1.A Extremely Late Maturing Longan VarietyLidongben;特晚熟龙眼新品种‘立冬本
2.Study was conducted on the change of fresh weight,moisture and the aril total-sugar of logan before and after the fruit cluster nutation by choosing the extremely serotinous variety-Lidongben.以晚熟龙眼品种立冬本为试材,研究了果穗垂头前后果实鲜重、各组织的水分及假种皮总糖的变化。
3.In order to explore the fruit development of extremely late maturing Longan species (Lidongben),the dynamic changes of fresh and dry weight,as well as the distribution of moisture and solute content in whole fruit or different parts of fruit were analysed by measurement of fruit weight at various maturing periods.为探讨特晚熟龙眼立冬本果实的发育过程,采用不同时期鲜、干重测定法,对立冬本龙眼全果和各组织鲜、干重变化动态及水分、溶质的需求和分配进行了研究,结果表明:立冬本龙眼果实及各部组织以鲜重、干重表示的生长型均为单“S”型;果皮鲜重、干重随果实发育而逐渐地增大,果实成熟时仍在上升;假种皮的形成和幼胚的出现时间相近,但干物质的积累则落后于胚;果实发育前期水分、溶质主要供给果皮、果核的生长,后期重点供应假种皮的迅速生长;成熟果实中,水分分配给假种皮的比例最高,溶质则在种子内占的比例最大。

1.Effects of Bagging Time on Growth,Development and Quality of ‘Lidongben’ Longan Fruit套袋时期对‘立冬本’龙眼果实生长发育和品质的影响
2.Round about the beginning of winter he got drunk again.在立冬前后吧,他又喝醉。
3.Zhao Lingdong is a private middle school student in Beijing.赵凌冬就读于北京一所私立中学。
4.The Modeling and Simulation of Biathlon Standing Shooting Position;冬季两项立姿射击姿态的建模与仿真
5.Studies on the Establishment of Rapid Propagation System in Vitro of Lonicera Confusa华南忍冬Lonicera confusa离体快繁体系的建立
6.Establishment of a cDNA-AFLP System in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Primer Screening沙冬青cDNA-AFLP体系的建立及引物筛选
7.Establishment of Regeneration Clone and Rapid Propagation of Liriope spicata山麦冬组织培养及无性系建立的研究
8.Area closed for winter. No snow removal maintenance本地区冬季关闭,不进行除雪工作。
9.In the winter and spring, candidates run against members of their own parties.春季和冬季,候选人在本党内进行角逐。
10.These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham:丹麦军已在切本哈姆扎下准备过冬,
11.Our restaurant's chafing dishes in winter fill the air with warmth.本酒家冬季火锅,暖意融融。
12.The fundamental thesis of this book goes back to the winter of 1919-20.书的基本论点可以追溯到1919-1920年冬天。
13.Extreme winter cold is the main hazard in this area.冬季极端低温是本区主要的危险。
14.The product is intended for the winter vehicle design, comfort, softness.本产品专为冬天汽车设计,舒适、柔软。
15.Try to Discuss the Plural Text Form of " If on a Winter s Night a Traveler";试论《寒冬夜行人》多元混杂的文本形式
16.The variations of winter temperature in DaLian were similar with those in china.大连地区冬季气温与全国冬季气温年代际变化的步调基本一致。
17.It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.地的一切疆界、你所立的.天和冬天、你所定的。
18.In the middle of the huge Palace Square stands the Alexander Column.巨大的冬宫广场中间竖立着亚历山大圆柱。

Winter begins.立冬
3)the Beginning of Winter(1 9th solar term);Winter Begins立冬(节气)
4)Climbing Honeysuckle藤本忍冬
1.The Study on the Cultivation and Application of Climbing Honeysuckle Resource;重点介绍了国内外藤本忍冬植物资源的栽培利用及杂交育种情况,对我国近年来从世界各地引种的新优藤本忍冬的栽培、繁殖及应用技术做了较为系统研究。
5)founding a base of nation立本
6)climbing honeysuckle plants藤本类忍冬
1.Comparative study on structure of leaf epidermis form and ecology adaptation of climbing honeysuckle plants in the northern China;北方地区藤本类忍冬叶表皮结构及其生态适应性比较研究

立冬【立冬】  立冬,则天气始肃,万物敛藏。是日持斋修道,即能致福也。