响
2.The Primary Research on Organogenesis of Pancreatic Anlagen Transplantation;胚胎胰组织移植器官形成的实验研究
3.Cytomorphology of organogenesis in filament culture of Lilium Asiatic Hybrids亚洲百合花丝离体培养器官形成的细胞形态学研究
5)morphogenesis and abscission models器官建成与蕾铃脱落模型
6)organ forming area器官形成区

植物生殖器官建成  即生殖器官花、果实和种子的分化生长过程。高等植物开花后的阶段通常称生殖生长期。花、果实和种子的形成过程见花、果实、种子。