1.The seedling of mulberry can be propagated rapidly by tissue culture.果桑(Morus spp)具有很高的经济价值,是目前中国农业产业结构调整的优选树种。
2.The photosynthesis of mulberry is determined in the mulberry demonstration garden of Caoba Agricultural Farm of Yunnan Province.在云南省草坝农场果桑试验示范园对果桑的光合作用进行了测定。
3.Land preparation experiment of introduced mulberry variety named "big 10" was conducted at the mulberry cultivation base located at Kaiyuan city of Yunnan province.利用引入的“大 10”果桑品种于开远市果桑基地进行不同整地方式的种植试验, 试验结果表明: 不同的整地方式对果桑的生长及结实产生显著的影响。

1.Primary Survey on Sorosis Character of Speeies Resources of Guangdong Mulberry ( Morus atropurpurea Roxb)广东桑种果桑资源的桑椹性状初步研究
2.Extraction of Total Alkaloids in Red Mulberry (Morus rubra L.) Fruits from Xinjiang新疆红果桑果实总生物碱的提取工艺研究
3.Effect of Heavy Pruning in Different Periods on the Growing and Bearing Fruit of Da10 Mulberry不同时期重截对大十果桑生长结果的影响
4.SWOT analysis and marketing strategy research on Bosun mulberry juice宝桑园桑果汁SWOT分析及营销策略研究
5.Effects of Different Clarifiers on Clarification of Mulberry Fruit Wine不同澄清剂对桑果酒澄清效果的影响
6.North American mulberry having dark purple edible fruit.北美桑树,深紫色果实,可食。
7.European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit.欧洲种桑树,叶和果实为黑色。
8.any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry.桑属植物,果实可食,类似于黑莓。
9.Research on Comprehensive Prevention of Snail and Slug in Mulberry Field;桑果园蜗牛、蛞蝓综合防治技术研究
10.Study on clarification and color change of mulberry fruit wine桑椹果酒澄清工艺及色度变化的研究
11.Asiatic mulberry with white to pale red fruit; leaves used to feed silkworms.亚洲种桑树,果实有白到浅红各色;叶子用来喂养桑蚕。
12.The clarification technology of mulberry fruit juice by using pectinase was studied.用果胶酶对桑椹果汁进行了澄清工艺的试验。
13.sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus.甜的、深紫色的、像黑莓般的、桑属树的果实。
14.If that was so, he had really been around如果确实那样,那他倒真可算是饱经沧桑的了。
15.4) The results provide a new basis for taxonomy of Morus.研究结果为桑属植物的分群、分类提供了资料.
16.Study on the Processing of Improving the Stability of Mulberry Pigment of Mulberry Juice;提高桑椹果汁饮料颜色稳定性的工艺研究
17.Effect of Vapor Bath on Metabolism of Lactate After Exercise;桑拿蒸汽浴对运动后血乳酸代谢效果的研究
18.Study on the Fermentation and Chemical Ingredients Changes of Mulberry Vinegar桑椹果醋的发酵技术及其化学成分变化研究

1.Study on the technology of mulberry health-care vinegar;桑果保健醋发酵工艺研究
2.The extraction of red pigment from mulberry and its stability were studied.对桑果红色素的提取及稳定性进行了研究,结果表明:桑果红色素的最大吸收波长为480nm,较适宜的提取剂为乙醇,最佳的提取条件为:提取剂体积分数为80%,提取剂pH值为6,提取温度为40℃,提取时间为2 h。
3.The result showed that mulberry could be iced out in this condition according to its biological characteristic.根据桑果生物学特性,提出了对其进行真空密封冷藏的方案,并用L9(34)正效表安排试验。
3)mulberry fruit桑果
1.Research progress of physiologically active compounds and product development of mulberry fruit桑果生理活性成分及其产品开发研究进展
2.The color of Chinese goosebeery(Actinidia chinensis planch)wine is straw yellow, while mulberry fruits contain red pigment.猕猴桃酒颜色为淡黄色,鲜桑果富含桑红色素,本实验采用猕猴桃汁和桑果汁混和液经发酵,制得猕猴桃桑果复合果酒。
4)Morus Alba Linn.CV. Tortuosa (mulberry)龙桑果(桑椹)
5)Morus rubra L红果桑果实
1.Extraction of Total Alkaloids in Red Mulberry (Morus rubra L.) Fruits from Xinjiang新疆红果桑果实总生物碱的提取工艺研究
6)mulberry fruit wine桑椹果酒

果桑(mulberry)  果桑(mulberry) 桑科桑属,多年生落叶果树乔木或灌木。学名Morus spp.中国有8种。果桑原产中国,是最古老的果树之一。远在公元前1000多年前的殷商时代,蚕桑业已相当发达。中国蚕桑业很早就传播国外。汉代以后传入中亚、欧洲,约在4世纪时传入印度。20世纪后,世界桑树分布地区有亚洲东部、东南部,欧洲南部,北美南部,南美西北部以及非洲西北部等。 特征与特性:树高8-15m,树冠直径12-15m,枝干层次不明显。枝条细长而直。叶片卵圆形或广卵圆形,长6-15cm,淡绿色,平滑,背面为淡绿色有柔毛或近于无毛。潜伏芽寿命长。雌雄异株;花单性,花柱很短,柱头分裂如牛角状。雌花授粉受精后,柱头枯萎,子房和花被渐渐肥大,整个花序成为多肉的浆果,是聚花果,由许多小核果构成,俗称桑椹,呈白色、淡红色或紫黑色,味极甜。 在华北地区,4月开花,6月果实成熟。春季地温达5℃以上根系开始活动;气温达12℃,冬芽萌发;25-30℃枝条生长最快,40℃以上光合作用降低,生长受抑制。秋季气温降到12℃以下,枝条生长停止。 桑对土壤要求不严,以土层深厚、排水良好、具有适当水分和肥力的沙质壤土或壤土生长最好,对土壤酸碱度的适应性比较广泛,但以pH值6.0-6.5的微酸性土生长更好。 桑比较耐旱,以土壤最大持水量70-80%生长最适。在生长季内,壤土水分降到9.5%,粘土降到17%左右时,叶开始枯萎。 主要品种有:白桑、黑桑。 生产上广泛采用的繁殖方法有嫁接、扦插等;也有用实生繁殖的。嫁接繁殖以本砧,黑桑、山桑作砧木,用芽接或枝接,成活率80-90%。栽植距离以4m×4m或4m×5m为宜,南方温暖地区宜冬栽,北方寒冷地区宜春栽。对肥料利用率为氮72%、磷35%、钾59%,因此按照5:3:4的比例进行施肥。 桑主要病虫害有桑细菌性黑枯病、桑褐斑病、桑干枯病、桑紫纹羽病等;桑天牛、桑毛虫、桑尺蠖、桑蟥、金龟子等。 桑椹成熟早,营养丰富,含糖量 12-21%、含酸量0.3-3.5%,果胶0.94%,矿物质0.89%,还有多种维生素。